Forum Post: Obama Delivers Bunker Busters to Israel
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 8:26 p.m. EST by zorno
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
French intelligence services claim that in September, 55 American bunker buster bombs were delivered to Israel from the US, which have the capacity to destroy underground bunkers and set concrete on fire.
Are these intended to be used in a continued war on terror into Iran?
It won't matter how it starts but Iran will be on the agenda the same way Iraq and other countries have been. General Wesley Clark said so many years ago, and the plan was developed in 1996 anyway.
"the 1996 policy paper prepared under the supervision of now-Vice President Dick Cheney, and his neo-con task force of Richard Perle, Doug Feith, David and Meyrav Wurmser, et al. Entitled "Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm," this paper outlined a scenario whereby the 1993 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Authority would be torn to shreds, and, first Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Iran, would be targetted for military assault and political destabilization".
The document flatly stated that Israel should engage "Hisbollah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by ... establishing the precedent that Syrian territory is not immune to attacks emanating from Lebanon by Israeli proxy forces [and] striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper." Furthermore, it said, Israel should divert "Syria's attention by using Lebanese opposition elements to destabilize Syrian control of Lebanon." The paper also called for focussing on "removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq...."
That was 1996 it was all planned back then.
I believe so, but I think that you forgot to mention that eventually toppling Russia and China are a part of the plan as well. Either that or nuclear Armageddon.
Prophecies both Christian and Muslim warn about the war with Israel, the US will be fighting Russia and China once that war gets into full swing. (The Christians can find it in Ezekiel Chapter 38, most people don't know where those countries are today, but you can find them. Tubal is the area around the Black and Caspian Seas, Tyre is Lebanon, Cappodocia is Turkey, Put is Libya, Cush is Sudan, Persia is Iran, Gomer is the southern part of Russia which is also Turkey today, Magog is Russia,). Scroll down this link to see the map which shows how it is going to go down.
Thanks for the info.
Russia yes because they're one third Muslim and moving rapidly through Europe's welfare states. China, no... they're going to make us things.
Were they paid for? Did it help put Americans back to work?
... Get....
Iran last line of defense against an ever oil hungry west and nuclear Israel is the atomic bomb. Iran may have acquired the weapon back in 2004, but Iran is not an aggressive, expansionist country such as the US and should be left alone. AIPAC, the Israel lobby, is working hard in Washington to have the US attacking Iran.
Occupy AIPAC is coming in March.
Yes, but perhaps you are not considering the issue here that the intention behind such an attack is not limited to Iran, but is intended as an attack on the whole world for the purpose of eliminating 90% of the population.
A war with Iran would spread throughout the near east and central Asia, threatening both Russia and China. If these nations join in the war, it could become nuclear very fast, fulfilling the objectives of those who wish to hide in their bunkers and take claim to the world once World War Three is over.
Don't forget about the fact that all signs point to the government of Iran being in bed with most of the terrorist groups in the middle east. If that turns out to be true a US or Israel attack on Iran would be like throwing rocks at killers bee's nest. Nothing good can come out of this.
Maybe it is just manipulation of the oil markets. Maybe it is a move on behalf of our "ally" Saudi Arabia who hates Iran. Maybe it is a move on behalf of our "ally" Israel (who the Saudis hate) who hate Iran. Maybe it is aimed at disrupting or controlling oil flow to China to throttle their economy. Maybe it is just another checklist item of The Project For A New American Century. Maybe it is just another provocation directed at Iran, who we already have [i]surrounded'[/i], on behalf of the military-industrial-congressional complex.
Maybe we won't be around in a few more months to talk about it.
It is pretty depressing. The greed and stupidity is truly beyond belief and must be stopped.
I'm sorry, I seem to have lost track of it, however, I do know it was at the Larouche site:
If you hate Larouche, you don't have to tell me how much.
Today: Report: W.H. eyes bomb sale to UAE, Everyone wants in on the action
Who is W.H.?
White House
Well at least it won't be long before we'll get to see how well they work!
Maybe we would see how well they work on us as well, when the Russians and Chinese get involved. They wouldn't take kindly to such a move.
I guess we'll stay out of our own bunkers then just to play it safe, eh zorro?
That's zorno, with an "n" not two "r"s.
Bombing Iran would be a really bad idea for several reasons, but the main one is that most people who live there, especially 20 somethings, are not western haters. They look to the west for entertainment, fashion and culture. What they want to do, and what I think is happening is they want to threaten to bomb areas where they believe nuclear activity is happening.
They want to make the people mad at their own leaders for bringing this impending attack on them. If bombs are dropped on Iran it will turn most of the people against the west, and that will be bad for us and Israel.
I wish it was just that, but I think it is something worse, I think some people are trying to trigger a bigger war.
You might be right, but I hope your not.
It sure would be a quick and efficient way of achieving their mass depopulation agenda though, wouldn't it?
The Neo-con Masters and the top 0.0001% have this in mind, that is certain. We are at 7 billion now. We should hit 10 billion by 2010.
But, I really don't think they want to use Nukes anywhere. I predict a plague will come, it will look biblical, so people will have that to talk about. But, somehow, some will be immune, like a miracle.
That's what I've been thinking for a while now, a 'plague.' A man-made virus that they already have a cure for. The cure of course won't be for you and me.
exactly,..hey,...make that movie, a forewarning.
Damn good idea. There's been a lot of plague movies but how many with that angle? Hmm, I know how to write a screenplay, I may have to consider that. Of course, I'll have to put 'newearthorder' somewhere in the credits.
So we cant giver our old weapons to our allies?
And sorry, concrete can't catch fire, it's rocks
It just doesn't seem a good idea to me to poor more weapons into a volatile region.
Perhaps under extreme conditions, concrete would ignite.