Forum Post: Obama is laughing at OWS. OWS hasn't made any impact at all.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 10:46 a.m. EST by SmallBizGuy
from Savannah, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Obama thinks OWS is a bunch of tools. Maybe he is right. Check the links below to read about the 1% that just got billions of dollars from OWS's beloved Democrat president....and don't post anything about how OWS doesn't back an political party......that's just BS.,0,4293298.story
Obama is laughing so loud, I can hear him in Georgia.
They know Obama is corrupt. This is the primary reason for the movement, a Complete loss of trust in the system.
They are mostly young and impressionable, whether educated or not, and fell for Obamas "hope and change" speeches and the whole B ROCK campaign made them believe in something.
Now seeing their efforts and support only managed to further throw this country into the depths of hell they have given up on the electoral process all together.
They now blame the system and the successful, the very wealthy. It's very hard to admit you were wrong I understand this so I doubt they will focus their aggravations toward the process by which to resolve them, removing the Democrats from office.
It's really a shame and I do feel sorry for the ones who were fooled in 2008.
And 2004, and 2000, and 1996, and 1992, and 1988, and 1984, and 1980.
sometimes we have to pick a party, who is closer to intelligence, and then try to get our ideas and needs a part of that partys goals.
I choose the less corrupt party. and the party which seems to have the most logical and reasonable solutions. some pick a party based on age and race and grand speaches of hope and change. to each his own
Both parties are working for the Corporate Masters that pay them billions of dollars to do what they say.
If you think the Republicans are any better then the Democrats you are delusional. Both are bought and paid for.
How can you say that? We do have a two party system, the Ratpublicans and their junior team the Democraplicans.
sorry, i've been around long enough to know democrats are criminals and your savior Osama pulled the wool over your eyes darlin
What? This is literally nonsense.
Democrats are Criminals, as are Republicans. Osama bin Ladin was also a Criminal.
Criminals run the world, don't you know?
OWS has had a tremendous effect. The recent elections are a good indication as are the babbling of the talking heads on TV. Everyone is talking about OWS, what is important now is to sustain the movement. It must adapt, people need to start workshops in their communities, organize lectures and debates. In our community we have done that and now instituted our own "Depression money" to stimulate local economic activity.
Very interesting. I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't say....I hope that you succeed.
You're either with the bank$ters or you're not...It's too bad Obama has shown time and time again who he sides with and has shown who truly controls this country..
Hum, if you are not with the "bank$ters" what do you do?
Have a revolution...
I actually had a lot of hope for Obama (no pun intended). I own a small business. I will take a good economy over a Republican any day of the week. Too bad that Obama turned out to be one of the 1%. We live....we learn.
Me too...Now I feel like got raped...
It's hard to "fire" someone eye-to-eye; However, in the privacy of a voting booth, the American people will "fire" Obama in 2012. If the Republicans want to "look good", they should be careful to not go off the deep end and do something stupid (don't bet your paycheck on it). They will benefit from some of Obama's policies. So goes politics.
Unfortunately..from what I see, the big contender on the Republican side is a Democrat... None of these politicians look good..I don't think voting matters...
So the Republican or Democrat wins...Do the American people win?..No f*cking way..Both parties are on the same team...All they do is screw the working class and guess how that affects small business..It gets screwed to..
Seems like the working class of the world is getting nailed...Almost seems like a plan to cause pain, and then what will the elites pull out of their insane magic hat as a solution..
Obama is a Trojan horse traitor to the 99%. What do you think started OWS? We got tired of waiting for false leaders so we started the 2nd American Revolution ourselves.
Its you who haven't made an impact. If you want to make an impact perhaps you should go elsewhere? You are just afraid OWS will all decide to run out and vote Obama. You still think voting matters. How cute.
Actually, I am not cute at all. I am bald and ugly....but....I am skinny.
I'm from Georgia too, a little further south. Imagine that. What business are you in? I mean in a general sort of way.
I manufacture a construction product. I wish I manufactured a healthcare product. Oh can't win them all. Maybe housing will came back soon.
