Forum Post: Occupation as an Intervention.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 3:37 p.m. EST by annie
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
After watching the documentary "Inside Job", I was struck by one comment in the movie. After the financiaI crash when the government was baiIing out the big banks, some of the key pIayers had momentary remorse and said they wished that there were more ruIes and reguIations because it is human nature to be greedy and they couIdn't controI themseIves. They couIdn't beIieve that the government was Ietting them get away with aII of it. That power and the accumuIation of money was Iike cocaine and they wouId do whatever it takes to get more and more. So now I can't get it out of my head that we are deaIing with a country fuII of actuaI power, money, sex ADDICTS....that we are surrounded by reaIIy sick peopIe who are in controI! And, sadIy, I aIso can't heIp but wonder if our entire system hasn't aIready been aItered so deepIy that we are aII addicts to a degree, feeding into this very unheaIthy buy, to be pIeasured constantIy, to be stimuIated and entertained. To distrust each other and think onIy of ourseIves at the expense of the bigger picture. Yes, what's needed goes deeper than IegisIation...yes, the occupy movement has become our worIdwide intervention. God, I hope it works.
Crocodile tears. I've seen too much real suffering to feel sorry for those guys.
I don't feeI sorry...quite the opposite. But I worry that a new one is born every minute in this cuIture that has been created.
in the future they will look back at our age in disbelief wondering how we could allow mentally ill people to run our societies. it must be some type of psychopathic megalomania
It isn't human nature to be greedy. It is the nature of criminals, yes, and banksters.
agreed. not human nature. but that wasn't reaIIy my point.....
The only way is to investigate, build dossiers, and then bring the evidence to court, individual by individual. That is the way Simon Wiesenthal did it. One man, and he was so effective! There are millions of us. Think about it!
yes, that's the way, of course. and that's why I occupy. my Iarger concern, however, is that one of these guys is born every minute in our very sick cuIture and I reaIIy don't know how to turn back the cIock on this ever-present coIIective desire to feeI good aIways at any cost. it manifests itseIf in the misdeeds written on every protest sign. every cause and every issue stems from greed winning over ethics and reason and the common good. and those responsibIe are the ones given the power, time and again. if money and power are comparibIe to heroine and cocaine it doesn't matter who gets to the top...they too wiII eventuaIIy need to feed the beast. (ok I am getting a IittIe meIodramatic...but these aren't compIetey unreasonabIe concerns...)
annie. What you say is true at the moment. It is a sick culture. We can change it though with persistence. Some people mention conspiracy theories. Personally, I think this, if it exists, is a minor problem, not even worth mentioning. A lot of it is copycat behaviour. People at all levels are becoming corrupt, less honest. The ones at the top of the banking system are completely corrupt. The worst thing is that they are filthy rich, and feel they have no social obligations. At least the true Bankers of the past, like the Rothchilds gave most of their profits to help charities. Now they actively try to run charities, for profit motives. They are uncaring brutes. That is their real crime against the 99%.
The problem is most OWSers indulge in conspiracy theories so they have no evidence that could stand in court. They would need to start using the scientific method to arrive at worthwhile claims.
have you seen "Inside Job"?? from beginning to end? try it. reaIIy. most of us just want some oId schooI ruIes and reguIations back in pIace to keep things from getting out of baIance. no conspiracy there...and frankIy, in the scenario most of us are going for...we aII benefit.
I have seen the film. It is good. My comment wasn't referring to it. It was specifically aimed at Truthers and other conspiracy theorists which are all to common around this forum.
oh, I thought you were one of them!
No, I'm not a Truther. Not by any stretch of the imagination. ;-)
As stated, we need to stop this wasteful "conspiracy theory stuff". Some people do go on about this, but when delved into, they seem not to have all the facts for and against. Better to concentrate on individual people and real crimes they have commited. Most banksters would soon crack under an investigation. They have told too many lies.
A lot of conspiracy theory addicts.
who ?
Read the forum, it's full of threads by the Truthers. Then there are those claiming this forum is full of undercover government spies. Jacqueline, blazefire, MoRichardGates, GirlFriday, tbuontempo, FalseFlag, etc... There are many.
I'm not a truther. I have never made a post that could even be misconstrued as such.
He's probably too busy being richardkentgates right now or Rico or Thrasymaque
Want to say hi to richard (not me I'm faux richard) give me a bump please
You're in the "Watch out! There's a spy I can't name!" category.
You are a big old pot of stupid, aren't you?
There is not need to play, "Watch out there is a spy!" I'm used to the Paulites and astroturf crap on the internet. We know how the game is played.
Do you? You are a master of that game are you? Then name me the posters who are 'spies'. Give some evidence so I can verify your claims. Show us that you have more than conspiracy theory type assumptions.
What is the reason for your claim? Do you have evidence.
Yes, you have more than one identity on the board which you have already admitted to. :D
I didn't have to admit this to parry accusations, I am the one who first told everybody. Moreover, since Thrasymaque and Glaucon are both characters from Plato's Repbublic, it should be plainly obvious when you compare the writing styles between the two.. A few more questions:
Why would they track you? Are they tracking anyone else? Probably not. It is a waste of time. As I said, before, it isn't necessary to know by name. Everybody is aware of how it works and groups that are heavily involved in forums all across the world wide web. I explained this to you before. After so many years, what is important is that they realize that the public is quite aware AND that by engaging in this activity they represent the scum of society. Capisce?
That makes no sense, and all you have is a conspiracy theory based on a mountain of assumptions.
It makes perfect sense. You just think that everything must revolve around you. It doesn't. It isn't necessary. Further, I am not worried at all if there is some "government" agency reading my shit. So, quit your crying and go waste someone else's time.
If you think it your conspiracy theory makes perfect sense then that's OK by me. To each is own.
They are just nervous. there is historical precedence for their view. All that is required is a demonstration that in fact, the presence of undercover operatives is simply an opportunity.
Each has a mind, each has an investment in the outcome. Each may be persuaded by what is true.
What is true?
This nation is in dire need of some fixing.