Forum Post: ObamaCare Exposed - A Depopulation Policy (Ezekiel Emanuel).
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 12:06 p.m. EST by mako
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 12:06 p.m. EST by mako
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Not all conservatives are Scabs but all Scabs are conservative.
I use to belong to a Union and totally bought into that garbage. Union members hiding behind the mob of extortionists. Cant make it on your own so you call people who don't need the union scabs.
Sorry my Good Boy America is a Union.
America is a union of States where you are free to choose which one you want to live in. Unions in the workplace are there by use of force - no choice. Fascist anti American thugs who cant make it on their own. Give workers the choice & I have no problem.
Get over it you are just another in the long line of cheese eating Scabs.
What continues to amaze me is the continued absolute trust of conservetives that goverment will contiue to enrich them at the expense of the other citizens.That conservatives wave the flag except when national service time comes around.Reenstate the draft and watch them flock to the streets.
huh? That's a good question - I wonder how many military service people identify themselves as conservatives or liberals. Otherwise whatever your point is seems to be drug induced.
I know you are not one of the service men,nor were you ever.Most conservatives hide behind the flag not for it.They do not speak for the majority of Americans but a small minority.I do not take drugs and go F--k yourself.
funny - all the polls indicate a country who considers themselves right of center. How liberals have moved this country into the gutter I'll never know.
Read your bill of righs and you will find out.
remind me - what does the bill of right have to do with this discussion?
What do polls taken by who you never said have to do with anything? Figures lie and lyers figure.
the bill of rights - what does that have to do with this post?
how so ?
Palin's death panel BS revisited.
BS is still BS, no matter how many iterations of that BS you can come up with.
so there will not be rationing in end of life decision making. That's what you are saying?
There is NOW. Corporations decide.
Read "Deadly Spin".
yes - and if we had a free market for insurance companies you could reject the ones that don't provide the expected benefit you signed up for. You can sue an insurance company etc. How so you think that will work when the govt is running things? You will have no choice & no remedy for wrongful death. Of course the way things are now the insurance companies are not good but that's because the government is already deeply into them with regs etc.
People who are on Medicare still have the right to sue for medical malpractice. Whether it is private insurance or government funds paying the medical providers that doesn't change.
great ! so no problem
Dead people rarely sue anybody.
The "free market" is an illusion, it's just not possible, and it's not any government, nor regulation that prevents it. It's man himself.
You would have to read the book I recommended, to come to terms with why you feel the way you do.
Corporations ARE the death panels, and they have been for a while!!!!
do you have the power to vote? do you have the power to organize? answer these questions honestly and you mght awaken yourself from the drug induced slumber you are currently in.
Considering that your response has little to do with anything in my posts, I would appreciate it if would refrain form trying to paste your own drug induced slumber on me.
I was awake and aware all through 8 horrible years of the BIG government, (R)epelican't, Bush "administration".
Yes, I do vote, and I know for certain, I will never vote for another candidate with an (R) after his name.
I would advise you to do the same.
So you are against big government good for you. Is the president the only one you can vote for? how about your congressman or senator? So Democrats are for smaller government? At least now you are on the right subject.
I vote for non (R)epelican'ts, one and all.
Why vote for the guys who crashed the country into a wall?
This is correct: (R)epelican'ts create BIG intrusive government.
The nest time TSA wants to " touch your stuff", remember, it was Bush that made it so.
WallStreet, Corp. Banks, Fossil Fuel, etc. etc. - Driving us to extinction, economically and environmentally.
Then there is the Hypocrisy of the main stream media. Hypocrisy in inaction (covers social unrest around the world but not at home = USA ).
Then there is the Hypocrisy of the government. Hypocrisy in inaction ( can you say Congress? ).
I've begun to think of them as extra-national corporations, as it feels more accurate than "global", which to me, sounds a bit too benign.
They are not benign.
They regularly " employ" one another to our detriment.
All over the World.
Ultimately, they are all controlled by "wallstreets", and "private" investment firms, who themselves are controlled, by groups of their largest shareholders.
