Forum Post: 'Occupier' Lands in Burn Unit After Arson Attempt......
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 29, 2012, 11:46 p.m. EST by nytefury
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- Kyle Lawrence remains in a Denver Hospital burn unit. Investigators believes the Colorado Springs man was burned while helping to set the recent fire that leveled the Green Mountain Falls Town Hall. Kyle's friend, Mike Clifton tells me, "Kyle is a 22 year old man who had a very bright future who is now horribly burned and wil probably be ina prison somewhere for the majority of his young life." Clifton was visiting Lawrence in his Denver Hospital room on Tuesday. He also thinks that Kyle got in with the wrong crowd after the Occupy movement fizzled out in Colorado Springs. Both men were part of the push for change. Clifton said this about the group that his friend was hanging out with before the fire, "They had dreams of doing black ops, doing covert ops like this and dreams that the world was going to end soon." Clifton also believes this of the group his friend was hanging out with before the fire. "There was a group that decided that the things they wanted to do to change the world would be illegal instead of working within the system. All it's done right now is a hurt a young man's life." Former Occupy Spokesperson, Jason Warf says he was shocked after learning that Kyle Lawrence is being linked to the Green Mountain Falls arson. He said, " Kyle seemed like a good guy. He was frustrated with everything going on in the world. I just never in a million years, imagined him doing anything like this."
You can't fix stupid.
lol @ apologists excusing his behavior
Insert Nelson Muntz's 'ha-haaaaaa' here.
Last words of a Red Neck," Hey, watch this!"
i think hes a hero, it was this same valor that set us up to be a free nation to begin with. Every 4th of July I celebrate the act of treason undoubtably which George Washington would have been hanged by Brittain.
Don't forget the gentlemen who signed the Declaration and all the revolutionaries who were vocal, wrote, published and fought in battles and of course those who 'spied' on British troop movements, supply lines etc.
touche! If we could resolve our issues by the written word its much better than the sword. I personally have never gotten any progress though I have written in on issues for many years.
Grassroots movements are often effective, especially when it comes to the written word...We often believe it does no good to 'preach to the choir' yet that is the arena where it starts.
It's when we seek to expand our influence beyond that 'choir' we find opposition, perhaps because we seek sweeping change among a too diverse populace.
Like grass growing one blade at a time, sending out only one or two shoots for new growth, we can over take a larger arena.
24 was a propaganda show jack
This wasn't Occupy so it is misleading to say this young man did this as an occupier. In the article his friend says, "Kyle got in with the wrong crowd after the Occupy movement fizzled out in Colorado Springs."
I mean, the idea of taking an anecdotal example, and using it to besmirch a movement that at this point involves tens of thousands of people, is something only stupid people do (the exact sort of stupid mother fuckers who are so easily spooked, induced to paranoia, gravitate towards tribalism, etc.). This is how people are turned into sheeple.
cops should have kicked him in the junk and pepper sprayed him, what an idiot
Sounds like an eco warrior - they do that sort of thing. Burning stuff they feel is infringing on the wilderness and wildlife habitat.
As far as I know, no eco warrior group has declared for the OWS Occupy or 99%.
This is another attempt at smearing the legal movements against corruption. Trying to ruin our reputation in the public eye, by tying anything bad that happens as being inspired by the non-violent movements against corruption.
Hey..........Trolls!!!!! This if not an unrelated eco warrior statement/action is more likely to be the result of an agitator.
OWS, Occupy & 99% are non-violent.
Not to worry, by the end of the week the media will paint this kid as some crazy TEA Party member who is a racist and out to harm the government to help Ron Paul.
"There was a group that decided that the things they wanted to do to change the world would be illegal instead of working within the system. "
There is a system of natural law, called the constitution for the United States of America. Most don't realize it but it hasn't been controlling American government since 1867. I just found this link reading the forum.
Seems consistent with the history I know, but never thought about it like that.
A leader in this movement might, perhaps, give your movement proper direction and guidance and keep potentially ingenious people from doing stupid shit
You mean like the leadership of the right wingers helped Timothy McVeigh?
Leadership of the rightwingers...The Clinton Justice Dept.
I was thinking more like gun-worshiping militia creeps, but fair enough.
Gun worshipping militia creep govt. informants.
A sting operation gone afoul.
Awesome . Another conspiracy whack job joins the forum!
pujete is crazier that your garden variety whack, he's an real Mahmoud Imadinnerjacket loving Iranian. look out for him.
don't forget the muslim terrorist. oh wait this just in,,,, muslim terrorism doesn't exist all of the attacks on U.S. soil by crazy islamist are our fault.
Cool, bring in an unrelated topic. As to who's fault something is, you can't blame your own stupidity on anyone but yourself, unless you consider that your were dropped on your head at birth.
you brought up Timothy McVeigh, but in typical liberal fashion ignore the Muslim terrorist. And which pray tell right wingers helped old Timmy besides Terry Nichols? you sound like a conspiracy nut.
And what did I bring him up in response to, pray tell, idiot? Conflating issues only makes you a moron.
Go waterboard yourself with the flag.
you said that right wingers helped Timothy McVeigh you (cuss word). You (cuss word) can't even back that accusation up because its (cuss word) rubbish.
Really? I said that? Where?
You don't even know how to read! No wonder that you're a right winger.
You wrote: 'You mean like the leadership of the right wingers helped Timothy McVeigh?' Maybe your memory is failing you, could be your drug abuse, or maybe you don't know how to write.
And you didn't understand one word of that, now did you?
