Forum Post: Obama is an Elite - Bush is an Elite - Clinton is an Elite - the Dems and Repubs are the same party - all the "issues" are trivial crap to distract - follow the money - "Too Big To Fail" is accepted by the Elites so they can steal from the Commoners
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 11:47 p.m. EST by ConciseDemands
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wake up
I'm awake.
Our civilizaton is being destoryed, not by Globalism, lobbyist or money going to Congress...that is all incidental. Our country is being destroyed by a mentally ill elite, that confuses sociopathy for individualism. We are being destroyed by evil people, pure and simple, mundane, evil people.
Clinton absentmindedly signed the legislation that allowed the looting of America.
Bush Sr. was implicated in the assassination of JFK
Bush Jr. allowed 911 to happen (false flag, like the USS Liberty under Johnson, who succeded JFK).
Reagan was on the Rockefeller commission on CIA activities in the United States, which covered up the CIA's involvment in the assassination.
Nixon was in Dallas the day before the assassination (coup d'etat)
Ford was on the warren commission.
Clinton is an Elite - he did nothing absentmindedly - he had purpose and total understanding - there is one party in the US - The Elites - and Clinton ruled them for 8 years
Exactly. Like FDR said: 'Nothing in politics happens by accident.' And that boy knew his politics.
Maybe U'r right (I wouldn't doubt it), I think the elites know life as we're living it is unsustainable (peak oil, global warming, the funny-money & geometric world population growth) the plutocrats have jets & yachts to escape (Paraguay, New Zealand, Australia) when they pull the rug out from under us.
OWSers will disperse like dandlelion seeds in January when the winter winds howl through NYC.
Beastie Boys Make Some Noise! You have to fight for your right to Party!
Check out the Mariachi guy on top of the Beastie Boys' limo!
I believe you are right. I mean correct.