Forum Post: Occupiers didn't succeed in Shutting down any Port
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 13, 2011, 4:01 p.m. EST by Karl101
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupiers didn't succeed in Shutting down any Port. Unions don't support them. Just a bunch of idealistic college kids.
Yes they shut down three ports, but you will not have hurd it on mainstreem news
You show your simple mindedness with that comment, shutting down the flow of products shuts down the operation! The local (TRUSTED) media announced 3 ports had been shut down. Contractually the drivers couldn't participate but as with any public protest they do not interfere! so it's your turn......go ahead curse curse curse oh I so offended!
Lord have mercy. Did ships stop dead in the water because of you? Was there a line of ships offshore waiting to dock because of you? Did you have some sort of seagoing embargo think happenin'?
Yes I guess you were there counting RIIIGGGHT!
Dude, you really don't have a clue about how ports even work man. Shutting down a port is a lot more than stopping trucks.
Really, be a good little schmuck and read about ports, and about captains of the port, and about federal law regarding port closures.
GO AWAY! your not agitating me or anyone else your just making a fool of yourself and showing everyone how fearful of change you are....get some balls boy!
Longshoremen and women have BIG BALLS little boy. Do you know any workers at your job that died working the same dangerous job you do? I've lost 5 brother workers, they died just doing their job. It could happen to any Longshoreman. We know this every time we step on the waterfront. Longshoreman have paid in BLOOD!
The closest you have ever got to a longshoreman is you user name phoney!
How intelligent. Your right! How do you know who I am? How does anyone really know who or what anyone or thing is on this web of lies. Maybe I am not a Longshoreman, maybe I am. Maybe the port truck drivers are not who they say. No one really knows do they? Are you really Paul? Who knows! Research the ILWU. Look up the great strike of 1934. Look up bloody Thursday! I could be an alien life form for all anyone knows. But history is real! Look up the history of the USA and the ILWU....PMA patsy!
OK see ya by
You haven't done your research, lemming. Shoo fly.
Thank-you for your research.
No you didn't do a damn thing. Why were there hundreds of truckers waiting to work if an action was in force? It appears the majority of the truckers wanted to work not protest. If all the port truck drivers were unified, the roads leading to the ports would have been devoid of big rigs. They were full of truckers wanting to work. Just stating the facts
It shows the truckers we care.
I agree with simplesimon, you haven't a clue about how ports work. There is s NO STRIKR clause in the current contract. If there are any labor actions it is first voted upon by the rank and file. Democratically. The ILWU is practices on of the pureist firms of democracy. Of the people by the people. We decide our OWN fate. Look up Harry Bridges, founder of the ILWU. Great strike if 1934. Realize how many Longshoremen died for workers rights. And by the way, I counted at least 20! Restrooms and outhouse's for the port truckers, on one terminal!
All the TROLL comments in this post are a shame even your corrupted media tells you the ports were shut down and your still in fear of losing you little pathetic dream. "Government would never screw me over; Wall Street is my friend; I'm more than just a resource to my company" You know....... it's like the guy who buys the new car and has nothing but trouble with it but when asked hows your new car running he always replies “Great, best car I ever owned.” Get real, what is that pride, the incapability of being proven wrong, or just plain stupid!
Mr Pallg5, y Calm down. You are in the anger stage, next comes denial. After that you will get into the acceptance stage i.e. accept that the occupy movement is dying.
not dying growing! Go count the hits on facebook and twitter all the socials the numbers are through the roof! And soon even the special needs TROLLS like you will be more aware of the progress of the movement and join along!
Mr Paulg5, OK things are moving fast, you are now in the denial stage. Looking forward to acceptance next!
Well. I think we are trying too hard to get recognition from the unions. We are the 99%, and union people are not the 99%. The workers they represent are. A lot of the union people are also politicians. We are also not getting much support from the unions in the UK either. My own opinion is that union leaders have too much of a big ego, and that clashes with the overall ethos of Occupy.
On a good note, we are getting plenty of support. This is coming actually from people from the right wing, churches, small businesses, children, older people, army veterans, retired people, interestingly police men and women and younger workers. We should encourage our supporters and grow from there, rather than running after those who don't really like our message.
hey - when you somehow manage to lose the unions - you know your out there in left field lol! you are all alone making fools of yourselves now
i doubt any of those groups support occupy movement, in any meaningful numbers. To see the occupiers break the law and follow communist revolution steps is upsetting and alarming.
