Forum Post: Obama Perry Paul for President
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 11:04 p.m. EST by leavethecities
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Since electioneering is obviosly not banned I want to say Im for and against Obama Perry Paul the black chosen by God liberterian socialist canidate Governor from Texas who can not debate but isnt allowed to talk canidate. Please support and oppose my canididate as I would want. Thank you for your support and opposition.
I wholeheartedly and 100% agree and disagree with you. Next November, regardless of the weather, I will and will not vote for all and none of the candidates you mention didn't mention.
His friends call him OPP get your for/against OPP bumper sticker now!
Are you down with OPP
Herman Cain will be in charge of getting the ladies for the celebration party.
Hermain Cain doesnt seem to get thier affection maybe Bill could handle it.
Election is coming soon.
Really cool Man BEar Pig canidate no particular order. ..