Forum Post: Obama biggest recipient of Wall Street money in history of world
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 10:49 a.m. EST by TerryRex
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Obama received tens of millions of dollars from Wall Street firms, and then helped advance a policy of massage bailout of Wall Street losses.
It no longer matters what party these Obushma's are in. They are in the corporate party and serve the 1 percent from day one. Even when they run, they are co opted from the beginning. Way back in 2004 when Obama was not even considering running he was asked to meet with a group of Wall St. guess is it was decided then he would be potus. Karl Rove was giving advice to the dems in 08 and things got real rovian indeed. Trust none of them. Obama is the same war criminal, one percent serving, civil liberties ignoring, big pHarma, insurance industry puppet that Bush was. Get these corporations OUT of our government totally.
This goes without saying. What you are describing is the ONLY way that a man or woman gains the office of President of the United States. The electronic voting booths are RIGGED. The polls are RIGGED. And, by the time a President sits in the Oval Office on his first day he/she already owes his Campaign contributors billions of dollars in FAVORS. It's called Politics. It is the American Way of life. And, up until now, the "sheeple" have allowed this to happen for over 100 years.
no need to rig the voting booths, the fix is in long before the vote occurs
I think so too.
He also assassinated an american citizen.. (without a trial) its true, who could be next.
He also won a Nobel peace prize despite being the head of the worlds largest standing army.
Methinks all is not what it seems in the world.
So funny that OWS is being used by Obama to distract the nation of his failed policies.
Nobody is using anybody. And Obama is an easy target; it'd be a distraction to go after him. Try taking on the Federal Reserve who prints money but has never accounted for it.
totally agree! It is all a BIG distraction this 1% ,99%, Obama. Always follow the money! its the Fed privatized in 1913, intentionally inflating the dollar and causing the typical class struggles between the proletariat and bourgeoisie.
And owns both sides of the left/right pie-throwing contest. And has for a century now.
Realistically, the Federal Reserve system was originated to allow for international banking and to standardize the system. Basically, people wanted to be able to place their money in a bank and have it returnable elsewhere if a withdrawal required it.
Unfortunately, the system has become exploited and corrupted through lobbying, de-regulation and limited accountability.
Not to mention they switched the currency from wealth to debt. And seized the gold on executive order from FDR.
There are facts (Executive Order 6102) under FDR gold was confiscated, however its empirical, ask any old timer. Our dollar was once backed by GOLD . You could simply walk to any bank and sell your gold there. If you did that today tellers would think it was a JOKE.
Would you cite a reference to this Executive Order? Or the name or number?
I want to believe you but I need facts.
Great! Another one finds out. Why do they hide this in school?
Read it and weep.
If you haven't seen Money As Debt, just google it and watch it for free.
Hank, no arguments with your history, but is the point that you want to return to the gold standard or end the Fed or make sure the fed doesn't just print money when it feels like it?
All of the above. Your money should have value. If it doesn't, then it is an instrument to steal from you and rule over you.
Okay. The Executive Order having any gold (aside from jewelry, which didn't seem to be included) is to be given to the Federal Reserve system. It was a move to stimulate the economy, and it did really well considering we moved out of the Great Depression and became a superpower.
I really have no issue with having a Federal Reserve system ... AS LONG AS ... it works for the people and their business but lately, it's only been working for the banks and it's completely biased.
The Federal Reserve system should either be eliminated (which isn't ideal in out current economic system) or integrated into the government and held 100% responsible for any unaccounted or "schemed" values.
What stimulated the economy for FDR was an all out war. The US economy continued to soar after the war because the industrial complexes of Europe and Japan were destroyed, ours was the only major industrial complex left intact, thereby making the US a superpower. The fact of the matter is, FDR's policies were mostly ineffective.
I don't know. The freeway system is pretty convincing to otherwise, but then again, Eisenhower took the idea from Germany.
We need a common goal then. If all out war stimulated it before, what would be next? Of course, we could continue the screw-my-neighbor-and-his-neighbor bit or no-business-for-you bit until we're a third world country.
Not screw thy neighbor, but rather screw thy neighbor is presently screwing me... China comes to mind
The worst to come out of China is their devaluation of their own currency. It's an unfair trade practice; it's bullshit.
Sorry, I missed all the human inequalities in China--the sweatshops and Internet censorship on a wide scale for example.
Please watch Money As Debt, and reconsider.
Stealing people's gold did not stimulate the economy! It prolonged the depression, and switched the currency from wealth to debt. Debt that you owe. Look at the numbers!
It's Not My Debt. And I'm Not Paying It.