Forum Post: Obama needs to bring back the 91% tax bracket
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 9:16 p.m. EST by FollowTheMoney
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it would Solve all the problems.....
That's a little extreme... I strongly oppose this and still regard myself as extremely progressive.
Would it get you to stop posting your idiotic views?
except for the fact that you're taking 91% of their money away. Do you realize how much you have to make to live off 9% of it? About 10 times more than you already do. That'll totally resolve the wealth disparity crisis...
Not your capitalization problem.
gawdoftruth (Santa Barbara, CA) 1 points 0 seconds ago
i have an inner radical and an inner moderate. my inner moderate says getting whack on them because they got whack on us just sets the stage for tit for tat. My inner radical says sure, tax the rich. over all i'd like to see us go one step at a time through science centered problem solving process. chant slogans and quick brainstormed up pop ideas seldom make good laws or meaningful change. I don't want to continue the caste war and win/ lose with the poor getting even with the rich. i want the caste wars to END period. While i agree in principle and in sentiment and am not per sey opposed to this idea, i would much rather see us WORK the problems with SCIENCE and LOGIC first. reply permalink edit delete
this has been brought up before.. please find the older threads.
This is effectively a "maximum wage" and I do not agree.
How much wage do you want ? What is the limit to your desire/greed ?
I will EARN as much as I can earn honestly with out cheating or stepping on others dreams.
You may be honest my friend. There are tons of people who will do all immoral, unethical and long term disastrous work/projects but perfectly legal, to make a lot of money. How do you control their greed ? Remember, whatever they do is legal, but it's immoral, unethical and long term disastrous work/projects and many of us know it.
right here and the link after the edit mark on that page
Stupid. Obama is a CIA agent. Wake up, please.
JFK was shot for opposing the "Federal" Reserve. Do you realize what you're getting yourself into?
You really shouldn't bring Obama into this. The man is actually trying. His hands has been tied by Republicans who continully want to give Tax breaks to the rich and the Tea Party. Give him some slack
Absurd. Did you watch the video I linked?
Obama is a third generation CIA agent. How can you possibly think he is working for your best interests?
Come on. He is not and you know it. Don't be like Fox News and report stupid stuff . Look I'm not saying Obama is the answer nor am I saying he tells us the truth all the time. I'm just saying he's trying esp. for the common man way more than the Republicans that want to keep giving tax breaks everything to the rich and coorpations. And just so you know Joe the "Tea Partier" Plumer has just threw his hat into the ring........thats all we need is a side show artist.
Did you even watch the video I linked?
It's ok that you didn't know. It's not ok to plug your ears when the truth is spoken.
Keep your tinfoil and look up Executive Order 11110. Public domain. Enjoy.
I have spent a lot of time studding conspiracy theories from EO11110, to majestic 12, to faked moon landing, to TWC inside/false flag. All conspiracy theories I have studied require great leaps of logic and the only proof the supporters ever have is "prove it is not true", and i am sorry the burden of proof falls on the one with the theory.
WTF? No one pretends that EO11110 is fake. What are you smoking bro?
EO11110 it self is a real Executive Order, that being the reason JFK was killed is the conspiracy theory.
So why do you think Thomas Jefferson said the following...
"And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies ; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
The cartel of the "Federal" Reserve has a very long list of assassination victims, some of which I have had the privilege of knowing. You can take your internet research and shove it...
Internet research nothing, you don't know me and the things I have seen and done in my life just as I don't know you in the same manner, do not assume things.
A quote from Thomas Jefferson will never prove your theory unless you can prove Thomas Jefferson was a time traveler warning the country about JFK's assassination.