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Forum Post: Occupied wall street action is a call for social justice.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 1:22 a.m. EST by Stopwar (8)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

American people are badly hurt by the financial crisis that caused a severe damage to the economy. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes and the future is uncertain. And politicians are not responsive to their constituencies due to conflicting interests of satisfying private interests demand in order to gain financial supports for their reelection. Politicians are not free to address people's needs, they're in the pocket of big corporations, namely the bankers with the Rothschilds network being at the center. The Rothschilds network is an international group that control the issuance of money and profit from it through central banks such as the Fed. The Rothschilds network is the entity that subjugates sovereign governments through a political machine system known as zionism. Its a well disguised control power apparatus also refer to as the shadow government. That is what occupied wall street is up against. For the OWS movement to be effective, first it needs to realize that the Fed is the main institution working against people's interests in causing economic instability boom and bust, then OWS focus its efforts in calling for the Fed abolition. Short of that, nothing else really matter as much.



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[-] 2 points by Beca (69) 13 years ago

Overall I agree with your statement here Stopwar, but you totally lost me with the "zionism" thing. I really don't want to inject that topic in here, it's divisive and like our corrupt political party system, it only serves as a dog whistle. Lets remove all the dog whistles (wedge issues) from the discussion, then perhaps we can all pay more attention to the points that need attention. Peace, and have a nice holiday!