Well. Unfortunately for you (I'm sure you are an executive from the greedy banks), these people do support us. I know it for a fact. You bank executives are loathed by the 99%. Why? Becuase you have caused so many people distress. Many have even commited suicide due to your bank actions. All based on avarice and selfishness. You don't care though, do you. Heartless monsters.
I dont know if anyone has noticed but in nearly every posting OccupyCentre says the following, "YOU bank executive" or "YOU are a greedy banker." NEARLY EVERY POST he uses that. It is as if his dad or mother was a banker and they made him clean up his room every day and told him to stop playing with himself in bed. He has a problem with his parents,,,, not bankers.
You are so funny. How old are you? Does your mommy know that you are using the computer?
He's old enough to know not to do your MOM! Crotch Cricket momma!
He accused you of being a bank executive. That's one of the funniest things that I've ever seen on this web site in months.
Well I accuse you of being an asshole!
That is funny. Yes i'm writing this from my corner office on Wall Street. One moment, i have to close on a one billion dollar deal.
Your mom's really packin them in!
A sign of an extremist is that they see the entire world as being divided between "us" and "them". Anybody who disagrees with an extremist is "them". So anybody who disagrees with this particular anti-banker protester must be a banker. Al Qaeda members and Westboro Baptist Church protesters also think the same way if you disagree with them then you must be an infidel, or gay, respectively. Extremists everywhere think the same way, they just oppose different Satans.
Are you talking about me? I am not anti-banker. I thought I had explained that. I am against bank executives, not bankers, who actually put their own money at risk and actually started up the banks. The bank executives have plundered the wealth and goodwill built up by the bankers most of whom died many many years ago.
They were men of honor, not like these rotten criminals, bank employees who just take and destroy. Don't disgrace the name of the honorable bankers who gave vast sums to charity and built great institutions with the filthy selfish crooks who raid pension funds and use prostitution services paid for by the banks "computer fund".
Okay so that's even funnier. You're not opposed to bankers, you're specifically opposed to bank executives. They're your personal Satan. Therefore this guy who disagrees with you must be one of those. Absolutely hilarious.
I dont think bankers are men of honour, only because fractional reserve banking allows them to print money to the detriment of the regular citizen
O well. The bankers were at their peak over 100 years ago. They were the sort of men who built the country. An example was J P Morgan, banker, who died with a net worth of only $68 million. Banking executives these days pay themselves more than that for their bonus, the crooks.
Losing a bitch ain't it!
It wasn't meant to be funny. It makes me sick that banks are using their computers to write the junk you are writing. I guess you will be charging them plenty. Big bonus coming up this Christmas?
I do not understand "banks are using their computers" This is writen in TROLL Funny how far one get from the original post when one is WRONG!
I think that you are very naive and don't understand how the world works. Go live in a communist country or any third world country then come back to the U.S., you'll be kissing the good ol' USA ground and hugging all of the 'capitalist' you now hate.
Look you bankster. We don't hate any capitalists. We are after you guys. Better make the most of it. Jail awaits.
So let me get this straight, you think any banker is evil? Are you stupid? Do you know what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are? Do you know their involvement in the housing crisis? You should do some reading before you post. Most banks, bankers have nothing to do with the crisis.
Where did I blame bankers???
I blame bank executives, not the bankers. Bankers risk their OWN money. Bank executives simply thieve the money in bonuses.
Mr OccupyCenter, you aren't making any sense.
A banker is a person who puts up the capital for a bank. These criminals were are refering to are not bankers. The are bank executives. They do not risk 1 cent of their own money. They take bonuses whether the bank wins or loses. All sorts of people call themselves bankers, but they are not. The banker of many banks sadly is the government.
Karl, you make it seem as if the problem lies with the occupiers, rather than with the apathetic, divided, selfish, confused, cowardly, sometimes dumbed down American populace, who are so out of it; they have lost the most valuable thing of all...a constitutional republic and a legacy of freedom. The idealistic kids aren't the problem...the public is; and that's why they are so disrespected by the politicians, and power elites to the extent that they're being openly attacked with SB1867 The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, with indefinite detention, without due process for a "suspicion" .
Ms Rosewood, so the american populace is confused, cowardly, dumbed down?? Isn't the american populace the 99%? So what you are saying is that occupiers i.e. the 99% aren't the 99%. That's what i thought, the occupiers are just a bunch of radical, anarchist, communist,....definitely not normal good Americans they you so hate.
