Forum Post: Occupy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 10:14 a.m. EST by Thrasymaque
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 10:14 a.m. EST by Thrasymaque
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Great Idea i am going to market these and keep the money for myself just like Jay-Z is doing with his shirts. All the liberal suckers will buy it also. Thanks for the copy.
Nothing wrong with making money.
Glad you agree. Wonder why you support a movement who wants to destroy capitalism.
I support them because I know they will not succeed. I believe they will help the system by awakening many people, then be replaced by something more organized. For now, I think they are useful. In the long run, I believe in controlled capitalism. Like Canada.
What are the main differences between US and Canadian capitalism? I think the US has a problem with corporatism run-amok. I'm no expert on Anti-Trust regulations, but I think our Anti Trust has been degraded over time, which is causing big Corps to become too BIG. Whatever percieved benefits, are being outweighed by a greater cost to society (less competition, too powerful). I need to do more homework on that one.
Canada has many more social programs in place. Like health care for all to name only one. Our system resembles more a country like Sweden than it does US. US has always feared social programs as they are constantly linked to communism by the Republicans. Hillary Clinton tried to pass health care reform, but her campaign was smeared by the Republicans.
We have a much better separation of government and money. And bank regulations are stronger.
Yes, but what of all those nasty stories we hear about Canadians (or is it Canadiens? is that spelling just for the hockey team?) coming to the US for better medical care? How are elections funded in Canada?
I love Canada, by the way! They invented hockey! ok, I think it was actually some Native Americans before that. But Canada perfected modern hockey as we know it! Canada Rocks!
Since health care is paid by the government and free for all, it means that the service is the same for the poor or the rich. Now, if you need a certain surgery but it isn't pressing, you will have to wait your turn. You cannot pay the hospital to pass in front of others. Everyone is equal. Rich Canadians who do no want to wait sometimes go to US.
With a system like Canada, hospitals are busier because everyone can go when they are sick. A lot of people go for little things, just to make sure. This means the hospitals are busier and you often have to wait pretty long. I live in Indonesia now, and I have to pay for the hospital. It's much faster because most Indonesians can't afford it. When they are sick, they stay at home unless it is very major, and even then some can't afford it.
Elections are funded by the government. Each party receives some money to run their campaign. The amount of money depends on the size of the party. This means new parties need to prove themselves before they start getting more money. It works pretty well, and the face of Canadian politics changes a bit more than US. We are not stuck in a two party system. For example, the NDP was a small party not too long ago, but they have become the official opposition in the last elections, and one of the big parties was almost destroyed. They went from 50 some seats to 4.
I like it. Sounds like the Canadians are onto something. I think all that hockey has something to do with it!
You know what America has that Canada doesn't other than a large population? Significant ethic diversity. America will never be peaceful, or fair, because of all of our diversity. it is insanity to try. We must end corruption and control Washington instead of expecting them to do everything.
Ethic or ethnic diversity?
Ethnic i was just typing fast. We can never agree on anything in America because so many groups want to be treated special, instead of as an American.
There's a lot of ethnic diversity in Canada also. It's one of the most diverse countries in the world. Vancouver is around 50% Chinese. Toronto about 50% immigrants. Montreal is also very mixed. When I go to Vancouver, I'm essentially a visible minority.
Fun fact from that link:
No offense but Canada has 10% of our population in a similar area as America. You do not have lots of dense urban areas like we do. Most of your different ethnic groups are not complaining that they are not treated specially, while ours are. Thats the difference. We have more of each ethnicity than you have in your entire country except for jews who are a very small population.
The size of the population has not much to do with it. 35,000,000 is already enough to find discord. BTW - I just read that Toronto is the most ethnically diverse city in the world. I don't think America is more ethnically diverse. Pretty much every ethnicity in the world exists in Canada. Ethnic diversity is not measured by the number of people in each ethnic group, just the number of ethnic groups that exist.
The main difference is that America tries to be a melting pot. Canada tries to be a multicultural web.
The entire south would like to separate. Not because of racial reasons but because of idealistic ones. Here is our problem. We have major population centers in the northeast and west. Lots of crime, lots of welfare people, lots of poverty. Those areas do not have the same freedoms a lot of the rest of the states have. And so they they want everything. They want government control, government aid, etc, because it sucks to live in a big US NE city. West coast cities aren't that bad but they have bad areas. I would love to have the south and the midwest break away from the northeast and their nanny state ideas and huge expenses. We could all live peacefully and they could continue with their liberal experiment. Obviously you can see how well it works in Illinois and Chicago. The biggest cesspool in the country.
Population makes a big difference. I am not going to say more because i will be called a racist, even though i am nothing of the sort. America has problems that Canada does not. Shortages of resources being one of them.
Population does make a difference for things like resources, but I don't think it makes much of a difference for problems regarding ethnical diversity. Do you have a state that wants to separate? We have Québec, British-Columbia, and Alberta. Québec always talks about it, the other two mention it from time to time. The reason is ethnical.