Forum Post: Obama Admin to DISRUPT Internet Users' Connection!! - He is TOTALLY Useless
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:58 a.m. EST by Justice4All
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:58 a.m. EST by Justice4All
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is a prime example of too much corporate influence in government.
All the copyright enforcement overreaction is because Sony et. al. are up in the White House demanding that the DOJ protect their dying business model.
In light of a comment below, I will amend what I said here to:
"Sony et. al. are up in the The White House & Congress"
Did you really expect any different from a guy related to Cheney that admitted to working for a CIA front company in his autobiography and has grandparents and parents that worked for the CIA?
Fuck you MPAA ! Fuck You RIAA ! Fuck You US Government and your Protect-IP Act And Fuck your ACTA the Anti-Consumer Act
Stop buying any new products from RIAA,MPAA Do not go to the Theater Do not pay for streaming video Buy only used physical products Do not feed the RIAA & MPAA
I agree. Copyright is being used as a form of tyranny.
nice to leave out the part about the office engaging in the activity was started by your chums the republicans and signed into law by bush. but i would not expect someone like you to actually read.
"Espinel, whose position was created in 2008 as part of intellectual property reform legislation"
My chums? Bush is my chum? WHAT!!
ok, my bad. but still the point remains it was started under bush. and i'm not saying Obama is an angel, just credit where credit is due.
man i cannot wait to vote this asshole out of office.... loud mouth talking jackass who hasnt done a dam thing....makes me friggin sick that i voted for him.... i will be correcting that mistake for sure!
Im glad i stopped supporting the entertainment industry years ago. I dont watch tv, movies, listen music, or go to/watch sporting events unless its free. And since the free version is usually filled with a lot of commercials i rarely do that anymore either. Twice a month or so i will rent a movie on 99cent night. So they get less than $2 a month from me.
You feel better not siting around watching that crap anyway. I can still read online for free until they take that away too. Pretty soon you will be charged 10 cents every time you open an article link.
Right. I do not even bother going to movies anymore; 10 a ticket (fuck you) and like 40 bucks for popcorn and snacks for myself and family.
It is outrageous. Now this!
about 12 years ago i could rent a movie for $1.50 now its between $3-4 for the same format. Last time i went to the movies was about 8 years ago and it cost me $25 for two people with a couple of sodas and sharing a large bucket of popcorn.
It is really just not feasible in terms of cost. The IRONY is that the movie theatre does not get any of that money! The big studios with layers of ownership get all the royalties. It is quite sad.
The movie theater makes all their money off of concessions as far i know. They make very little off the movie.
Only if they think the person is violating copyright laws. Without proof of course.
Obama is scum.
i know you like your welfare and shit but...
people are trying to make a living producing entertainment for you. will you at least give them something in return?
lol isn't this kind of like when the righties come here and yell at people for selecting the wrong subject to major in?
Go "major" in something else. Change with the times. Adjust.
Don't come here rent-seeking expecting the taxpayers to foot the bill for over-zealously enforcing your copyrights while at the same time infringing on people's freedom and right to be left alone.
Change your business model!
Let 'em make their own money.
I'm not in the charity business.
exactly, nobody is in the charity business.
people shouldn't download music they didn't pay for.