If it is to their profit, they will happily purchase the influence of any entity, anywhere in the World. To our detriment.
The extra-national corporations, would appear to be, very much in cahoots.
I use that term to avoid the "conspiracy theory" ban...................LOL
We are not the only ones dealing with death panels.
Nope and not the only economy falling on it's face and also issuing bailouts.
We do seem to be the only ( free? ) country with major social unrest that is not being covered by our own main stream media.
I seem to recall one (R)epelican't, or another, issuing a stament to the effect, the "press" should quit reporting this "stuff".
At that point Occupy was still getting a good amount of positive press.
It's not like that anymore.
I guess he got his way.
What is funny is.
You don't hear people talking about or crediting Occupy or 99% for applying pressure for change.
You do hear more and more talk about the 1%, and by and large it is not complimentary. This even being expressed not by Main Stream Media but by people they are covering with I would guess no good way to edit these statements out without needing to trash the coverage.
palin was right.
Being "right", is not the same as being correct.
Palin has NEVER been correct.
Not true. She was right when she said, pick Newt over Mitt. She was also right when she called Joe McGinniss a creep.
Newt or Mitt?
None of them is the correct answer, so she's wrong.
Who is Mcginnis?
the "journalist" who rented a house next door, then wrote a cheap tabloid book filled with innuendo.
He was no journalist, just another cheap shit capitalist.
You should be proud of him and so should she.
So she was incorrect there too.
cheap shit capitalist = creep
sounds like you've found common ground with Palin
Not at all.
Yet you've found a reason to hate unregulated capitalism.
Funny thing, huh?
@shooz, only in your world does criticism of a crappy writer who passes along rumor as fact have something to do with hating unregulated capitalism. Welcome to Sarah's army.
Only your mind could fail to make the connection.
Though time with that whole "thinking" process thingy?
Still think (R)epelican'ts are all about small government?
FLAKESnews passes rumor as fact all the time, but that, you're OK with.
I can only surmise that you enjoy being confused.
Who said anything about Fox?
What continues to amaze me is the continued absolute trust of liberals in government.
I don't think that government is necessarily evil, though it certainly can be.
chilling,from cradle to grave humans are under it. abortion don't get you euthanasia will
Horseshit. More demagoguery from the Libe(R)tards.
Really? Please expand your already eloquent response.
No. One can't disprove what is not there. And trying to argue with conspiracy nuts and Libe(R)tards is like trying to heard cats.
It's pure bullshit, and posting one idiot in the process of ranting about unsubstantiated, evidence-free, fact-challenged drivel is not a legitimate support of your case: it is simply a repetition os that drivel.
So my first response stands: Horseshit. More demagoguery from the Libe(R)tards.
Is this not how this country got into the mess it's in now? Because people fail to understand the basics about a corporation. The corporation has established itself to be sustained for itself only and the masses who are controlled by the corporation are there to keep it in its position of power!. Why point your fingers at anyone? Read the United States of America Incorporated papers and documents, then you will understand. Capitalism favors corporations because no matter who is in charge (or the alleged figurehead) the rules of the game remain the same and they can pretend and convince you that every one is to blame while....they get over on you!!! Wake up....puh leeze... Who ever you put in office is in office under Corporate legislation!!
The govt are the ones with their ever increasing hold on corporations. They see a problem then intervene. Then the problem persists or gets worse, they intervene even more. Until eventually you have a centrally planned economy where they control everything. If you can't see that just look at the last 100 years of world history.
Typical neo liberal thinking.Greed is good and the only thing in life of any value is money.Goverments sole purpose is to collect taxes from the Masses and redistribute it to the military and security industrial complex.
too bad it's not the masses who pay taxes.
Every one pays taxes .Except of course our corporations.The only people that do not.Remember corporations are now people.All the rights none of the responsibilities.
corporations are tax collectors. all passed to the consumer. No matter how you slice it. tax them 90% because it feels good - it all gets passed on to the consumer genius.
