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Forum Post: Obama is doing everything he can to appease Netanyahu, short of shining his shoes, but it is not enough.

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 29, 2012, 8:39 p.m. EST by gmxusa (274)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"I don't think you can understand the Republican strategy for this election without factoring in a key GOP player, Benjamin Netanyahu... A global war which polarizes America and the world is exactly what Netanyahu wants. And it is exactly what the GOP needs to cut through Obama's foreign policy advantage in this election. Because it is only through war, crisis and polarization that extremists can mobilize the emotions that keep them in power. They need war to win.

Here's a prediction. Netanyahu, in league and concert with Romney, Santorum and Gingrich, will make his move to get rid of Obama soon. And he will be more lethal to this president than any of his domestic foes.

"Netanyahu is more immersed in the American political process, in the culture wars, and in the Republican primary than any foreign leader in recent modern history, and he's doing so because he wants regime change in two countries, the first country is Iran, the second country is the United States.

He wants to replace Barack Obama with a Republican. He tried the same thing when he was Prime Minister in the 1990's against President Bill Clinton. He leaned on Gingrich, he leaned on people who were seeking to impeach President Clinton using Israel as a partisan wedge issue the same way the Christian Right uses abortion and gay marriage.

And this campaign is the fulfillment of Netanyahu's strategy to use Israel and now Iran as a political tool to unseat Barack Obama. And Newt Gingrich is just one candidate who is assisting this effort. Mitt Romney is also happy to assist this effort and he has surrounded himself with neoconservatives who have a seamless connection to Israel and to the Israeli military intelligence establishment and to Netanyahu's advisors.......in the words of former AIPAC researcher Keith Weissman, they are advancing the 'War of the Jews', that's his words."




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[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 13 years ago

Unfortunately, I think there is more than Netanyahu behind this war, and that the purpose of the war is not confined to effecting just Iran or even the middle east.

I think the wealthiest people in the world want to use Netanyahu and a war against Iran as the first step in the conquest of all Asia, and if that's not possible, a nuclear WW3 to reduce the global population to around a billion people.

Our western oligarchs think there are too many people in the world for them to control, particularly as the western financial system collapses, and the Asian countries continue to make rapid progress.

They want to force Russia and China to submit to a western style economic collapse, much worse than what we are experiencing now, or else, to accomplish the same objective of population reduction through global nuclear war.

They have the same intentions for the US, Europe, all of North and South America, which is to dramatically reduce the population in a period of decades, through war or economic collapse.

US general Dempsey, as well the top Russian and Chinese military officers are trying to prevent the war from breaking out, but who knows how long they will be able to resist the pressure exerted by the western financial oligarchy.

[-] -1 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

That's why the USA has made this 'testicle crushing' its number one tool in all the arab/persian world for population control.

I 100% concur, this is for all of Asian, and that means anybody East of Turkey, ... all the way to the Hawaiian Islands.

Nope the REAL reason goldman-sachs is doing this is a show of force to ASIA, to keep trading in USA dollars or die. Asia wants to go off the dollar and go to RMB/YUAN or to EURO, the USA of course would collapse over-night, and thus your seeing a dying monster(USA) making its last stand.

Bush Advisor Says President Has Legal Power to Torture Children ... of children, since one of its most influential legal architects is advocating the President’s right to order the crushing of a child’s testicles? ... few others and adopted by the Administration has resulted in thousands being abducted from their homes in Afghanistan, Iraq ... informationclearinghouse.info/article11488.htm More results Bush Advisor Says President Has Legal Power to Torture Children ... deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the ... literally to death in U.S.-run torture centers in Afghanistan, Iraq ... prisonplanet.com/articles/january2006/090106torturechild...
John Yoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... If the President deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles ... complicity in torture and other crimes against humanity at Abu Ghraib in Iraq ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Yoo
USA CRUSHES CHILDREN'S TESTICLES IN FRONT OF MUSLIM PARENTS TO ... How would you feel if your child's testicles was being ... This money has been used to illegally occupy Iraq ... if they mention the possibility of someone crushing a ... youtube.com/watch?v=vvz-uqa7Soc More results The WaPo Did Not Scoop This Story in 2005 | Emptywheel If Yoo walked away thinking the President could order the crushing of childrens testicles.. then ... Coverage of protests in Libya, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt and more ... emptywheel.firedoglake.com/2008/04/13/the-wapo-did-not-scoop-this-...

[-] 1 points by amGreed (-8) 13 years ago

Obama is Benjamin's little bitch. Benjamin has bitch slapped Obama on several occasions

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Obama is JUST using the Jews.

