Forum Post: Obama's Achievements Should Not Be Forgotten
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 4:31 a.m. EST by marsdefIAnCe
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
He was a highly successful covert CIA operative in the Af-Pak theater. Let's not forget the ways in which he has served our country!
We should use this great opportunity in history to forever quell racism. It should never be forgotten that the plague of racism brought us the most tragic case of terrorists in high places in history.
Barack Hussein Obama and the Left-Right False Paradigm
Who is Stanley Dunham? Stanley Dunham was an OSS officer, which is the agency that was turned into the CIA shortly after the end of World War II.
Barrack Senior meets Stanley Dunham (One of Obama’s grandfathers) de-boarding in Hawaii.
Obama Senior is the first foreign black Harvard student and takes Russian with Stanley Anne Dunham at U Hawaii during the height of cold war.
Stanley Anne Dunham goes on to marry Lolo Soetoro shortly after her divorce to Obama Senior. Lolo Soetoro is known to have been a general in the CIA backed coup in Indonesia.
Obama junior works for known CIA front company, Business International Corporation.
Obama junior not remembered during the 80s and 90s in USA, as even Trump admits on mainstream media.
Obama junior Travels to Pakistan in ’81, which was designated a state sponsor of terror (prohibited as a place of travel) at the time, therefore he was not traveling on a US passport (except possibly with intelligence agency approval)
Most likely travels on Indonesian passport (admits to stopping in Indonesia on his way to Pakistan in his autobiography), where he makes affirmative act of allegiance as an adult by renewing his passport to continue to Pakistan.
Dual-citizenship was prohibited by Indonesia at this time and US code required compliance with foreign policy, therefore his renewal would constitute a forfeiture of US citizenship. – See Pastor Manning interview of Wayne Madsen
Islamic prophecy has it that a tall black man with the sign of the Imam Hussein will rise in the west by way of deception – See Steve Quayle
Obama is third generation CIA, worked as a covert agent in the Af-Pak theatre during the 80s and early 90s, see youtube video comparing facial features of Obama and Osama
Then realize … oBSama bin hidin … in the White House
… and the Republicans and Democrats both know but neither say because they are controlled by the same puppet masters.
List of bribes Obama has taken.
But I do agree with you his achievement shouldn't be forgotten we all have to remember the huge bribes he has been taken for years
Great thread. It is amazing how few people realize o(b/s)ama is in the pocket of big banks and terrorists. He couldn't possibly go against their wishes lest he be outed as the covert agent that played bin Laden. We need a President that doesn't have such an extensive amount of dirt in his past.
The white house is a prison
Secret Service Are Prison Guards
All Presidents must have a family!!!
He has 80 million already in his campaign fund. Imagine all the favors that has bought. I could cut off my hand for voting for him, we have been sold out.
Never Forget! We love you Obama!
we really need a "flag" button for crap like this... then again you know the conservatives are getting scared when they unleash their minions on us...
You have a problem with documented fact huh?
Fuck off marsdefIAnCe. Extremists like you are the problem.
Extremists? All I posted was facts and a pretty reasonable conclusion based on them at the end.
wakey wakey sheepy
Respect the King!
In 1947 Jim Henson walked into a tatoo parlor in southern Michigan to have his "I love acid" work on his ankle touched up. It is here he first met Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogans father, Hulk Senior, worked as Beethoven's booking agent for many years.
Ludwig and Hogan quickly became friends and over time they realized they had a knack for making delicious jelly beans. The recipe for said jelly beans was originally developed by the Oromo tribe located in Ethiopia.
What Hogan didn't know, but Beethoven knew all too well, is that these jellys beans caused whoever ate them to have an inexplicable urge to brush their teeth. As we know, there is fluoride in tooth paste, and fluoride makes you submit your will to big government. Beethoven had been working with the Oromo to take control of Cuba by getting everyone to eat their jelly beans, forcing them to brush their teeth, inherently making it easier to take over the country.
As soon as Hogan found this out he immediately killed Beethoven, but unfortunately Beethoven had already found his new pupil, Jim Henson.
The meeting between Hulk Hogan and Jim Henson in 1947 was no mistake. It was the master planning of the Oromo tribe. Jim Henson was able to convince Hulk Hogan that jelly beans were an important part of American life, and brushing your teeth is good general hygiene, so its win win. This time Hulk Hogan was on board.
They spent the next couple decades marketing their "Crest" toothpaste, and soon nearly everyone except the British were brushing their teeth. Once everyone's mind was under control the Oromo sprang to action, killed Jim Henson and Hulk Hogan, and have now infiltrated every level of the worlds infrastructure.
You are all under control people. The only way to fight back is to immediately stop brushing your teeth and attack the Oromo! The Oromo are hidden throughout society, but are easy to find. The generals are people like Paris Hilton and Justin Beaber. The common soldiers walk among us, and they never tie their shoes. So if you see someone with their shoes untied, you must kill them immediately.
Sources: Same sources the OP listed
You're a dumbass
You're a dumbass
Bump for truth
Bump for truth
9/11 truth for the win
A vote for Obama is a vote for Osama
Break out of the matrix or fail, #OWS.
Wake up sheeple: time to arrest bin Laden and his puppet masters :)
obama bin hidin ... the white house
wake up sheeple
wakey wakey sheepey
obama? osama? what's in a name? you didn't know they are the same?