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Forum Post: Obama is bring all troops home from Iraq

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:31 p.m. EST by uslynx81 (203)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Way to go OWS and Ron Paul supporters - Although they also announced another bail out for bankers - One step forward two steps back. : (



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[-] 1 points by nickwastaken (1) 13 years ago

am i the only one whos thinking theyre bringing the war on terror home because... the terrorists are at home? im not against OWS at all, totally for it... but theyre making you out to look like terrorists in your own streets, already use militia-style force with their police... what do you think will happen when your entire army is home? why now? why not before, when he promised? whats different, aside from the movement?

can we all just stop and think.. maybe theyre coming home to fight the next war...against us? not to spread fear - i dont think the american army is that heartless, especially after giving their lives for their country - their freedom - why come home to take that freedom you just fought for away?

[-] 1 points by uslynx81 (203) 13 years ago

If that is the plan it will never work. To think that our military will blindly follow any orders to kill there own is stupid. However we do have a lot of stupid people in places they shouldn't be. I think in the next year or so when the dollar collapses we will start to see the global currency ideal take off and fail. We could also see some states leaving the union to get out from under the debt. Also we could see major war as so many believe China is the problem with our economy when it is clearly over regulation and the monitory polices of our government. People cry for more regulations when it is at the core of these problems. The largest risk any company takes today is hiring someone, so they try not to at all cost. Until people wake up to this there will be no change. I think the only good thing that can come from all this is the fact that socialist views of government and the economy will be out the window for good.

[-] 1 points by msantos (131) 13 years ago

haha seems thats how it works....I thought he said he was bringing them back when he got elected. let's hope he follows through ;)

[-] 1 points by uslynx81 (203) 13 years ago

we can only hope