Forum Post: Occupiers Unite!!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:50 a.m. EST by occupywallstreetbabycom
This content is user submitted and not an official statement is a new site in order to come to a common ground with occupiers across the globe and specifically in America. We have to stand together! So there will be a true voting system put into place with different counters everytime and the voting online will be done with an automatic counting system. Counted by IP addresses. One address cannot vote more than once. And the majority vote wins. Votes like but not limited too... What do we march for next or what problem will we address or where will the march take place. Everyone has a voice and you can choose what you would like with out fear of hurting anyones feelings. This is what true Democracy looks like. Everyone has a voice but everyone does not get what they want at that time. I am frequently on Occupy Wall Street and I have came to the Conclusion that we have no idea where we are going but everyone is frustrated about it. So now let us Unite and move in one direction to get some things accomplished! www.OccupiersUnite.Org The Site will be completely for the people and by the people and with the people. No Donations are going to be accepted through site as of right now because The funds need to be used by each individual To maintain theirselves through this hard time. Make comments on the website as to what you would like to see us do first as a movement. Seperate Corp. from State. Or boycott the banks til we get the bail out money back. There are so many options and opinions so let your be heard here.