Forum Post: Occupation New Hampshire Eviction
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9 p.m. EST by snowflake
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The word: Eviction is happening tonight at 11pm. Negotiations with police have brought us to the point where they have stated they will ticket. If you do not leave the park upon receiving ticket, you will be forcibly removed. We ask that if you are arrested, you do so peacefully and do not resist. Posted on October 19, 2011 by Keith-OccupyNH | Leave a reply
please repost on social media
Okay... It's tough getting info but it would appear that they have reached a compromise and are moving the ONH site from a public park to a couple of churches. So (I think?) the eviction is off or postponed.
Can't find a livestream that is UP in NH. A blank screen.
Just saw a youtube video on this - and it had a comment saying saying (several hours ago) eviction threat withdrawn temporarily - but I can't find evidence of that.
Anyone know?
Do they have a livestream feed up?
Thanks, nothing coming. Do you have contact info for Manchester NH police, mayor,etc?
I'm over three hours away. I've tried to contact people on site. to see if they plan on re-occupation after eviction.
Does employing the 60's tactic of laying on the ground limp, count as resisting arrest?
yup... usually a misdemeanor, but I'm not sure about New Hampshire