Forum Post: Occu-Mom Places 4 Year-Old Daughter on Train Tracks
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 6:26 p.m. EST by bereal
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Occu-Mom Places 4 Year-Old Daughter on Train Tracks...
"You would have to be a really twisted, fuckin' evil bastard to even be able to think that Any Mother would sincerely and genuinely risk her child's life in this manner - irrespective of what she may say to a camera"
Some mothers do kill their children; it is usually a matter of mental illness. There have been a number of cases in recent years that have made national news, but others are just local tragedies.
a) Did you even watch the clip ?
b) If the woman concerned said what she said (& in truth I could NOT see a 4 year old child on any tracks!) ; did she seem like a crazed, drug addled baby-murderer from the words she uttered ? If indeed such a terrible thing were ever to happen anywhere, might the reasons have more probably to do with poverty and penury than 'protest' ?!
c) IF she were as disturbed as described above and actually wanted to kill her own child in the manner alluded to ... WTF would that really have to do with OWS, protesting against THE DESPOTI$M OF THE BANK$TER$ and 'The Impoverishment Of The Commons' ?!!
d) To reiterate and to repeat your "Some mothers do kill their children; it is usually a matter of mental illness." OK. So WTF has that to do with OWS and 'The Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation' (GIABO) ?!!!
e) Specifically to you 'Coriolanus' (cf 400 year old play by 'Shakey Bill'!) ; WTF do you think 'Volumnia' would say at your tentative but inherently Specious, Tendentious and Dissembling, post above ?
acta non verba ...
I am not sure I understand your post. I simply responded to your implied assertion that mothers do not kill their children.
"If indeed such a terrible thing were ever to happen anywhere, might the reasons have more probably to do with poverty and penury than 'protest' ?!"
It would be more likely related to mental illness and/or substance abuse.
"tentative but inherently Specious, Tendentious and Dissembling, post above ?"
What is tendentious, specious or dissembling about it? If there are factual inaccuracies, please point them out. There are two sentences in my post, and I cannot find any inaccuracy.
"So WTF has that to do with OWS and 'The Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation'"
Nothing at all. But apparently someone suggested that the protest is leading to infanticide, and I simply pointed out this particular aberration is far more likely to be related to mental illness.
OK. Your points 'holds water'. In my Troll-munch here, you may be "collateral damage". The acid test would be your views on OWS. Care to share ? et fiat lux ...
Some good ideas, but unfortunately a poor signal to noise ratio.
Sweet !!! The Signal will only get stronger !! Keep Tuning In ! Take Care & Merry Xmas ;-)
Being an OWS member is a symptom of mental illness.
Talking SH!T and Posting SH!T "is a symptom of" ... Your mean-spirited ; stone-hearted ; closed-minded ; hate filled 'damaged brain'.
I wish you lived in my home town and came into my local pub with your attitude ... coz I'd rip your head off and piss down your neck before you even finished your first pint !!!
Ooops !! Did I really say That ?!
See How 'Evil Begets evil' ?
More pertinently, now what d'you reckon that might say about your Momma ? Hmmm ....
ab absurdum, veritas.
I'm usually nice to people here and I try to inform people on my point of view. I also like to point out hypocrisy, misinformation, and general idiotic thoughts and actions displayed by OWS members in hopes of saving some of the people that are not totally infected yet.
I am only rude to people like you after you post rants like the one below (and now the one above, as well).
"...You would have to be a really twisted, fuckin' evil bastard to even be able to think that Any Mother would sincerely and genuinely risk her child's life in this manner - irrespective of what she may say to a camera ... yet that is exactly what this obnoxious deceitful, duplicitous little (wannabe?) Psy-Op Troll "bereal", wishes readers to think here !!..."
And ?! I stand by my words. + re. "I'm usually nice to people here and I try to inform people on my point of view." Really ?! Is THAT what your opening Troll-Post was doing ?! ++ You haven't been rude here ; you've been a Totally Mendacious Prick, which is why I've been forced to give you a good hiding !
Now have the last word if you wish & piss off, there's a good lad ;-)
acta est fabula.
I dont think posting about some nut that sat her kids on railroad tracks is trolling. Unless the entire movement backs her. In which case, I would have to BLOCK
You "don't think" - Period !!
