Forum Post: 'Occupiers' Keep Holiday Food from Hungry Poor..............
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 10:45 a.m. EST by brettdecker
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
( We hear how much the Occupiers love the "99%." But they're not going to let the 99%'s desire to eat get in the way of spreading their completely nonsensical message.
1 word - Disgraceful
From reading many of the postings here, OWS see people as an ignorant obstacle that must be pushed aside so that they can accomplish their goals for the greater good. OWS seems to think that the "99%" are too dumb to be as enlightened as they are so they must come to our rescue. Quite conceited and delusional.
More love and caring complements of OWS.