The issue is if you can get Israel behind you, then you can do anything. The USA must steal the Iran oil or perish.

The Jews & Israel have always been Proxy for the Likud and Neo-Con's.

That's NOT the fucking problem today. Let's talk today.

Bretton Woods was fine in a world where the USA controlled monopoly firepower to incinerate the earth.

But today the OIL country's have a choice they can sell their OIL to Asia for GOLD, or they can sell their OIL to parasitic nations for USA paper.

It's a NO BRAINER. The BW agreement simply state's that ALL the World MUST accept US dollars. But guess what, the world now say's FUCK YOU to Uncle Sam and Bitch Goldman-Sachs.

Once the ASIAN economy's over took the west, ... its now ASIA that can dictate the terms. The middle east see's what has happened to China, sitting on Trillions of worthless US dollars it can't sell.

The future is that NOBODY want's US dollars and OIL country's are just getting it in the last few years.

BW is a dead agreement it did back in the 1970's, the USA was toast POST Vietnam War.

[-] 0 points by sunstar (-14) 13 years ago

Sounds like Netanyahu is a great American. Anyone who is really paying attention to what damage the Obama Regime is doing to this country agrees Obama is ONE AND DONE. If this little petulant man-child POTUS isn't defeated in Nov. America is fucked big time. Doubtless as to if any of Obama's madness can ever be fully reversed.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

That's NOT the fucking problem today. Let's talk today.

Bretton Woods was fine in a world where the USA controlled monopoly firepower to incinerate the earth.

But today the OIL country's have a choice they can sell their OIL to Asia for GOLD, or they can sell their OIL to parasitic nations for USA paper.

It's a NO BRAINER. The BW agreement simply state's that ALL the World MUST accept US dollars. But guess what, the world now say's FUCK YOU to Uncle Sam and Bitch Goldman-Sachs.

Once the ASIAN economy's over took the west, ... its now ASIA that can dictate the terms. The middle east see's what has happened to China, sitting on Trillions of worthless US dollars it can't sell.

The future is that NOBODY want's US dollars and OIL country's are just getting it in the last few years.

BW is a dead agreement it did back in the 1970's, the USA was toast POST Vietnam War.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

That's a good web site. It is amazing to me that the parameters of this discussion are wider in Israel than in the United States. It used to be completely taboo to criticize Israeli policies in this country, but now you have Jeff Goldberg of the Atlantic and Thomas Friedman of the NY Times doing just that. Maybe soon, our politicians will join in. That would really be like a breath of fresh air.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

The strangle-hold that Israel has on our politicians is shameful.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

Thanks to the Israel lobby/AIPAC.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Since the 1920's the ADL, JDL, and NOW AIPAC has controlled ALL USA MSM media.

Might be shameful, but it took 90 years of hard-work to have what they have today, 100% control the USA.

But that said ISRAEL is only a proxy, and USA is only a mercenary-army and source of CASH.


The USA public are only cannon fodder.

Europe, USA, and Israel are in an economic nose-dive, ... ONLY by stealing the worlds oil and selling it to ASIA does the west have a hope of a future.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Intuitively...I suspect you are right, which makes our struggle all the more righteous, as well as very difficult.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Struggle and you will die.

In all of human history the only people that survive are those that flee.

Today smart people are fleeing the USA and fleeing Europe and Israel.

The people of Asia are beyond boiling point, the western powers have long wanted and all out suicidal MAD ( mutually assured destruction ) so it comes.

Where will it be safe? South America, Australia, ... New Zealand.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I have family in New Zealand.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I hope your scenario and prognosis are wrong, but I know that we are in deep shit too.

[-] -1 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Finding a single soul in the USA that is NOT an asshole is impossible, a nation of assholes ONLY elect assholes and thus OBAMA.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I agree they're a lot of assholes. We have to wake people up so that they no longer are ........s.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Just like smug Nazi Germans that denied the existence of incinerators in their own towns.

The US is far more than just an assholes, they're monsters, all of them.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

It is not all the US, but the corrupted politicians in Congress.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

Excuuuuse me but who in the hell do you think elects the assholes? The asshole public, thank you very much,

I love this when folks here can blame the fucking politicians, ..

Assholes hold office in the USA because they get voted in by the US TV watching shit-fed public.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

30 years ago TV used to be more reliable. Now with only 6 major networks owning everything, TV news are useless, but most people did not notice the change. They will eventually catch up.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

I disagree.

[-] 0 points by hdean (-29) 13 years ago

That's for the agreement. I think you also agree that liberals are the worst because they talk the talk of 'kindness', ...

