Forum Post: Obama killed Osama and Qaddifi
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 9:15 a.m. EST by Obama2012
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Reward him with 4 more years. Donate at
If this Obama2012 is really affiliated with the Obama campaign, this is truly disgusting. Talk about propaganda.
Yes, I work under David alexrod. One of my jobs is outreach to our supporters like ows.
Not me. Obama f'd up.
Former MI5 Agent Annie Machon said in a report to the conflict in Libya:
“They’ve had free education, free health, they could study abroad. When they got married they got a certain amount of money. So they were rather the envy of many other citizens of African countries. Now, of course, since NATO’s humanitarian intervention the infrastructure of their country has been bombed back to the Stone Age. They will not have the same quality of life. Women probably will not have the same degree of emancipation under any new transitional government.
The national wealth is probably going to be siphoned off by Western corporations. Perhaps the standard of living in Libya might have been slightly higher than it perhaps is now in America and the UK with the recession,” she said.
What really was the UN&NATO trying to achieve?
Hooray for the new terrorists’ victory over the old terrorists!
They’ve been Iraqi-fied.
They’ve gone from free medical, free education, free housing, 50 grand when married to chasing behind American military trucks to get hand outs while all their natural resources are stolen.
Liberation is great ain’t it?
Onto the next one!
"What really was the UN&NATO trying to achieve?"
Oil for European markets that got around Russian control.
exactly just oil people are dying every day in syria in protest you can friend them on facebook (@we are all Hamza Alkhateeb)and get daily updates and video. So sad 28 died just yesterday some as young as three all peaceful protestors being shot by snipers. Their fight has been going on since the Libyan conflict started and why do you think NATO isnt over there???? NO OIL RESERVES TO TAP INTO. The French president and Hillary Clinton have already worked out contracts with the new intern government for their oil.
To say nothing of the Iranian protests in the summer of 2009. Where was UN/NATO then? Where was the U.S. leadership then?
What they got is Islam. Welcome to your future.
Stop it with this trolling. Obama is a failure.
I think this thread demonstrates how desperate the anti-ows movement is. (cough-BUMP-cough)
No, I think this demonstrates how desperate Obama is. Beware his camp attempting to infiltrate OWS and publicly claim it as their own to get re-elected.
I'm glad the hive mind here is aware of this =)
He also killed a United States citizen who was never charged with a crime. Now what?
He was an enemy combatant. Obama is doing everything to protect your family
Bullshit he was an enemy combatant. He was never charged with a single crime. Obama's not doing shit to protect my family, he's creating more fucking terrorists. Anyway, my family now lives in Ireland because the U.S. government is now a terrorist organization and I refuse to support it.
Help combat righwingers and help elect obama
He was never proven guilty in court. Obama is definitely fighting personal liberty.
The biggest shocker this year was when he signed on the extension of the Patriot Act.
Obama is just as bad as Bush. He's just a better speaker.
Guilty in court? He was never even INDICTED.
As I always say....Before targeting specific laws, start with the Patriot Act
Correct. The UNpatriot Act is the single greatest threat to our liberty.
Honestly not even sure how we can approach this?
A union of Tea Party + OWS as opposed to the constant division between the 2?
Lots of people are talking about that, and I for one think that that is a good idea. Focus on a single issue that all sides can agree on (money corrupting politics) and leave the more complicated ideological arguments for later (after we get the moneyed influences out of politics).
Sadly, the "true believers" are hell bent on demanding "ideological purity" before taking on any issues. That will simply turn away a significant majority of the 99% (both on the left and right).
Very very well said. It also is a very elitist approach to want to impose ideologies over fighting common issues
Where's the PROOF? He may have been a bad guy, but the Obama administration was asked numerous times to provide one scrap of evidence, and COULD NOT! Furthermore, the Constitution protected his right to due process and fair trial. If the government can label a U.S. citizen a "terrorist" without evidence and murder them without trial, then they can do it to any U.S. citizen. The very act is high FUCKING treason!
Murdered them, you mean.
From the comfort of the Oval Office.
Obama is so brave!
He's my hero!
Fuck off Obama is a murderer
You are a brainwashed troll Obama stands for everything we are fighting against. Whats wrong wall street isnt giving him enough money this time around?
Did Obama have a gun in his hand and shoot Osama? NO! You know who Obama did kill? Family,Friends, Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, Uncles, Aunts, soldiers! He should get rewarded with the same pain he caused all of us. Now get your stupid brainwashed self out of here!
Reward him for killing people? Please keep these sick ideas to yourself.
likely thousands of Guy Fawkes but they don't have names
Government debt to GDP will be at 100% by the end of this month. Vote for Obama!
Not bad for a Nobel Peace Prize winner
I wonder how the Nobel committee feels now. What joke!
If this had happened on a Republican President's watch, partisans would be nominating him for Dictator for Life, Glenn Beck worshipping at his feet.
thank you!
I already did, but this isn't the place for that.
You must give more. Obama loves OWS.
I do, and I know he does, but this will alienate the people that support his ideas even though they don't support him.
How would that do that when the ows stands with obama and obama with ows
OWS does not stand with that terrorist bastard. Fuck Obama and his Bilderberg cabinet of thieves and murderers. And fuck you for posting this bullshit thread, rot in Hell.
You see, Obama2012, there are many here that don't agree with that viewpoint. They've chosen to hate Obama regardless of the fact that he's worked so hard to fight for their cause.
It's best to leave politicians out of the OWS movement. Those of us that do support him will do so.
Worked so for their cause? Are you crazy? His policies have directly benefited the big banks and screwed the rest of us.
I understand your point of view guru and we could discuss it at length. I prefer not to do so here on the OWS site. I'm sure we could find issues upon which we agree if you wish to discuss those.
I was going to support Obama until declared war on California. This agression will not stand, man.
15% believe the country is generally heading in the right direction and only 16% believe the U.S. economy is getting better.
Buh bye Obama.
Obama 2012!!! Lets start holding up signs. YES WE CAN
LOL.....perhaps he'd be better suited as US foreign policy guru....Secretary of State, Ambassador????
POTUS requires someone who can lead......and frankly he's led this country into the toilet.