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Forum Post: Obama is hurting America

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:06 p.m. EST by dusty825 (5) from Gainesville, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


The first article is an attack on Gibson guitars to force them to outsource jobs to India and China..


Second post is the closing of car dealerships, this directly put people out of jobs, you have to look at the mechanics, service personnel, parts dept, ect.. How is he helping America by outsourcing jobs, and laying Americans off.

I don't even want to get started on rights for the illegal aliens..



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[-] 1 points by Ascension13 (46) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Huh.. Bush did the same thing when he moved my job to India. Republicans and Democrats doing the same thing? OMG! How is that possible!? it's almost like someone with a crap ton of money is paying the goverment off do that benefit them instead of the American People! But that's crazy conspiracy theory talk! There's certainly no one who would believe that!

[-] 1 points by dusty825 (5) from Gainesville, FL 13 years ago

They where following the laws of the import companies and even had the proper paperwork, they where told by outsourcing the jobs their problem would go away.

[-] 1 points by SanityScribe (452) 13 years ago

The Gibson thing...They are going after them for importing wood(fret board blanks) from India. Gibson then makes the guitars using the blanks, adding value. Our government is using "the lacy act". It states that a business using imported materials is bound by the importing countrys' laws. Indias' law says that this specific wood cannot be exported then have value added elsewhere. Gibson has an EXEMPTION AGREEMENT with India. India also considers the blanks a final product. Our government is using India law to pursue an American icon. Using their own(wrong) interpretation of the law, and ignoring the India governments' paperwork provided to Gibson.

UnAmerican! Fits into this pretty well though...


[-] 1 points by LazerusShade (76) 13 years ago

OK So the first one you posted never even mentions Obama. However it does indicate that there is an environmental issue with using these types of wood and that there is some concern about importing the finished product even though the law mentioned was created to stop bulk importation of the wood itself. Not exactly what i would consider a smoking bullet pointing at Obama as a destroyer of the US.

The second link also fails to mention Obama even once, and is further more a testimonial letter from one side of an issue that since then has been resolved seeing as the letter was written almost 2 years ago.