Is there a need to establish gender in this discussion..why ?
Yep....and yes....the majority of the 99%, are the actual problem. We're entering a military police state because the 99% comply, obey, and will follow whatever orders are given to them. Just give us a title, a uniform, some power of influence; throw some money our way...and we're good to go lol
This is my personal opinion; but it seems you need to lump all your fellow Americans into one monolitic group, when we're your neighbors, kids, teachers, students, vets, moms, dads etc.
A populace that loses it's constitutional republic; it's consitution; Bill of Rights; the greatest legacy of freedom known to man; clearly is not functioning to the level of what is required of citizens within a republic.
I see we're not into truth but more mind games...which is a waste of time. Why not just come out and oppose OWS, and see it as a threat...why play games ?
Yes the occupiers are the 99% who are aware, or becoming aware; and also able to take action and break with the status quo...the vanguard.
Ms Roseweed, Of course i see OWS as a threat. They are a sort of domestic terrorist and should be treated as such. But on the other hand if we ignore them they might self destruct .
So you're don't see the banker coup; the police state, fascism, SB 1867 The National Defense Authorization Act with global indefinite detention without due process; NorthCom with it's three combat battalions on home soil, violating Posse Comitatus; TSA with it's expanding viper teams, now on highways, mass transit; the merging of police and military; police depts who now have tanks and drones; the theft of over 64 trillion dollars from the 99%; the surveillance state; the suspension of the constitution and Bill of Rights as a threat....but OWS is hahahaha
Oh I see! Maybe this will help. I think they solve many of these types of problems on this website.
Well April I'm not urging you to converse; it's of your own volition.
Ms Rosewood, you are being a little paranoid,
Ms Karl, as the saying goes; I maybe paranoid, but that doesn't mean someone isn't after us. lol Whether I'm a raving paranoid schizo, the police state is here, and that should concern you more. It's interesting that you ignored my comment about NorthCom, posse comitatus etc. I prefer my paranoia to your denial.
You win some, you lose some. Occupy is a young movement and it is changing the mood and discourse on the nation and elsewhere for the better. The best idealistic yet practical people are who OWS is.
A PS- Occupy did close down Portland terminals
Occupy Protesters Shut Down Ports Across The West Coast Yesterday, And They're Just Getting Started AP|December 13, 2011|1,833|16
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(AP) OAKLAND, California (AP) — Heady with their successful attempts to block trucks and curb business at busy ports up and down the West Coast, some Occupy Wall Street protesters plan to continue their blockades and keep staging similar protests.
Thousands of demonstrators forced shipping terminals in California, Oregon, and Washington state, to halt parts of their operations Monday and some intend to keep their blockade attempts ramped up overnight.
At least one outside observer who has followed political movements for decades said the port blockades were an indicator of the disruptive activities likely to continue for months and right until next year's presidential elections
Read more:
I support OWS, but shutting down the ports didn't seem like the next best course of action to me. I'm hoping the next strategy has more widespread appeal.
I've spent a total now of two full days, once after the first Port of Oakland shutdown, and also yesterday, totally focused on one question: WHY shut down ports?
So far, no clear answers. I conclude that there is no answer. There is no clear message, no strategy aimed at any objective. The purpose of shutting down the ports was simply sabotage. Creating a disruption for the sake of creating a disruption.
The Occupy movement lacks high-level, strategic thinking. Martin Luther King described four basic steps in direct action. The first involved high-level, strategic thinking. The next two were about optimizing the effectiveness of the action. The FOURTH and LAST step in direct action is the actual action. The Occupy movement skipped the first three steps, which results in unproductive, or counter-productive, action.
Acting without first thinking is useless. If this movement supposedly is taking a cue from the civil rights protests, as many Occupiers believe it is, then the movement needs to actually learn something from the civil rights protestors. THINK before acting.
It's particularly offensive when disinfo/psyop agents who seek to influence public perception utilize and subvert the intention of the civil rights movement and Martin Luther King; who was killed by the power elites because he did disrupt the system and seek through that disruption to unite the 99% in a quest for social and economic justice. You can't get much lower than to have the minions of the 1%, who killed MLK, and terrorized the civil rights movement; now using that legacy to launch a psyop war against the OWS movement.
If there was a clear answer to my question, "WHY", and I was fighting to bury or twist that message, then you could accuse me of being a "psyops agent". (You would still seem a little like a paranoid crackpot for using that language.) But when I'm just asking over and over, "why?", I don't see how you can accuse me of playing some kind of state-sponsored mind-control games. I'm simply asking: what was the strategic objective in shutting down the ports? What was the intended benefit that justified the cost?