The Puglicans are assholes, but they admit a bloodlust, but the liberals act like they hate murder, but they really love it, so the liberals are closet sociopaths, and the Puglican's are just out in the open about it.

But collectively the USA is a post penal colony with bad blood, and it always has had the highest rate of human degenerates worldwide.

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

Barack Obama can appease Netanyahu by shutting his hole and letting Israel defend itself

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

But no one is attacking Israel.

[-] 0 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

A pre-emptive attack on a nation that vows to erase Israel from the map, who is trying to get nuclear weapons - might that be considered defense?

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 13 years ago

Iran never attacked any country in the last 100 years. Iran's president said he would like to see Zionism erased from Israel, which is quite different from erasing Israel.

[-] 0 points by Breadwinner (33) 13 years ago

I'm just curious as to what you think Obama's foreign policy advantage is? Are you refering to the President's apology tour? If anything that is one of his biggest weaknesses.

[-] 1 points by toukarin (488) 13 years ago

Actually, the biggest weakness in our entire political system (Obama included) is the complete inability of any politician to survive after saying something even marginally anti Israel.

Kinda makes you wonder... are they here to protect our interests? or those of Israel? This is a sovereign nation, our politicians should have the stones and the 'freedom' to criticize our allies just as much they do our enemies if need be.

[-] 0 points by Stopinstigating (7) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

So Ahmajinedad's stated goal of annihilating Israel isn't to be taken seriously? And Iran's sponsorship of the genocide in Syria is another Netanyahu fabrication? And the IAEA's inspectors were surely denied access to Iran's nuclear facilities because of some plot by Netanyahu, right?

But let me guess, you haven't spoken with the Iranian leadership, have you? Let's be honest. You have no intention of doing so.

Instead of the usual gutless, clueless, anti-Israel drivel, let's see you call out the corrupt Iranian leadership and hold them accountable for their own repressive, despicable and dishonest behavior. Let us know when you plan to march on their embassy in protest after they ignore you like they have the U.N. and the rest of the civilized world.

[-] 2 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

I am a Jew, most of my family lives in Israel, and I am a strong Zionist.

And I HATE Netanyahu.

He is the George Bush of Israeli politics. His own intelligence services have warned him against military action with Iran, and he is not listening to them, either. The man is a right wing asshole lunatic who has said that if Israel sustains 100,000 civilian deaths as a result of an Iranian war, it would be acceptable. Well, it's not acceptable to me or my family. We have lost enough to anti-semites sworn to destroy us. We don't need to add to that number due to the madness, hatred and arrogance of one of our own.

[-] 1 points by Stopinstigating (7) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

And you're doing the SAME THING sanctimonious, cowardly protestors did prior to the Iraq War: focus on anyone and anything while IGNORING the very real repressive and genocidal actions of the regimes actually threatening their neighbors!

Seriously, where was your concern when Saddam was filling mass graves and expelling U.N. weapons inspectors? Why weren't you protesting the murder of Iranian citizens as they protested against their wicked and corrupt government?

If you think Netanyahu is a lunatic then what does that make Ahmajinedad? What did he say when you asked him to lay off the "destroy Israel" rhetoric? What did he say when you demanded that he stop funding the genocide in Syria? WHY AREN'T YOU MARCHING RIGHT NOW?

Let us know. We'll wait.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Unlike you, I can be critical of ALL right wingers at the same time. I don't have to like Iran to also dislike Netanyahu. Hoping for real democracy in Iran doesn't require me to support a war mongering, peace hating fuck like Netanyahu. Do you really think Yitzak Rabin would be acting this way?

[-] 1 points by Stopinstigating (7) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

Just as I suspected. Another sanctimonious, cowardly, loud mouth looking for easy left-wing cred.

When Netanyahu starts shooting Israelis who disagree with him in the streets like Ahmajinedad and his puppet in Syria, then you might have grounds for your ridiculous and disgusting moral equivalence argument.

Its easy to be "critical" but its obvious you have a serious problem with maturity and honesty when your shallow, talking-points views are challenged.

My original questions remain: "If you think Netanyahu is a lunatic then what does that make Ahmajinedad? What did he say when you asked him to lay off the "destroy Israel" rhetoric? What did he say when you demanded that he stop funding the genocide in Syria? WHY AREN'T YOU MARCHING RIGHT NOW?"

Don't bother replying. I don't expect a serious answer.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Netanyahu is a lunatic AND Ahmajinedad is a lunatic. And Assad is a mass murderer.

And while human all suffering is unacceptable, only one of them is pushing for a war that will likely kill 100,000 of my fellow Jews. And that person is neither an Arab or Persian.