Well son don't be a retard, consumer gets hammerd if tax rate is 90% or Zero % .In fact consumer Did do better when it was at 90%.Your Argument like you is full of horse sh_t
and I know you don't know what you are talking about when you resort to profanity and personal attacks . typical.
yes you do
Oh for crying out loud!! There is no difference between the government or the corporations! Now if you can't see that, just look at the last 2,000 years of world history! My god, you people live in some kind of fantasy world as if there is actually many differences in the way this system operates. America is the land of the brave and the home of the be brave and let your minds get free from those mental shackles!!
Read the articles of incorporation for the United States of America, then ask yourself why did Congress rule that corporations are individuals? Read the treatise that the United States hold with other countries regarding this land. Why do you all like being mystified??? I don' I read!! you all like being bamboozled I take it? wasn't congress that 'ruled that corporations are individuals'. Congress rules on nothing, what you are referring to is the US Supreme Court.
The so called 'Death Panels' were dis-proven a good bit ago.
If someone wants to stir things up, please do so with something more current.
Dearie...Congress agrees on that same do you know who puts the Supreme Court in power...Did YOU???
No. Article 2 Section 2 of the US Constitution provides that Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the President with the Advice and Consent of the Senate:
Henceforth, the little people have no control over any of this except to believe they are electing those who will represent their best have they?? So who are they truly representing? Furthermore....what the hell is there to stir up?
There are only two issues that continue to float around this country and they are..truth and falsehood.
We all were raised and indoctrinated with the let the truth set you free!! No one up there cares about you, or anyone else in this country.. It is all about that eye over the pyramid on the greenbacks!! If you are willing to give your life for that...then go for it!
First 'Dearie' feels rather insulting to me, so please refrain.
I am well aware of the process of appointing Justices to the Supreme Court, I am also aware that the Court has ruled at times in a manner contrary to what Congress would have preferred.
The simple fact that Congress appears to 'concur' on a ruling is immaterial.
If you are referring to the Justices on the Supreme Court as 'representing' you are incorrect. If you are referring to the House and Senate, I have to say that 98 Senators and 427 Representatives do not even pretend to represent me as they all are representing the constituents of other states.
Sadly at this point in time constituents include corporations etc.
I wasn't trying to be insulting, but at the same token insinuating that these issues are old hat and have nothing to do with one another in this present day and time shows ignorance on the part of the masses. What is taught in school is not the reality that existed then or today and there is no easy fix.. Congress is scared of losing Corporate dollars, the Supreme Court is afraid of insulting Corporations by insinuating that they are protected by the 14th amendment, and everyone is afraid of another Wall Street Malfunction! This is chaos of a nation at its fullest while people continue to fill each others pockets and grease their palms. Everyone is witnessing the demise of a system that has made a mockery of its own "alleged" human rights legacy and now it wants to shove its so-called indignation right back up your noses... Now that is truly insulting!!
You over state your case.
We all know the system is cracked, not broken, not completely, but damaged none the less.
We also know we can take steps to correct the damages.
I don't have a case to state. Reality is what it is...It doesn't matter what I say, or you say or what anyone else says for that matter. The inevitable has already been put into motion and nothing can stop it, not even the deaths of millions and millions. We are in an age when man has lost his grip and there is an adjustment taking place universally!! You all just don't get are nothing besides being mere mortals, that's all!!!. Wall Street and all that concerns it will crumble just like any other civilization has in time....Scary ain't it??
LOL, I'm not worried about Wall St. That 'ship' has it's own life boats and they can row themselves.
This country did pretty darned well for a very long time without the Wall St we have today. We survived a depression, learned from it (unfortunately some where those lessons got lost), restructured our financial system, fought and won two wars simultaneously (WWII, Europe and Southeast Theatre), financed and encouraged innovation via universities and public sector...
Wall St. can piss up a rope for all of me.
Let's salvage our Democratic Republic, it's worth it.
