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Forum Post: Obama Scorecard

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:05 a.m. EST by SisterRay (554)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS is not a pro-Obama movement. We are a pro-change movement that is non-partisan. We don't care what party you're affiliated with or what ideology you subscribe to; if you recognize the real problems we're facing today and you promote real solutions to them, then we will support you.

That said, as we judge Obama on his performance as President over the last 2.5 years, it's a good idea to keep in mind the substantial change that he has brought to America that give me some hope for the future:

1) He passed healthcare reform

2) He signed the New START treaty on nuclear disarmament and got it ratified

3) He had Osama bin Laden found and killed

4) He issued an executive order ending torture and rendition

5) He repealed DADT

6) He passed the Matthew Shepard Act

7) He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act

8) He regulated the financial sector

9) He passed the stimulus bill

10) He saved the auto industry

11) He raised fuel efficiency standards drastically

12) He appointed Sotomayor and Kagan to the Supreme Court

It is also important to recognize his substantial failures:

(a) He has not closed Guantanamo

(b) He has not allowed the Bush Tax Cuts on the rich to expire as scheduled.

(c) He has not protected enough homeowners from foreclosure

(d) He has not passed Cap & Trade

(e) He has made no progress towards peace between Israel and Palestine

(f) We are still at war

(g) Washington remains as polarized, corrupt, and incompetent as ever.

While we should recognize Obama's significant successes, we should continue to push for these important issues where he has failed. Individuals should make up their own minds about whom to vote for in 2012. But OWS as a movement should recognize that Obama has brought some substantial change to America that we support, even as we demand that much more be done as we seek to hold Wall Street accountable.



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