THe accusation was that the leadership of OWS did not help this kid from attempting a an act of domestic terrorism. It was a false accusation, since OWS was not the group he was hanging out with. To accuse OWS's leadership of encouraging this kid is akin to accusing the right wing for encouraging McVeigh. BOTH are absurd accusations.
Get it now, moron?
maybe you should work on clarity in your writing you (cuss word) (cuss word).
The Kyle kid was NOT being supported by or led by anyone associated with OWS. THAT'S the point, in case you (obviously) missed it. To claim he was is as ridiculous as claiming McVeigh's acts could be laid at the feet of the right wing.
Get it, or do we have to go another round.
Jesus, you are dense.
its possible that i'm dense, but if so, a smart liberal like you shouldn't be making these mistakes. Kyle was associated with Occupy an actual movement more specific than just 'left wing' . that's the difference. Get it?
Reply to your post below.
Yeah, McVeigh was a real lefty. ROLTFLMAO.
McVeigh was leaning to the right (pro guns, anti tax..) but he did not belong to any specific 'right wing' group. Acted with Nichols but no other group. So for you to say sarcastically that the 'leadership of the right wing' could have helped him is incorrectly comparing the Kyle kid who actually had joined Occupy.
It was clear to everyone but you. Of course, your lack of comprehension is the reason you're a right winger in the first place, so it's no surprise.
don't kid yourself no one else read it. even then you are making implications linking the right wing to Timothy M.
Reply to post below.
I stand corrected. McVeigh was not a member of any militia: he was merely a strong sympathizer. INstead he was a denizen of gun shows, those known gathering places for liberals! He was also a reader of right wing literature, trying to introduce much of it to his father and sister. He sold copies of the "Turner Diaries" a white suprematist novel.
Fortier and Nichols were obviously Socialists, weren't they?
So I guess he was not influenced by the right wing at all.
And I've got a bridge to sell you.
you therefore can't compare Kyle to Timothy as Kyle was involved in Occupy. and no thanks on the bridge.
And since you seem bent on right wing violence which exist don't forget the left wing violence , Bill Ayes' weatherman, black panthers,
Nope. He was a lost kid. OWS did not direct him, support him, or encourage him in any way. It has CEASED TO EXIST. McVeigh was involved with far right wing militia groups. His association with them extended to more than just one person. His ideology was formed among them. Eventually he became a lone wolf, as this kid fell in with the wrong crowd. The parallels are there. You simply choose not to look at them.
FBI informants reporting on the Oklahoma City bombing provided the bureau with leads taken from ABC News and Timothy McVeigh's defense team, according to documents filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
A confidential informant in the St. Louis, Missiouri, area "learned of the following information as a result of interviews and contacts made by the ABC News team covering OKBOMB," the FBI's code name for the investigation, according to an FBI FD-302 record dated April 3, 1996.
The informant said government documents including "telephone records and grand jury information" had been "leaked" to attorneys for both Timothy McVeigh and his co-conspirator, Terry Nichols.
The informant said the information was "being used to fuel belief that a government conspiracy exists to 'cover up' government mistakes," the document states, including information indicating that the goverment was warned of the April 19, 1995 attack ten days in advance. The material was being used to bolster claims that "the government had a confidential informant next to McVeigh."
The informant also provided information on reporting by the late J.D. Cash regarding the bombing and the possibility of additional conspirators.
According to the document, the informant also provided information on gun dealer Roger Moore and German neo-Nazi Andreas Strassmeier, both of whom have been the subject of scrutiny for their relationships to McVeigh and possible roles in the bombing plot. According to the informant, "some right-wing group supporters believe [Strassmeier] is an FBI informant."
A second document from the same informant again provided information learned "as a result of interviews and contacts made by the ABC News Team covering OKBOMB" related to Elohim City, a white supremacist compound in rural Oklahoma where Strassmeier lived and worked as security director.
A third document identifies a numbered informant in Oklahoma who claimed to be alerting the FBI to a planned ABC expose concerning the bombing. This informant was relaying information from "a confidential source who works for a news agency."
A fourth document from April 16, 1996, was previously released and identifies a numbered FBI informant based in New York who was "a senior official employed by ABC News for over fifteen years." This informant was pressured into revealing the name of a ABC News source -- Vincent Cannistraro -- who had provided information pointing to overseas involvement in the attack. This informant was later allegedly identified as Christopher Isham, who denied providing information to the FBI.
The complete set of new Oklahoma City bombing documents were filed as support for a sweeping motion that details the FBI's noncompliance with previous court orders regarding disclosure of documents related to the Oklahoma City bombing.
Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue sued the FBI under the Freedom of Information Act for documents related to the Oklahoma City bombing after his brother, Kenneth, was found dead in a federal prison cell soon after the bombing. Trentadue won a wrongful death suit against the Bureau of Prisons for covering up key details of his brother's death, which the Bureau claimed was a suicide.
no you are wrong, there was no evidence that McVeigh signed up for any militia. So your comparison is off. Not that i want to defend either of these bozos, but your knee jerk comparison was incorrect. it happens.
Read it again and see if you can wrap your brain around the implication. Hint: it's pretty much the exact opposite of what you think it is.
Turnabout is fair play.
As the OP mentions, the was no OWS anymore in that area, and this kid fell in with the wrong crowd. Yet assholes like you try to lay the blame for his actions on OWS. It's you right wingers always blowing the smoke, but it's more like rancid farts.
That is bunk. There will always be nutjobs in every movement, leaders or no leaders.
this just in..... Occupiers are not violent , you are to ignore any violence that they commit..
San Francisco Ballet?
Then OWS loons wonder why occupy is headed for the cesspool