Forum Post: Occupy 2.0 Create Our Own Eco-Village
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 18, 2012, 3:46 p.m. EST by quantumystic
from Memphis, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
we should pool our resources and buy an old resort hotel or military base. re-purpose the facilities into a wonderful nerve center for the movement. first inviting skilled individuals to convert the facilities to serve our needs and parameters. then once the facilities have been converted to an autonomous and sustainable eco village we can open up to the public at large allowing as many people to live and work in the village as the resources will allow. once this model is established as a working model. when the system collapses and people see how well our system works they will jump at the opportunity to establish eco-villages in their locals. many of these places are designed to operate like small villages anyways by adding onsite food and energy production we will simply be closing the loop.
That would be awesome. I think we could also stake a legitimate claim on underutilized land and make a case for the End of Growth if anyone challenges it.
In much of the world, ive seen in Mexico the people who want a place for a home just set up a bunch of shacks, on a rich dudes unoccupied land. I think after a while they have a right to be there.
You can do it here too. The legal concept is called adverse possession. Find a building or piece of land, occupy it openly and with the intention to possess it for a period of 10 years (15 years in some states) and you own it! You can then file a lawsuit to obtain legal title. So if you have the gumption to go out and build yourself a commune, you can probably do so. And there are lots of brownfields, abandoned factories and other such places where you could probably do it. All you gotta do is get out there and build your eco-village. Just like Thoreau.
I've had the same thought.
Might be a good retirement option
Organizing with no money is not that easy.
its plenty easy have you ever seen a flashmob?
Im talking about real organizing, not a flashmob. Real organizing takes moving parts and long term commitments from extremely dedicated people with drive (very hard to find), not showing up at the mall at 2pm to do a dance.
You are right, it takes a righteous cause.