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Forum Post: Oakland Police Department: "We, too, are the 99%."

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 5:01 p.m. EST by jansberry (52)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In a stunning letter today verified by KQED, the Oakland Police Department has expressed support for the Occupy Movement.

Story below http://www.occupyr.com/General/thread.php?id=600



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[-] 3 points by maynard123 (54) 13 years ago

Could it be that this video is already working it's mojo?


[-] 3 points by packetStorm (128) 13 years ago

"I've got an idea! How about treating non-violent protesters as you'd like to be treated when you have a grievance, and not shooting them in the head with a tear gas canister when all they are doing is standing there? Then, you know, don't lob a flash bang into the group coming to his aid. What do you think? Revolutionary concept or what?

I call bullshit on this whole letter. Try talking to the idiots that were involved in last weeks attack on the marine and perhaps consider an official reprimand/assault charges instead of putting out some letter to make yourselves look like innocent bystanders with ambiguous orders. The Mayor of Oakland sounds like a complete idiot as well."



[-] 2 points by maynard123 (54) 13 years ago

Thanks for sharing that. Now the individual(s) culpable for shooting Scott Olsen and abusing his rescuers with flashbangs need to be investigated and punished accordingly.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yes, prosecute the ones who were violent against the demonstrators.

[-] 1 points by Lockean (671) from New York, NY 13 years ago
