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Forum Post: Obama is Wall Street's servant (Just like the Republicans)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:37 p.m. EST by OldCrow (22)
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Obama recruits more big money 'bundlers' 2012 presidential election is expected to be the costliest ever

WASHINGTON/CHICAGO — The number of donors who raise big money for President Barack Obama jumped in the last three months as he builds a war chest for what will likely be the costliest presidential election ever. . At least 41 people have raised at least half a million dollars for the president, compared to 27 in Obama's first report, according to an analysis of campaign data released Friday. The big donors, known as "bundlers," are typically well-connected people who pledge to gather tens of thousands of dollars for a candidate. Former Goldman Sachs executive Jon Corzine and Dreamworks Animation chief executive executive Jeffrey Katzenberg are on Obama's elite list and raised $500,000 or more.




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