Forum Post: Obama has to go
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:58 p.m. EST by meatwad2000
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he got more money from Wall Street than anyone else in the last 20 years. Enough said.
If Obama gets re-elected this whole OWS has failed because he is the one that bailed out the rich, increased the cost of gas, food, etc. Has now taken more campaign money form Wall Street then anyone else. He has done nothing he said he would do and yet done everything he said he would not do. Its kinda crazy to look back and see all this. I can't believe he has the support he does now. People need to wake up.
Actually it was Congress.
Keep drinking that kool-aid.
You really think the president has more power than Congress? haha
The amount of ignorance around here is massive.
Yes but he could have vetoed it. Instead he supported it. Saying they were to big to fail. I say to big to fail = to big to exist.
If those banks were allowed to fail we would have been in a much worse situation now. That doesn't mean big changes aren't needed to avoid that from happening again, but it is reality.
No it only prolongs the problem you have to let the correction to happen.
No, you need tight regulation and government oversight.
Actually it was the Fed, who owns congress, Obama, the banks and the People's debt.
Right and the Illuminati owns the Fed I'm guessing? Or some other shadowy figures?
If you want to be taken seriously by anyone other that paranoid conspiracy theorists, stick with reality.
the only way to get REAL change is to challenge Obama with a real leader of the people. Obama is a puppet of wall st.
Congress is the puppet, the president does not write and enact laws and regulations concerning any industry. Inform yourself before spouting off ridiculous BS.
Executive orders, and regulations by "ABC" government agencies. He has often spoke about going around congress to do things. Congress is a puppet, as is he, and all others up for 2012 presidential..except one.
I voted for the fucker, but as soon as he appointed his economic team (of the usual suspects), I knew it was all over.
Between his services to Wall Street and his shady moves towards destroying the social safety net (only Nixon could go to China), the mask is pretty much off the modern Democratic Party.
That's why I have no problem with this movement being dubbed the Tea Party of the left. On economic and social-safetynet issues, the "democratic wing of the Democratic Party" polls huge majorities nationwide. The people have no representation, trapped between the Birchers and the slimy Rubin-neoliberals.
Now if only we could somehow deal with those pesky wedge issues.
OWS must stay well above partisan politics and focus on demanding change across all parties in such a way that unethical business and financial practices are reigned in and regulated--without losing the positive aspects of free markets.
More fuel... "by their fruits shall you know them, not by their roots"
I agree, the man is a fraud.
fuel for your fire...
Obama and civil liberties
Obama right now is the only viable candidate who would take on corporate cronyism and advance much needed Wall Street reforms. Every Republican candidate wants to roll back the Obama Wall Street regulations. Regarding campaign money from Wall Street, every winning President ends up garning large campaign donations from Wall Street. To the credit of Obama, his campaign was mostly funded from small donations from individuals across the country.
Why don t you devote energy to getting Obama s Jobs Bill passed ASAP- it would make the Occupy Wall Street relevant and focussed around a goal... And actually accomplish something instead of arguing and talking about a million different things. If you think Obama is the problem then you need to go... To another country
So you all want to get rid of capitalism in exchange for what? SOCIALISM? Do you realize what that would mean!? Fight for the Constitution! Fight the FED! Vote for Ron Paul! But God help us if you want to get rid of Capitalism and the Constitution!!! The one thing that made America great in the first place!!! If I am wrong about your meaning then you all need to take a moment and figure out what you are fighting for, Capitalism is Democracy!! How many of you voted for Obama?? That was the big mistake!!!! He's a socialist, more unemployment benefits, free medical care; all that is is more GOVERNMENT and more CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE!!! Capitalism gives you the freedom to choose what will be made and how much of it, your dollar is your VOTE, you want GOVERNMENT to do that for you like in SOVIET RUSSIA!?!? If something is to be done protest the FED, impeach OBAMA, VOTE RON PAUL!!!!! JUST GOD PLEASE DON"T MAKE THIS COUNTRY SOCIALIST!!!!!!!!!
You guys dont seem to understand, its not obama thats the problem. It's politics. And politics will always continue to be corrupt, for it is a process of deceiving the masses through a corporate representative.
We must be done with our old and failing systems, we must shed our old and outdated ways of thinking and give birth to a new world where science and reasoning, rather than politics, religion, and government help the human race "arrive" at decisions and not make them.
Please visit and watch the zeitgeist film series by Peter Joseph all free on youtube.
Thank you and please help us unite everyone for the betterment of mankind and not just for differential advantage
Obama really needs to go... He's done nothing to help the unemployed.
Can you give me examples on where Obama has failed to provide or introduce additional support to the unemployed?
Well, the stimulus didn't do a hell of a lot...and the new jobs bill seems to be a bust, as well (and not only because of the congressional reception it's gotten). Can you name anything he's done to help?
Somebody been lyin' to you.
The stimulus did a lot, and it did a lot very quickly.,_what_has_the_stimulus_accomplished/
It still continues to provide jobs and help the economy.
The new jobs bill is a bust because republicans in congress refuse to do what you are supposed to do in a recession: Spend money to spur growth. This is elementary economics these days.
Any other talking points?
While I think it's a mistake draw political lines like that it's silly to say he got more money from Wall St than anyone else in the last 20 years. "Wall St" supports all the candidates, go look at where campaign funds come from on any one else.
The system itself is the problem, not any one politician. Want someone to blame? Blame the whole of Congress. They are the ones with the power.
drooped bombs on Libya
Obama needs to stay- you need to go fool. Obama s daughter smarter than you will ever be. Fool.
Tea-bagger inflitrators. Make your comments on Fox News.
I agree. I wish we could start a pole to see really how many OWS supporters support Obama.