Forum Post: ObamaWillApprovePipelineProject
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 8, 2012, 10:29 a.m. EST by Wallgreed
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Obama will bow down to the unions and approve the project. This will be a big blow to the libbies
"Bow down to unions"? LOL
Bow down to the corporate energy complex you moron.
You are right, UncomonSense. And, Grover Norquist is a backer of the pipeline. He's the guy that suckered all the Republicans to sign his pledge to never raise taxes on the rich.
So let me translate real quick. Bow down to you who is always right?
Unions have been backing this project big time, as well as energy companies obviously. And also a lot of the 99% supports it. Personally, I can't really think of many good reasons against it.
because that shit will leak all over my state, Nebraska, like the quarter million + gallons did about a month ago. Fuck transcanada and their toxic lake creating oil process. .
Yes corporate but unions are giving obummer some big bucks and that well will run dry, if he does not approve of this. The turd is stuck between a rock and hard place. Poor ole shoe shine
Great post!!
Of course Karl, this just has to be it, Karl.
I'm quite sure, Karl, that Koch ind. inc., won't make dime off of raising gas prices in the midwest by using Keystone, to reduce supply.
That would be market manipulation, Karl, and we know no "free market" adherents, would commit such sacrilege.
Yeah, Karl, it must be the schmucks who will risk life and limb to build the thing.
And then you shut off FLAKESnews, and tuned out Limbaugh, and the world become clear.
Who is Karl? are you Karl??, just sayin
If you don't know who Karl is, you shouldn't be posting here.
I would suggest the forums at FLAKESnews.
Hey Karl, just trying to help you keep your mind as blurry as possible.
Oh you must be trying to say FoxNews??? The highest rated amongst all the rest??? and not a lapdog for the Obama admin like the rest of them are. Plus they have the best looking women. I am a very active member in Fox's comment section.
If you don't know who Karl is?.
You're even lying about FLAKESnews.
But that is what FLAKESnews does.
Make FLAKES out of people.
Have a flaky life, Karl.
Truth is hard, FLAKESnews, is easy.
why do you idiots constantly bring up the Koch brothers as though they have some control over everything, you guys are stupid and paranoid....
They are the chief investors in the pipeline.
That's not insignificant.
Well gee, looks like what everyone but you lefties have known all along to be true, really is, obama and his fans are koch soakers
funny a company that began in oil refining would invest in a must be some sort of conspiracy....
And you're an atrazine soaked frog, so hormonally unbalanced, you've grown wings, to help you eat the flies buzzin' 'round your bull shit.
What of it?
Just a conspiracy of disinformation on your part.
It's minor league.
No worries, mate.
This is what Obama's troops (axlerod, van jones, reid, and other scum) have stamped in these lame brain goons heads
yeah, and "the Rich".....although they never have a solid definition of what that means.....
We need to end both the Democrat and Republican rule!! They're both crooked and weak. Look at third party for 2012...we are ready.
These four men REQUIRE that you vote for Obama
If you don’t believe them,
ask Newt Gingrich or John McCain about Citizens United
Ask the family of a soldier killed in Iraq about bush v Gore
Tell me why supreme court appointments make no difference.
You are 100% correct. Both sides of congress are sticking it to all of us, they all need to go
Sadly, I think you're right Wallgreed. Obama will dance and wiggle about the pipeline but after the election, I think he'll give it his blessing. All that talk about America's new energy future may well be just talk. :-(
What exactly is so bad about the pipeline?
The oil IS going to be produced no matter what. It is just a question of where it goes to be refined. China is more that willing to take it if we don't want it. For all the complaining we do about jobs going to China, this decision should be a no brainer for Obama.
For many the pipeline's construction represents the commitment to a continuation of fossil fuels (particularly production of gasoline and diesel fuel) as the main propellant for transportation. Many climatologists think that we're at the tipping point for greenhouse emissions.
I think China already has refineries and refinery workers, just like we here in the US have those things and workers already in place. The increase in jobs will be "long-term temporary" ones that would last only as long as the construction phase is on-going. But no matter...
Changing the US from an oil-based economy to a renewable energy-based economy would take at least two things: capital and guts.
China will do what China will do. I hope and pray it's not too late for all of us when and if China wakes up and smells the coffee, too.
Ofcourse he will. Its a no brainer.
Koch Industries, Keystone XL and Killer Kleptocracy
Twenty thousand jobs will be instantly created and that is a far cry from the 1.7 million that were lost, ever since the turd got into office
Trading the Ogallala Aquifer for dirty energy and 20,000 new ditch digger, fry cook and Walmart greeter jobs is not what I call "winning".
Temporary jobs. It is a construction project.
But a large number of pipelines already cross the aquifer. Opps, sorry for the reality interruption.
We need some more nuke plants on fault lines, too. LOL
It's all breathless hysteria. The left has a boner about the CO2 intensive nature of the oil production and just makes the rest of it up as they go along. Crossing the aquifer isn't a problem; it's already crossed many times. But what the moonbats don't seem to understand is that either the oil moves south to the U.S. or it moves west for export to China. But it will come out of the ground and it will be moved to market.
I know none of the Koch suckers will read the research links appended to this blog posting, but just for the record I'll provide it anyway:
The oil is coming here or going to China. Deal with a little reality. Pipelines are all over the U.S. transporting natural gas, crude, and refined products.
This is a map just for natural gas.
You post a reply within 8 minutes, and no human could have read all the research links in that posting in that amount of time. Thanks for proving me to be correct!
Oh so you are saying that we should just let obama give billions more to places like Solyndra, that will all go bankrupt or give another 50 billion to GM and have more of their electric cars burn???
I said none of that. Do not put words in my mouth.
Great ! I Hope he does approve the pipeline - why would anyone be against the pipeline ? !
Good to hear that someone on here is for it. The hard fact is that we still need oil, natural gas, coal, to keep America running. Although other energy sources are in the works but it is going to take years before they replace the others
The oil is coming to the U.S. or the oil is going to China. The oil will be produced. Just a daily dose of reality for the moonbats.
Twenty thousand new jobs for America
And 100000 new cases of cancer.