In another post some port workers explained to you at length; even making a statement; which you clearly ignored. Instead you use the psyop technique of using one of your enemies; the civil rights movement; to contain the OWS movement...use one enemy to defeat, your other enemy.
The MLK and the civil rights movement were considered domestic terrorists; communists; enemy belligerants; extremists and miltants; who disrupted commerce, and the staus qo, to the extent that they were considered threats to national security, and King assasinated.
Yet here is an operative using the asymmetrical warfare and psyop technique of using the legacy of the civil rights movement to contain the OWS movement. How low can you people go...really.
I read an open letter from five truck drivers about how truck drivers at ports don't have restrooms. I didn't ignore that. It just seems to have absolutely nothing to do with Occupy. Is the goal of the Occupy movement to get restrooms for truck drivers at shipping ports? Was that supposed to be my answer? Is that supposed to make me feel like all of this energy is being directed in a productive way? Restrooms for truck drivers?
I know as an op, you've seen how the French come out willingly, in the millions, and peacefully immobilize their own system, inorder to contain their government. The en masse direct action, tempers, preps, fortifys and empowers the people, in the art of containing the excesses of government, and sends a message to the power elites..duh. As a result of this knowledge of how to create solidarity in an entire populace; the french government is more responsive and respectful of it's people; also remembering the guillotine. Americans mentally and psychologically do not have this skill and capacity as yet; and you and Congress it seems, are here to make sure they never do.
So aside from accusing me of being a conspiracy mind-control operative, you're telling me that the purpose of the shutdown of the ports was to practice sabotaging our nation's infrastructure, and to send a message that the Occupy movement is capable of sabotaging infrastructure? I've been warning all of this time about how mainstream America might get the wrong idea and start to think that the Occupy movement is just out to sabotage, and you're telling me that they wouldn't be getting the wrong idea at all? That's pretty scary, but your paranoid language leads me to take anything that you say with an even bigger grain of salt than normal.
What you a COINTELPRO operative call sabotaging infrastucture, seeking once again to build OWS as a terrorist and extremist movement; is called non-violent protest; a constitutional duty required of citizens when the politicians and government are no longer following the dictates of the constitution, nor responsive to We the People.
SB 1867 unconstitutional; NorthCom, and it's battalions on home soil, is unconstitutional; the patriot Act; TSA, Homeland Insecurity is unconstitutional. The coup d' etat that has occured is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Yet under this pillaging and sacking of America; this banker takeover of the legitamate government of the United Staes, you as a minion of the 1% seek to classify OWS as a terrorist/extremist group. You are indeed a minion of the 1%, operating on this board.
Another conspiracy theory nutjob.
lol. Never boring.
It has everything to do with OWS and the quest for social and economic justice. What right do you have to continually use the legacy of MLK and the civil right movement to undermine OWS ? How dare you ! How dare you use psyops which is only to be used on enemy forces, not against the American people. I really don't care how a cointel op feels guys would sell your mothers out.
A "cointel op"? "Enemy forces"? You're using paranoid, crackpot, extremist language to object to my constructive criticism that Occupy's recent actions could be viewed as dangerously extremist?
When people donate money to the Occupy movement, do you think that they're crossing their fingers and hoping that their money gets focused on accomplishing ... restrooms for truck drivers at shipping ports? Is that really what all of this is all about?
Your paranoid language about me being some kind of government operative in your conspiracy theory is entertaining, but you're dodging my question. What was the objective in the attempted shutdown of the ports?
Using the french as an example, in reference to closing ports; I think I've indicated how the knowledge, and capacity, in a populace, of how to create solidarity, and peacefully immobilize their own system; aids in sending a message to the elites, and containing the government's abuse of power. Has that clarified your persistent question about ports, or are you going to continue subverting ?
I'll tell you again, stop using MLK and the civil rights movements to attack OWS...understood ! Stop using psyops against the American people; and OWS !
It wasn't just about restrooms, and hopefully people who read your posts will be warned that you subvert, manipulate, trivialize, lie, and distort, and use the full repertoire of dirt bag psyop techniques against OWS.
Actually, the reverse is happening. Most people who read your discussion with TechJunkie realize he is using arguments to defend his case and you are constantly fighting back using logical fallacies. Your whole position rests on the logical fallacy of appeal to motive. It makes you look extremely weak and gives credence to TechJunkie.