The big banks are trying to move their foreclosure and aren't loaning for new construction. I'd hate Obama too if I were you. He is neck deep in bankers. Its bad for the whole state, we grow tons of pine trees. Even when a disaster hits and building materials should be being sold, it doesn't make a dent. Corruption is so bad around disasters, I don't think the people ever see any of the money they need to rebuild. Obama knew what was happening with housing and student loans, and he made speeches about how manufacturing any thing in the US was over and you had to have an education. Now the bankers are on school boards raising the cost of school and pimping student loans. Georgia is lucky our state uses lotto money to help students go to school. I am not a republican, I use to be a democrat before Clinton signed NAFTA. Both parties are working against the masses.
I was having a good day until you mentioned NAFTA.
I see this as a worldwide wake up call to the fact that globalization was great for shipping and some billionaires but it stinks for everyone else. The deregulation that the Tea Party started to support is just more of the same crap that enabled the banks to do what they have done. I'm mad at both parties. I understand that people want guns and morals, but they shouldn't have to swallow global exploitation and tax loopholes and subsidies that make it where WellsFargo makes billions and doesn't pay taxes. A lot of people are upset about all the cuts to programs people depend on, that takes more money out of the economy. The unions are spot on when they point out manufacturing, and better wages lead to disposable income and build great economies. I'm not to the far left, I just want to see manufacturing return to the US so I don't have send all my money to china! I'm not saying no one should work. I'm say we should make things that make a good enough profit to pay higher wages to the working class and middle class. You can't tell me these rich corporations can't afford to pay better wages.Corporations shouldn't get help breaking our economy by shipping jobs out. Neither party wants to bring back manufacturing and stop burning gas to drag everything all around the world twice. I wonder why?
The "manufacturing base" is actually growing in the US. US manufacturing is producing one-fifth of the world's goods, and has registered 26 straight months of growth (according to the Institute for Supply Management).
China is having a decline in manufacturing due to a rapid rise in wages and rents. The good ole "supply/demand/price" equation has "wacked" the Chinese manufacturing sector.
The US is not in decline. We are in a bad recession. The greatest country on earth doesn't give up easily.
I agree with your idea about paying workers better. Not only does it give them money to spend in the economy, but allows them to educate their children, allowing them to grow up to become scientists and engineers. Then they can make discoveries and inventions which improve our economy by orders of magnitude.
15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America. Information Clearing House, Grafiken über Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung in den USA htt 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America. Information Clearing House, Grafiken über Einkommens- und Vermögensverteilung in den USA
30 The U.S. government now says that the Medicare trust fund will run out five years faster than they were projecting just last year.
29 According to one study, the 50 U.S. state governments are collectively 3.2 trillion dollars short of what they need to meet their pension obligations.
28 A different study has shown that individual Americans are $6.6 trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably.
27 Between 1991 and 2007 the number of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 that filed for bankruptcy rose by a staggering 178 percent.
26 According to a shocking AARP survey of Baby Boomers that are still in the workforce, 40 percent of them plan to work "until they drop".
25 Last year, 2.6 million more Americans dropped into poverty. That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.
24 Back in the year 2000, 11.3% of all Americans were living in poverty. Today, 15.1% of all Americans are living in poverty.
23 More than 50 million Americans are now on Medicaid. Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, approximately one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.
22 More than 45 million Americans are now on food stamps.
21 The number of Americans on food stamps has increased 74% since 2007.
20 Approximately one-third of the entire population of the state of Alabama is now on food stamps.
19 Right now, one out of every four American children is on food stamps.
18 It is being projected that approximately 50 percent of all U.S. children will be on food stamps at some point in their lives before they reach the age of 18.
17 The poverty rate for children living in the United States increased to 22% in 2010.
16 There are 314 counties in the United States where at least 30% of the children are facing food insecurity.
15 In Washington D.C., the "child food insecurity rate" is 32.3%.
14 More than 20 million U.S. children rely on school meal programs to keep from going hungry.
13 It is estimated that up to half a million children may currently be homeless in the United States.
12 The number of Americans that are going to food pantries and soup kitchens has increased by 46% since 2006.
11 According to a recent report from the AFL-CIO, the average CEO made 343 times more money than the average American did last year.
