Forum Post: Obama's recent actions trying to appease OWS? Addressing the symptoms but not the cure?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:30 a.m. EST by sudoname
from Berkeley, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Recently he announced
- Student loan forgiveness
- Foreclosure relief
And other plans that seem in line with OWS. The main reasons the protestors are out on the streets. But he has avoided what many agree is the root of the problem, Corporate Bribes. It is great that Obama is listening, but is he avoiding the real issue here, and simply trying to end the protests?
The US government would rather bend than break
Of course, the strategy wheels have been turning. Offer, "peace" meal solutions and when the protesters reject it (or question it) then label them as ungrateful, impossible to please, and trouble-makers. Oh, to be a fly on the wall in those discussions.
Interesting strategy. Obama would please the republicans/commie haters/"get a job"ers by doing this. He tells us what our message is, offers a solution to that, and.. what you said.
Corporate bribes is a very tough issue to touch because it is sort of "biting the hand that feeds you" type thing. People, especially politicians, have a "way" of avoiding difficult issues. Sort of the reason why things got here in the first place.
None of the bought and paid for puppets in DC are ever going to stand up and give the government back to the people because they all profit from owning it and it's people. Obama too is bought and paid for...
History 1992,_1992
Ross Perot was going to do the job without pay....
I believe the most effective way to galvanize support and effect universal reform is with the truth/facts. It's time to get specific, naming individuals and corporations with stats on excessive salaries & bonuses. Done within a comparitive setting showing the inequitable profiteering at the expense of the working class in America. Then we can exercise our democratic free choice and stop supporting their companies and interests.
I believe the most effective way to galvanize support and effect universal reform is with the truth/facts. It's time to get specific, naming individuals and corporations with stats on excessive salaries & bonuses. Done within a comparitive setting showing the inequitable profiteering at the expense of the working class in America. Then we can exercise our democratic free choice and stop supporting their companies and interests.
He's shopping for votes. It might work.
he said he would tear down the halls of congress, set up an electronic town square and allow the people to vote on all matters worthy of consideration......
Listen to Clinton sidestep questions about the Fed and why the Chairman of the Fed has more power than anyone else in the world
I can see clinton rehearsing his prepared speech while the moderator is asking the question... So funny.
Maybe with this election, we can realize that everybody can be bought, even a black president. (sorry for how bad that sounds.. but nobody gets protections from this criticism)
He is playing politics while Rome is burning. No matter what you see and hear in the national news it is all a contrived chess game with winners and losers. What Government and Wall Street did not see coming was the transformation of Pawns into Warriors With A Cause. And that would have frightened Genghis Khan himself.
I'm stealing that :) "What Government and Wall Street did not see coming was the transformation of Pawns into Warriors With A Cause. And that would have frightened Genghis Khan himself."
If it will do any good for our cause please do with it what you want.
I like the sound of that!! I think technology and organization are turning the tables in OWS's favor.
"i would say it is classic vote buying" - from chat
Curious what people think
Well, he never announced loan forgiveness. Just adjusting the minimum rate you must pay per month.
This is voter pandering, nothing more. He tried this already by nationalizing the student loans and the HAMP program for mortgages and neither accomplished what he claimed. he is just counting on enough people being so ignorant that they forget these past failures and believe him, yet again. He had two full years where he could have addressed so many issues in this nation but chose to create a plan to make everyone buy health insurance, sell guns to drug cartels, bomb the crap out of Arab nations and waited until he lost the Congress to then claim that DC (specifically Repubs) are not working for the people. He had his chance and he showed that he is ineffective, disorganized and doesn't really care about the people until he needs our votes. He appeases no one but those who give him the most money, time and again.
You know Obama's reign a lot better than me! The icing on the cake, the final loss of my own vote, was when he started attacking medical marijuana in california. Most recently he had a $7,500/table fundraiser in SF and banned the press from it! He just represents a different set of corporate interests than the GOP.
I think he's blatantly using OWS to his advantage.
There are very few in DC worthy of my vote. As it stands now, I only vote for whoever is running against the incumbent. If a seat is open, I vote for whoever is not in the party of the last guy. If we could turn the House over completely and the 33% of the Senate up for election next year in one fell swoop, then real change would come. As it stands now, we punish the party in power by voting them out, but the incoming party misconstrue that into thinking it is an endorsement of their philosophy. If we could show DC that neither party is safe, then things could turn around.
That's for sure - they are worthless. Makes voting pretty easy, eh? :) I'm a fan of something like the parliament, or at least something to encourage voting for non-mainstream parties. The whole electoral college thing is pretty dumb and completely mastered by both parties.
As it stands with the electoral college, all either candidate needs to do is focus on PA and OH. As each party has their largest constituencies locked up, i.e. New York and Cali for Dems and Texas and most of the south for Reps, PA and OH become the king makers. Right now, both of those states are in ABO (anyone but Obama) mode which does not bode well for the Dems. My wife wanted to know why I turned the elections off in 2008 when less than half the votes were in, but I told her that since Obama won PA and OH, he had it locked in. The electoral college is outdated and should be abolished. While the electoral college had a place in its time, it now only serves to keep people discouraged from voting knowing that their vote holds less weight when compared to the electoral college.
I really wish posters would stop looking for a political savior. How many fuck'in times do they have to be told that All of Washington D.C. is a sewer of political corruption in all three branches of government. If I hear RP's name one more time I will vomit.
Ron Lawl ;)
I've noticed that. People can say what they will, good or bad about President Obama, but I do believe he is paying careful attention to domestic current events. Not so sure it will really help his re-election though Hopefully he will address the core issues more directly.