I suggest you stop calling him a Cointelpro psyops and start producing real counter-arguments. Unfortunately, it's people like you who do not know how to debate that make OWS look bad.
I'm an individual, and I'll debate TechJunkie in whatever way I see fit to; and I could care less whether I appear weak to observers.I'm not here to entertain you, or anyone else; and anyone stupid enough to assess a global movement based on the comments of one individual, clearly lacks the cognitive capacity to discern reality, nevertheless the truth.
For a fact there are thousands of agents out there, some paid, and some just socialized and indoctrinated to fulfill the role of an agent; like kids indoctrinated by DHS to inform on parents; or the recent See Something; Say Something that is programing the populace to become informants for the DHS. An agent doesn't have to be in the form of James Bond. I enjoy learning about psyops, and then trying to apply it. As a result on an AOL board; I was told to stop it by someone using psyops; I didn't stop exposing what I had learned; and the psyop techniques I identified; and as a result spyware was placed on my computer; I was told by the same person what I purchased, and my activities in the park feeding the squirrels. They knew my profession; and someone took a picture of my licese plate. My computer would turn itself on four times in a row in sucession. Having had this experience; I'm a bit more focused than most people on the deployment of psyops against the people...clearly you are not. I'm sure there are times when I'm in error; but it's a learning process; and one which you, nor anyone else have to partake of.
A co- woker ex military, when I asked why they did all that, when it was just a social site; said because you exposed then; and it was not their intention to be seen. He also warned that once you catch their attention; you're on their list for life.
As a result of this "hobby" trying to out ops; I saw that the site had embeded agents who had been on there for years; and whom toyed with the heads of the people, sometimes even systematically waging a psychological war on them to the extent of creating psychic trauma. I reported this to AOL, and asked for an investigation.
It's a fact that there are literally thousands of agents and operatives out there on the world wide where are they ? The pentagon once had a pdf file called War On The Net; and it was taken down when activists tried to expose it to the public.
We're being exposed to psyops everday; and it's a point of focus for me; because I had a terrifying experiene with it...and them. Now if you aren't interested in this, I understand; but I really don't care if you and others think this is panoia, stupidity or weakness.
The further deployment of agents and psyops is our future; and I intend to learn about this; and have few qualms about mis-identification in comments. If a person reminds me of cointelpro; then they're up to no good, and probably deserve the label.
At the point where a populace has lost control of it's government; it's congress, constitution and Bill of Rights; as a majority of people remain relatively immobilized, and unresponsive...get a freaking clue...we're being psyop'ed. Now have I indicated my position ?
Get ready to deny, deny deny.
Army embeds PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations
So you're saying there is no such thing as psyops; nor is it being deployed against the populace...and there is no such thing as disinfo ops, infiltrators, or informants; and if you speak of such things, it's symptomatic of mental illness. Well that establishes what team you're on hahaha
So is it your practice to speak with "nothing"...isn't that crazy ?
The Commander in Chief sent me here to talk to you. Xenia, from HU34xg, an informant of the Great Universal Order, controller and master of telepathic energy and wormholes, told me to tell you this:
You must continue to spread the word about psyops. Inform lower level government officials. Do not waste time talking to newspaper or television people. They will not share the information.
You must talk to clerks in government buildings. Xenia controls these people. Stay away from clerks of the court. They are your enemy.
On January 5, 2012, Xenia will return. You must get ready for her. Pack your suitcases, but keep them out of the closet. They watch you from there and will search your belongings.
That is all for now. You will receive further instructions in 18 days.
Factors 2, 3, and 6 are your redeemer.
You could have condensed all that and said I'm way too afraid, and cowardly to acknowledge the truth. Please stop asking me to.
Expansion to Factor 9. Implied, consent given. Elevate the code.
You are certainly free to indulge in paranoid conspiracy theories. I can't argue against that. It would be helpful if you supplied the names of the users that are being paid, and some evidence. One of the problems I have with your idea is that it really does not matter whether someone is paid or not. They write and provide arguments like anyone else, and the only way to counter these arguments are with proper debate. What you are doing is using a logical fallacy: appeal to authority. It does nothing to counter arguments, and just makes you look weak. If you can't debate properly, the best would be to simply ignore the issue.