10 The wealthiest 1% of all Americans now own more than a third of all the wealth in the United States.
9 The poorest 50% of all Americans collectively own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.
8 The percentage of millionaires in Congress is more than 50 times higher than the percentage of millionaires in the general population.
7 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.6 million Americans were self-employed back in December 2006. Today, that number has shrunk to 14.5 million.
6 According to one recent poll, 90 percent of the American people believe that economic conditions in the United States are "poor". To put this in perspective, only 11 percent of Americans rated economic conditions in the U.S. as "poor" back in January of 1999.
5 According to another recent poll, 80 percent of the American people believe that we are actually in a recession right now.
4 Our dollar is being systematically destroyed by the Federal Reserve. An item that cost $20.00 in 1970 will cost you $116.78 today. An item that cost $20.00 in 1913 will cost you $457.67 today.
3 The Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their friends during the last financial crisis.
2 The Federal Reserve is a perpetual debt machine. Today, the U.S. national debt is more than 4700 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913.
1 According to a new CNN/ORC International Poll, 27 percent of all Americans have never even heard of Feder
I don't believe it is true at all that everyone in OWS is a democrat or a liberal. I have met plenty of conservative people here, which originally was a surprise to me.
The problem is not what OWS preaches. It's what OWS practices that's the problem.
What practices are the problem? got me there.
I don't like "generalizing" about any group. I am critical of people who do.
I do wish that they would be more considerate of the small businesses near the protests OWS says that they like small businesses). I am a small biz advocate. I am very sensitive to the fragile nature of "small businesses". They can't survive long term disruptions to their daily business. If OWS would sit down and discuss some solutions with the business owners, I think that OWS would find some great partners. If they don't, it will be OWS's undoing. The American people won't tolerate OWS for very long if they are seen to be hurting "Main Street".
OWS is Main Street, and it continues to grow with every government and corporate abuse. OWS supporters represent the entire political and religious spectrum.
I would agree that OWS should try to do what it does without hurting small businesses. But remember these problems are very serious. The economic crisis could lead to world war, just like the great depression did. Everybody needs to think about how we can solve these problems now, or there may not be a tomorrow.
I am an optimist. I believe that the US will survive ( I wish that I could say that about Greece). Their are already goods signs of growth (just not real big signs). Capitalism, with all of it's warts, is very resilient. It may not be good for the Democrats, but Obama will loose in 2012. This change alone will boost the economy. This is not a political statement. It is an economic statement. I think even the Democrats recognize this. Will the Republicans be any better? Probably not. As long as they don't screw it up, they will be the beneficiaries (like it or not).
I don't think the economy will turn around until they pass Glass Steagall, which would put the system through bankruptcy reorganization, and then begin investing in infrastructure. Any business requires investment to grow, and I believe that is true about the economy as well.
I happen to agree.
This movement has quickly become a hotbed of left-wing ideology. They are marginalizing anyone who doesn't think like them, alienating the independents and certainly the right all while claiming to represent the supposed "99%". After a couple of weeks scanning this site, it is obvious that this is the Obamanation.
Then you may leave of your own free will. You had your grumblings. I won't miss your smears. You've come here to complain and smear. Others like me are trying to build a movement.
Consider yourself marginalized (be careful what you wish for).
Your movement will fail without direction and leadership. While many say they simply want money out of politics, that has become one issue of thousands. You cannot build a movement out of general disgust or anger, but you can build a strong, positive influence through organized, planned protests. Like them or not, like their results or not, the TEA Party got results. OWS will be a footnote this time next year as the world keeps turning.
No, what you meant to say: "I hope the movement fails and I hope the TEA party takes over our lives."
Your objective is clear. Your not here to help. Your narrative playing in head is in destroy mode, now it's OWS. Next may be Social Security, Health care for all, unemployment insurance, Unions, a living wage, well you can fill in. It's a common narrative of the tea baggers.