Forum Post: Obama "Yes we can"
Posted 12 years ago on March 22, 2012, 10:40 a.m. EST by leonardsova
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We can take Unemployment from 6 % to 9%...Yes we can
We can take gasoline from $1.80 to $3.50/gal…..Yes we can
We can increase the national debt by $ 5 Trillion in 3 years…...Yes we can
We can get more people on welfare & food stamps…Yes we can
We can double the number of homes in foreclosure…Yes we can
We can eliminate 2 Million jobs from this country…Yes we can
We can give away $ 500 Million to Solyndra…..Yes we can
We can fly all over the country Campaigning on Air Force One…Yes we can
We can visit all 57states….Yes we can
We can down grade the US credit rating for the first time in history…Yes we can
We can increase the cost of heating oil to over $ 3.00 a gallon…Yes we can
We can decrease the sales of homes to its lowest level in 20 years.....yes we can
We can play the race card any time we want…Yes we can
We can run this economy without a budget...Yes we can
We can pass laws without Congress…Yes we can
We can create a health care bill that nobody wants…..Yes we can
We can cut our Military leaving the country weak…Yes we can
We can sit idly by while Iran builds nuclear weapons…Yes we can
We can discourage any drilling for oil in the US….Yes we can
We can lie to the American people and the media will sell it...yes we can
We can go to Hawaii anytime we want For Free…..Yes we can
We can run semi-automatic weapons to Mexican Cartels in an attempt to circumvent the 2nd Amendment...Yes we can
We can quit smoking cigarettes…ooops….No we can’t