The deployment of thousands of agents online, and off is not a conspiracy theory..nor will I be diverted from my quest. The fact that I told you of an alarming experience I had; which you just totally ignored, trivialized and labelled as mental illness, makes your position highly suspect as regards motive.
I mentioned this to a journalist, who also had a near encouter, and he was upset and what's going on with you. work to divert others....okay. Work to tell the masses that there is no such thing as psyops; no agents online or in the movement and on the board, and even if HE IS An doesn't matter.
Work the minds of others...not mine. The normal response is to ask questions, or exhibit concern about what I did none of that. Red flag. The last thing the minions want is a public that get's an itch to develope a hobby learning psyops, and it's deployment against the public; and a hot new fad to "out the op". Of course they're going to divert us away from that; and call it the double whamy of paranoid and conspiracy theory. If the paranoia doesn't stop you the conspiracy theory will hahaha
This will work on the gullible...not me. Got any more up your sleeve : )
"Out the op" is a new fad?!?
Who pays these "operatives"?
The pentagon announced th "War on The Net"...I'd bet they come under the military industrial establishment. Learning psyops=psychological operations should be a priority of the American people; since it's being deployed against them...and out the op was a seni-joke.
Have you considered using tin foil? To block the mind-control rays. I've heard that it can be effective when used in hats.
It's perfectly logical to me if you want to trivialize, ridicule, and divert the focus away from psyops=psychological operations;which is being deployed against the populace....after all psyops is warfare; and in it's most effective form it is covert, relying on stealth and deception...rght ?
So what? The only thing you can do is use proper debate. Either you counter their arguments like a man, or you ignore them. Using logical fallacies like an appeal to authority will get you nowhere and only makes you look weak because you don't have proper arguments.
Baloney....the reason they surveiled me is because they don't want people to LEARN psyops; and consciously LOOK for it; EXPOSE them; and TEACH others; to do the same.
STUDY psyops; and you will learn to SEE them; even as they seek to divert your attention, using redundancy; and emotionally charged terms so more of us, should FOCUS on learning psyops.
I see your forte is redundancy.
Repetition is the best way to teach children, and the slow witted.
Well don't waste your time with and TJ focus on those others; convince them that there is no such thing as agents, ops, infiltrators, and psyops ...and even if there doesn't matter lol
I remember the psyop techniques you were using on the other post; multiple usage calling OWS extremist, extremism, extemist language repeatedly; building an association between extremism and OWS; so don't even try the innocent act here. Your game has been identified.
You're calling me a government mind-control psy-ops agent while simultaneously objecting to me referring to you as an extremist. If you don't see the oxymoron then that's okay because I do.
Yes, I'm calling you a disinfo/psyop agent; NO you called OWS extremist.
You called it correctly. TJ is working against truth, the constitution, rights and freedom.
Consider, . . . as tempting as it is to reply in obvious troll thread titles like this thread, to not reply in them, but rather make your own thread about them and link to them as examples, but warn people to not post and make the sensation, confusion, distraction work for the infiltrators. Better yet find threads that they would never post in because the topic is too soluative to our situation, which the infiltrators cannot promote at all.
Yes, thank you...I'll consider that; though it's a habit to engage with them; and good practice. Geez can't I be the troll hunter lol
Point taken allowing the distraction to work for the infiltrators.
Right on. You see the thinking.
In the 9-11 world the axiom sounded like this. "Infiltrators will never approve or share information useful for gaining more truth."
Same things works for defense of the constitution.
Your case looks weaker and weaker when you post nonsensical claims like this. Fight the arguments, not the proposer. You're using an appeal to motive logical fallacy. Even if TechJunkie was a "secret agent" (he only is in your conspiracy theory fantasy), it would not matter. You should counter is arguments with proper counter-arguments, or not debate at all. Throwing conspiracy theories his way makes it look like you have no arguments or worth against his case.
It is my conscious choice to learn about psyops, and then seek to apply what I have learned. As I indicated, I had a terrible beginners luck the first time I sought to out an op lol. Unholy hell broke out. I hear what you are saying; and it is the normal view of one who has not been initiated into the world of psyops by actual contact.
Have you ever outted an can be a fearful experience...but I persisted, and even have the experience of having an online agent explain his position; which was most people are incredibly stupid, and I'm endangering myself, for morons. He also tried to show me a case in England where the people are willingly obeying orders, and creating surveillance networks for themselves and each full consent to the police state, as I rail against disinfo/psyops operatives. Once he related a conversation I had at home; also my computer mic, and webcam would start opening. So it's nonsense for you ; and the uninitiated. I nearly had a heart attack several times.