Thats not too much of an assumption!
You fight with everyone you filthy bum. What happened? Did they donate a computer to the homeless shelter?
"If you don't say anything, no one will know how stupid you really are." ! ipse dixit ...
You're the OWS monkey. You just imitate what you see. Good monkey. :)
I know a bon mot when I see one so thanx and can I have some peanuts please, ooh-oo ; aah ah ~{;-)
No, I don't feed animals. Goodbye, Curious George.
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
Oi, Troll !! WTF is your mission and major malfunction, Numb-Nuts ?!
Learn how to read, retard. Although, I guess if you had decent reading comprehension skills, you'd be working. Fuckin' animal.
The Revolution starts here!
I "read" you loud and clear, you SHIT Spewing Troll !!!
You tried posting your not so subtle hate on a 'forum post' but as nobody responded and you ended up talking to yourself (probably Not for the first time in your sad life), the next step is to go round these OWS Forum threads, trying to seed your hateful and bilious anti-Muslim, fear and loathing !!
If you were twice as clever as you think you are you'd still be as thick as Pig Shit !
Run along now and sin no more ;-)
honi soit qui mal y pense ...
Why don't you go to work so your taxes can pay my salary. Hopefully, taxes will go up on everyone too so I can make more money. It's too bad you spend half the day drinking in the alley. I know your glad Enterprise Rent A Car killed those two girls. You're such a worthless hump.
Please don't parade your mental illness, limited intellect and hate here and embarrass yourself, any further than you have done already. Thanx ;-)
If you don't say anything, no one will know how stupid you really are.
Very Nice !! I couldn't have put it any better, myself ! Merry Xmas & Pax Vobiscum ;-)
I don't celebrate Christmas, animal. Stop drinking in the alley and go be productive.
Then, "Happy Hanukkah" perhaps and as you said so succinctly yourself, "If you don't say anything, no one will know how stupid you really are." !! L'Chaim. {ps : You've called me "animal" twice now ; you don't mean to say 'Goy', do you ?!} Shalom Aleichem ;-)
Try coming up with something original, retard. You're the reason we need partial birth abortions in this country. Hopefully, you'll be rounded up with other useless troglodytes and used for medical testing since you do not serve the common good. The OWS needs soldiers with brains, not ranting retards who just bitch and moan incoherently. I wish we were living under Sharia Law, then they would get rid of you for being an infidel.
You "wish we were living under Sharia Law" ! Really ?! I must say that you have surprised me with that one !! Ergo, "Salam Alaikhum" ;-)
You misspelled it, infidel.
Just how much OWS is starting to get under the skin of The Corporations, The Parasitic '1% of the 1%' [The 0.01%] and their supine lackeys, is evidenced by Planted and Manipulated, "Dis-Info. Psy-Op.", BS, stories / items / posts, like the one above (with no text, explanation or context & merely quoting and referencing a 43 sec. local MSM 'news' clip).
The explicit intent is to evoke, provoke and stoke visceral "reactions" in others which by-pass reason and intellect and simply seek to generate reflexive, emotional and furious reactions, responses and replies. The desired result is to keep adding anxious, neurotic and hate inducing, feelings in those who 'think' with their emotions, 'Id Psyche' and vestigial 'reptile' brain !
You would have to be a really twisted, fuckin' evil bastard to even be able to think that Any Mother would sincerely and genuinely risk her child's life in this manner - irrespective of what she may say to a camera ... yet that is exactly what this obnoxious deceitful, duplicitous little (wannabe?) Psy-Op Troll "bereal", wishes readers to think here !!
Only OWS-Hating, Stone-Hearted & Closed-Minded, Rancid Reactionaries will spasm, react and flock to a 'forum post' like this. Note who They are for future reference and ... To Hell and Hellfire With Them and their 'mala fides' !!!
honi soit qui mal y pense ...
Actually my goal was to make you waste 10 minutes of your silly life composing a silly reply. Mission accomplished.
@ 'unreal' : Readers will see your post factum reply for what it really is ; A Reflexive Spasm In A Damaged Brain oozing with disappointment, disdain and delusion !! Ho-Hmmm. Get Well Soon ;-)
Maybe... or maybe it's the wave of the future.