You don't know much about this country's true history do you? Find out when Wall Street began and the very, very first commodity (s) it traded. Then follow the trail of their relationship with the Banks, then the trail of their relationship with the European countries and bankers...Mind you this was about 100 years before the dear scholar!! Then, perhaps, just perhaps we can have an honest, truthful, "down home" discussion. Until then, most of you are just repeating what you have been indoctrinated with and nothing more!!!
I guess you missed the qualifier I inserted. I am well aware of the history, both domestic and foreign.
You'd do well to keep in mind that the discussion is not private and it would do us both well to keep it open to whatever contributions others may wish to make.
Can you vote your local CEO out of office?
Not if I live in Florida!!!
How about anywhere else?
What does it matter? If you follow the tracks of your CEO's on the boards of your major corporations...all roads head towards Congress... the Senate and the majorities have had a relationship interconnected within them and it just doesn't stop there! So, if you truly are worried about your healthcare, then you should make sure that the roads of the Corporations stop leading straight to the White House!! Besides, that road was well developed long before Obama got into office!! Why do you think Congress is so against putting regulations on them and Wall Street? Who is the father and who is the child here??
"all roads head towards Congress.." you said it... so what's your course of action?
To do what I have always done...teach the truth, continue the faith and teach the little ones how to be good citizens!!!
hahaha! by occupying wall street hahaha! God help the children !
Ignorance prevails on this forum.....I am a firm supporter not an Occupier. Whereas many individuals have been protesters long before some of you were even born! This country needs an enema, and unfortunately the masses, like many on this forum, don't believe anything needs to be corrected.. So..yes, I teach the children regarding who they truly are...a part and partial of this said government and must live the life accordingly (as well as improve u[on it) until the end of this "reign of terror and greed!!" Which by the way is taking place before our very eyes....believe it or not!! After all you old farts die off, the children will still be here...God help you all!!
no one says nothing needs to be corrected. It's just OWS is aiming in the wrong direction. You look like children throwing a temper tantrum. No one takes a child & their temper tantrum seriously.
Why concern yourself with it then? I know how to control tantrums..and your analogy is totally infantile. There is a problem in this world...are you part of the problem or part of the solution? Arguing with me or anyone else on here isn't going to stop this movement or any around the globe that is costing people their lives and you and your OWS bashers are really wasting your time here....Be constructive....if you all disagree here then help find the solutions and point the masses in the right way...Can you all do that???
funny - I haven't seen a KKK rally on the news in awhile. All I see is OWS. But thanks for clearing that up - equating yourselves with the KKK.
Yet, you put up a you tube video that compares the President of the United States to "Hitler" in Nazi Germany? What makes such a difference in the version of your self-righteousness? I take full responsibility for my posts regarding the KKK, as my remark was mine alone...not that of the OWS or anyone affiliated to it!! I am not affilited with OWS, but I am a strong supporter...there is a difference! So, stop playing the mind manipulation games that were so apparent in Nazi Germany....and of today.....OK? As for KKK rallies, protests, etc....take a gander....
and don't forget this one!!...
Please, please, stop living in your sterile bubble!! Our President is the least of this countries problems!!!
no you are right - it's fun to watch. It's fun to watch OWS cost the taxpayers money they don't have providing extra police so you guys can play campout in the various public locations. OWS is a very productive use of your time.
You can say that about any movement that protests...have you checked out how much taxpayer money is spent protecting the KKK, or any other supremist party that has the right to congregate and preach hate? Give me a break.....taxpayer money? Are you serious? If the money was truly the taxpayers, these politicians wouldn't be able to swindle as much as they are for their own benefit. No one said anything about the taxpayers when the Banks got bailed out... What did you do about that?? Never are on the side that thinks your world is the only one that should be in existence....As I said before....where is your constructive solution?
Are you backward
You are insane.
Thank you for this. I saw this and others on the subject a long while back, but no-one was ready to hear it then. Now with all the crazy laws in place, I think people are able to take a second look at this.
yes - people wake up when it's already to late. Thanks for the support Thrive !
ezekiel, brother of rahm emanuel.
yea - or easy-kill as I prefer to call him.