I totally get, that this is complete nonsese to you. During the AOL experience I would isolate the psyop technique being used, and try extensively to show people, but most never understood, what I was seeing.
Thank you for trying to assist me in improving my debate techniques, but I'm focused on the techniques of psychological warfare...not debate....they're different.
What have you learned? You can't even name one poster here who is an "agent" and provide evidence.
Psyop agents on AOL boards could influence the entire tone, direction, and online discussion. I carefully observed on AOl boards, how people came in with one view; and when the agent finished with them ; they left with an opposing view to their own.
Seeing an experienced agent manage a board, or go after you was terrifying; but also impressive. If people tried to have an intelligent discussion on the board; the agent would create topics that dumbed down the board; and got the discusssion on sex rather than politics. The agent on the rant board, meant for explosive commentary, would create posts on humor and positivity; so no one wanted to rant. It was an awesome covert operation AGAINST AOL subscribers; who never knew they were being managed by psyop forces on their board.
One agent had an entire board seeing me as a deadly enemy, literally within minutes; and it was then that I grasped how they can bring down entire nations, using psyops=psychological operations.
On AOL it was the usage of psyop techniques, that identified the agent. Kinda of like, if there are mouse droppings, you probably have mice lol
If you have psyop techniques dispersed and enveloped within a have an agent . It is the deployment of the technique that signals the agent, agent activity; and psyops = psychological operations in progress on your board. It is the psyops that are the mouse droppings.....agent in the house .
So it is the psyop techniques that must be LEARNed first.
LEARNing and recognition of pyops takes time, but it can be exciting. DO IT, naming an agent isn't the most effective response. IDENTIFYing the psyop technique, one has learned, as it is deployed against the public is the way to go.
Regular people, civillians engage in debate and converse; but the agent embeds the psyop technique within the discussion, sometimes several or more grouped together; and it is this deployment of psyop techniques, and groupings, that identify the agent. Regular folks generally don't do that.
Like it or not; a full blown psyop war, which by the way is illegal; as psyops was only to be used on enemy populations; is going to be deployed against the American people. Our best protection is to learn about this field of's already being used against us, and will be even more so in the future.
We must learn about psyops, as this will be a full staged psychological war against the American people, who are already mentally fragile to a degree. Knowlede of psyops will stand us in good stead, and prepare us for what is now here.
Alright then, get back to me when you identify some of these supposed agents. Until then, I'll read the posters here who are expressing interesting ideas and arguments.
Welcome to the Jungle: US Military Psychological Operations
Army embeds PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations
Army MOS 37F Psychological Operations Specialist
Psywar: Public Perception Manipulation ▲ The PsyOps Agenda [2010]
Understanding PSYOPS - Creating Stereotypes
Psychological Operations (PSYOP) in the U.S. Military: The Invisible Sword (1995)
There's no need to get back to you; people engaged in perpetual denial or dissociation who cannot meet the challenges that the opposition presents; hence the loss of the republic; and the present debacle. SB 1867 reveals just how stupid and immobilized they think you are.
Article 5 NOW! TJ & you are not reasonable and do not use law.
All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.
Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.
Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
Wow this thread went completely off the rails since the last time that I looked. Amazing. All of this crackpot babble about psy-ops operatives and cognitive infiltration and your push to rewrite the First Amendment were exactly the kind of thing that turned me off about the Occupy movement when I first showed up here as a potential supporter.
And I see that you're still going around trying to get people to read your web page where you quote Charlotte Iserbyt, and I'm assuming that you still haven't actually read her book? You're citing a book that condemns ideas like your First Amendment proposal, and Iserbyet would judge you harshly. The fact that you're still going around citing her and quoting her is hiliarious. Do you even know what the book is about yet?
Like I said, it doesn't matter if he is an agent or not. The only thing that matters is his arguments. You are making an appeal to motive logical fallacy. If you want to properly debate, you should provide counter-arguments of worth. Using logical fallacies makes you look bad because we must assume you have no counter-arguments against his claims.
This ChristopherABrown guy has been going around for (at least) months, citing a book by Charlotte Iserbyt called "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America", which is about the author's conspiracy theory that says that the Bolsheviks went underground as a secret fifth-column conspiracy within the United States federal government, and that their aim is to brainwash American children and indoctrinate them into communism by teaching them warm, fuzzy, hippie values like tolerance for diversity and multiculturalism. The entire book is a passionate objection to the idea of teaching liberal values to children instead of values that promote "absolute" values in ethics and morality. She believes that this liberal values-education campaign is aimed at destroying the United States from within.
