Forum Post: Obama's Re-election Fundraisers Raise $5 Million in Corporate money
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 2:34 p.m. EST by littrellb
from Hillsboro, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Story reports that Obama has raised more that 5 million in money tied to industries like telecom and pharmaceutical. It also claims that 80% of the bundlers that raised more that $500,000 in the '08 election ended up in key administration positions.
This is ridiculous. Another prime example of why we need to get money out of the government. This guy who promised hope and change is just another corporate puppet. We need to get him out and keep out anyone that would do the same, including all of the GOP candidates. Why is it so impossible to get an honest person in the white house? Where is Abraham Lincoln when you need him?