Forum Post: Obama’s simplistic view of income inequality
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 10:07 p.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Statistics show rising income inequality in the United States. But, contrary to the impression created by the Occupy protests, and media coverage thereof, statistics also show that Americans worry less about inequality than they used to. Washington Post:
In a Dec. 16 Gallup poll, 52 percent of Americans called the rich-poor gap “an acceptable part of our economic system.” Only 45 percent said it “needs to be fixed.” This is the precise opposite of what Gallup found in 1998, the last time it asked the question, when 52 percent wanted to “fix” inequality.
We fixed the inequality issue very well over the past 30 years and there is no longer an issue in most peoples' mind.
This is how we did it:
I probably do not have to go into any discussions about how this group was set and who set and supports its growth today.
Once this was perfected, the entire issue became one of an internal issue of who was richer within this group and who was poorer. Yet there was insufficient movement within this group for any significant number to escape from the group and at that point it became a matter of growth. If growth was not fast enough we simply raised the top of the group up a few dollars and thus gained more people into the group.
Because of political reasons, the growth of this group is also restricted. In other words, the only way to move into the group is to become VERY VERY wealthy. There is no allowance for the bottom of this group to move downwards as is allowed for the bottom group to moved upwards. Thus the group is seen and actually is very elite in its membership. Middle class members who would move into this select group are view as somehow immoral since the only means of movement into the group are identified as inherited wealth, illegal actions, violations of moral and ethics and all of this is determined not from within that group, but from without.
The goal is to pit this group, identified as the 99% against the 1% with the supposed intent of getting rid of the 1% or a lease bringing them down into the 99% with everyone else. Once this mission is accomplished, the entire cycle begins again with the selection of a new 1% because they no longer can belong in the middle group. The faster this cycle spins the more rapidly we reach a true state of socialism and equality of not only wealth but also of poverty itself.
tower of babble
Let me see, that was when there was this time when the languages became confused and people lost their understanding on what others were speaking - right?? Welcome to the real Towel, aries, is there something about what I said that you can't now understand??.
I would pay to see 50 of the posters on these forums in a kiva somewhere with only one way out and a limit of one to be let out. The judgements would be unbelievable. 49 would be absolutely RIGHT and one would get out what a truely unique group of people.