He's quoting this book as evidence in his cognitive infiltration page ("Isebyrt Note") on the same web site where he proposes rewriting the First Amendment to the US Constitution, to add:
Get it? Get the joke? It's kind of obscure, admittedly, because you have to either be an obscure kind of right-wing crackpot, or an aficionado of crackpots, to be familiar enough with Iserbyt to see the glaring and hilarious contradiction. But once you get it, I swear it's one of the funniest things that I've ever seen on this web site. I thought that it was so incredibly funny that I created the Iserbyt Awards, just so that I could give one to him.
Your premise, which is; "Like I said, it doesn't matter if he is an agent or not" entirely wrong here; as it is founded upon the belief that my engagement with TJ is purely for is not. Further, you are projecting your inner reality; and landscape upon me. I am not you..nor do I have to conform or adhere to your projections, needs, and constructs.
When I encountered psyop agents, they were on a cultural community board; and they were psychically tearing those people apart; pitting men and women against each other; posting images that this is not a debate match for me. I want to learn psyops and how the enemy works.
Your concerns are befitting of the academic and intellectual arenas...which is not my foundational concern....the deployment of psychological warfare against the public is. These are two separate realms; one of which is fantastical and irrelevant to you...but a dire reality for totally matters, whether the adversary is deploying psyops, a form of warfare against us. Get real; exactly what do you think is going down in America; that agents don't matter ? Sell that to the sheeple.
You make an appeal to authority. This is a logical fallacy. If an agent was posting here, the only thing he could post would be text and ideas. If he publishes arguments, the only thing you can do is provide proper-counter arguments or ignore them. You have no proof who is an "agent" so you should probably stop using this forum if you can't provide proper counter-arguments.
You said . "If an agent was posting here, the only thing he could post would be text and ideas.
Is this lies or just your defense mechanisms using denial and dissociation. Listen dude...if you're regressed and can't handle truth and reality; that's your problem; but I refuse to support the very denial of reality.
Psyops is embeded in text and ideas, as are subliminals; but it's still psychological warfare. See if you can muster the testiular fortitude to look at the links on psyop. If you can't... keep your cognitive and emotional impotence to yourself, rather than trying to persuade others to be as psychically neutered and controlled as you are.
Such drama. Psyops? Seriously. Check your brain for defects. Instead of wasting your brain on "psyops", do more research about MLK and his methods. Because his methods were successful.
His methods included working with government, negotiating with community and government leaders. Something that this movement has zero intention of doing. OWS "we don't need politicians". Really? Think about it.
Who are you...his clone stepping in to validate his position. We don't have the same government, nor the same leadership, not even the same judicial and executive branch of governmet...hell we don't even have the that's drama lol Think about it.
I'm not a clone. Clones don't exist. I agree with many people on this forum. I disagree with even more.
This is an open forum. If you want to have a private conversation - just click on the Username. It works really well and its very simple.
Why would I want to have a private conversation with someone who opposses OWS and thinks clones don't exist which in this case referred to the new technology used by the intelligence community which can make one agent present as many personalities...although I was semi joking when I said it.
So, let me try to get this straight - TechJunkie is a COINTELPRO operative but you were just kidding about the clones. Is that right?
April it's not important. My concerns are more directed at SB 1867,The National Defence Authorization Act of 2012 ; the reported activation of fema camps; and others issues.
ok. I understand. SB 1867. Thanks for clearing that up.
I'm all for more "Move Your Money" type strategies. It doesn't do anything to disrupt fellow citizens day and has a direct result.
That makes sense. If any potential strategy has any objective at all then it's already a better plan than what happened on Monday.
You should have watch the video with member of all sides discussing the reasons, for the shutdown thje action was justified
No More Spreading Around The City, People, We Need To Be Together Whatever Where We Supposed To Be....... ..... .... ... .. . :)
The general public is pretty much fed up with the daily OWS temper tantrums. I see the day coming when OWS pisses off the wrong group (I'm not talking about cops) and sustains a major beat-down.
Just look at the banner each day; it always calls for some "worldwide day of action" and now the "Occupy 2.0", but each event scheduled (every other day it seems) draws less and less people. Mindless crowds with no goals or leadership are bound to disperse on their own.