You are presenting a false choice, a classically fallacious argument favored by right wingers, as if you can't hold two thoughts in your teensy brains at one time. A pox on ALL of these war mongers and murderers.

[-] 1 points by Stopinstigating (7) from San Antonio, TX 13 years ago

Please. The enormous twin boys I raised as a single parent tried your lame, pseudo-intellectual analysis on me, too - when they were in MIDDLE school!

Unlike you, they've grown up and are able to tell the difference between megalomaniacal murderers like Assad an Ahmajinedad and a leader, like Netanyahu, faced with the responsibility of having to protect ALL Israelis from these madmen. This includes clueless knuckleheads - Jewish and otherwise - who disagree with him. Because unlike you, he doesn't have the luxury of being wrong about the stated intentions of hostile Heads of State (and don't forget the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. How's that "Arab Spring" working out?).

When we see you and your friends protesting against Iran and Syria then you'll be taken seriously. Until then, you're just another loudmouthed coward with an overrated opinion. It might impress your younger friends, but not those of us old enough to recognize true evil when we see it.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

What makes you think that people have not been protesting what has been happening in Syria, or that there weren't protests about the brutal crackdown of protesters in Iran last year? Did you not get that news where you live?

Netanyahu is a warmonger. He is ignoring the advise of his own intelligence service. There is NO threat to Israel, and all intelligence, both Israeli and American, have explicitly said as much, so his saber rattling is based on NOTHING. Syria is not attacking Israel. Nor is Iran. Nor is Iran attempting to create nuclear weapons. The fear is that if it develops its CIVILIAN nuclear program, it might later develop the capacity for creating nuclear arms. ALL evidence points to their not doing so.

So everything Netinyahu is doing is based on speculation about possibility in the future regarding potential capability, not any plans. What's more, that capability, if ever arrived at, would be utilized for defense against Iraq, with whom it has fought devastating wars costing millions of lives. It would also strengthen Iran's political hegemony in the region. But no expert believes is it a direct threat ti Israel. It is demagoguery of the worst kind.

The left and MODERATE voices in Israel strongly disagree with Netinyahu's approach, and have been outspoken about it. His view is SINGULARLY one of the far right of Israeli politics, and he is nearly alone in his assessment within Israel itself, and he does NOT represent the views of most other politicians or analysts, including that of his own military. Can THEY afford to be wrong? Do THEY take whatever level of threat that exists less seriously? Of course not. You are confusing one extremist's views with Israel's best interests, and it simply doesn't pass scrutiny.

[-] 0 points by Breadwinner (33) 13 years ago

Well said. It is funny how we pick and choose what is important to us based on our current cause.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 13 years ago

Thank You for that. It took courage.

[-] 1 points by toukarin (488) 13 years ago

Umm, actually Iran is basically the only country which actually allows the IAEA to even enter its facilities.

Israel does not, neither do most of the other nuclear powers. In Iran, the IAEA was only denied access to a compound which they have already searched.

No evidence has been found (in the IAEA's own reports) about Iran undertaking any enriching activity beyond the 20% required for nuclear fuel, (you need >90% for weapons grade).

US generals have gone on record to testify that Iran has not taken any of the steps it could have to build a nuclear weapon.

Iran has not taken any organized military offensive action against anyone in decades.

In Iran, women are free to drive and work, not so in Saudi Arabia.

In Iran, there are Jews who successfully coexist with their Muslim countrymen.

Despicable, dishonest and repressive you say?

This is a country which responded to a violation of it sovereign airspace by asking for an apology, not declaring war.

This is a country which has time and again allowed the IAEA to investigate its most sensitive nuclear facilities.

This is a country which sits surrounded on all sides by US military bases and chooses to stand its ground rather than roll over and die.

There is no 'genocide' going on in Syria. It is the government of a sovereign nation putting down a rebellion inside their own borders. Which it has every right to do.

If someone were go gather a rag tag bunch of militia and go around shooting up things in New York... would the government not be justified in putting them down with military force? Or would that also be genocide?

Also, by that yardstick, Bahrain has been committing genocide against its own people for over a year. Same with China, or what about the IRA in the UK? Didnt they also kind of qualify as the same kind of 'opposition' as we are seeing in Syria? A popular revolt against the incumbent regime?

[-] -3 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

More anti-semitism.Aren't you just a sad individual?

[-] 1 points by BlackSun (275) from Agua León, BC 13 years ago

How is that anti semitism?

[-] 0 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 13 years ago

That is what I was wondering.


[+] -5 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 13 years ago

long live Israel. Palestinians are there own worst enemy.