Forum Post: Oakland Closes Port, and Takes Bay Bridge!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 8:46 p.m. EST by Philpux
from Mountain View, AR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Protesters numbering from 4,500-9,000 have effectively managed to peacefully, and effectively close the Port of Oakland, and have just taken the Bay Bridge. I just witnessed it live on GlobalRevolution Live Stream. There is helicopter footage from channel 7 (ABC) in Oakland, of the bridge occupation. The city officials have announced that the port is effectively closed. Go Oakland! You have succeeded.
What exactly is the point though? This really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Oakland is probably the most liberal city in America. Now, disrupting the Iowa caucuses I can see; it makes sense (i.e. make the pols realize they are accountable to US, not their masters on Wall Street). But shutting down the port of Oakland and the Bay Bridge? I'm open to persuasion if someone can explain to me why this makes sense, but I don't see it.
People are doing what they can, where they are. As far as Iowa, this is hardly the end of the movement.
Fuck. What does liberal vs. Conservative labels got to do with OWS. Fukkinidjut
Helicopter video footage here:
A significant crowd ...
Yes, it was. I was really surprised as the the number of protesters. WEST COAST PROPS!
Does anyone know if the protester hit by a car is okay?
Go Raiders!
Dude where's my ipad?........Stuck on a ship.
Really, I don't think shutting down these types of things are going to be effective. Unless you want the rest of the 99% to start DEMANDING that the authorities break it up. Causing disruptive chaos to businesses. peaceful or not, will not garner much affection from most Americans. I'm not telling them not to do it, but don't expect the majority of America to agree with the action.
The majority of Americans would not agree on any action. That is why there are different protests, with different agendas in many places. Everyone has their own beef with the system.
Because it works.
Works to accomplish ... what?
Are you trying to keep the port from hiring scabs to replace you in your contract dispute? Oh you're not a longshoreman? Then why shut down the port?!?
My impression is that all of the anarchists from the Stanley Cup riot in Vancouver must have gone south for the winter to Oakland or something, because I don't understand how shutting down the port helps anybody except for the anarchists who think its just fun.
It makes a statement about commerce and globalization of labor. I'd say it was a pretty effective statement. This one in combination with a hundred more will definitely send a message.
What is the statement? I truly don't understand. What is the message that you're sending and who are you sending it to? The port is the enemy because the wealthiest 1% use it to make money? The 99% also depend on the port. It just doesn't make sense.
At this point, I think the message is that schidt sucks. The 99% depend on the 1% for employment, that in many cases amounts to slavery. This is will not change until the current system is changed. To change the system we have to disrupt it. It is as simple as that.
Okay, so what is the point in making schidt suck MORE for the 99% by shutting down the port and reducing Oakland's economic output? How is interfering with commerce supposed to convince people to support this movement? I see no attempt at making any kind of logical connection between any kind of message, and shutting down the port. It seems to have been an anarchist action.
Cool, even more people out of work and more of a black eye for the union port of Oakland. That should be really good news as shippers decide where to send their cargos, don't ya think?
The Panama Canal being widened. Soon, bigger ships will be able to skip California and unload in Miami and Houston. Great news for them.
We can always find a way to say that something was not perfect, but at least something was done.
Even if it made things worse. See, I set the bar a little higher than simply doing "something".
Things will get much worse before they get better. I believe that. Closing the port may or may not help in the short run, but the collective efforts of all the various stems of the movement will add up to a sum of action that is undeniable. We can't just sit by and expect our votes to change our flawed political system. These people did something today. That is more than I accomplished today, as far as changing the system. Good for them.
How does closing a port help you guys?
Yeah.My 55" Samsung TV came in from China via Oakland. I love that TV!!
It helps because it draws attention.
but saying you cost people money isn't good attention
I don't think that is any way to do this that will not inconvenience someone.
but by costing the companies money, that cost will be shifted to the consumers.
Corporations seem to find many ways of doing that, with little help from anyone else. That is another part of the power structure that needs adjustment.
So consumers shouldn't pay for costs?
Engineered shortages. Speculation of futures. Artificial cost over-runs. Corporations use many tools to increase profits at the expense of consumers. Sure corporations deserve to make a profit, but under real market conditions. Don't you remember what Enron did to California in the summer of 2000?
Real market condidtions mean that they can charge whatever people will pay for
Yes, with real competition, and clean markets. We don't have any of that. We have consolidated, and colluded markets working against consumers.
OK. You have got people's attention. Now, what are you going to say? mumble, mumble. What do you want everyone to DO? Here are few ideas: We need a congresswo/men to be a sponsor of each Demand. I have 20 Fighting Points:
I think it's okay. The protests don't need to be so clear. That is the job of the GA's.
Th GAs have also been unsuccessful at focusing on a clear message.
They don't have to come to a perfect consensus. Pick 5 Specific Actionable Items and GO. It's OK to add later. It's OK to prioritize later. This Movement needs movement. I get the impression that anarchists control this website and have No Intention of Achieving Consensus and Voicing a Specific Action. We need a congresswo/men to be a sponsor of each Demand. I have 20 Fighting Points: Choose and Do It Now.
I agree. I would like to see better progress, but at least they are trying. True democracy is a very messy and slow process. I think they will get it together.
What is a GA?
General Assemblies.
Negative Comments here from people that must endorse Police Violence
I think people are generally scared. When they witness an action like this, it frightens them more so. I think the negativity is a reaction to that fear.
Dude, you guys are about the least scary group ever. lol
Not scared of the group. Afraid of change.
OK, I'll revise and extend my remarks above then...
Dude, you guys are about the least scary and most ineffective group ever. lol
Well, they did close the port of Oakland for a bit. I would say that is pretty effective.
Only because it's after hours in Oakland where the mayor is an idiot who has neutered and completely confused the police. Not really much of a conquest.
Despite the lack of tear gas, I would say it is still a victory.
Which demonstrates what again? Besides that a group of people can walk to an unsecured truck terminal and climb around on trailers and chant? ; )
It demonstrates that people working together can have power. long as they aren't challenged and have no real objective.
For cripes sake, they can't even scratch their nuts without a 10 minute call and response to reach consensus over which hand to use and which to scratch first. lol
lol, Agreed.
Succeeded in closing down the port at the end of the working day? wow. Now they are blocking a bridge hard working people use to get home. How nice.
I can't say for sure because I'm not from Oakland but there is the distinct possibility that the people blocking the bridge are hard working people.
I can say with almost 100% assurance that none of the people stuck on the bridge trying to get home, are in the 1%. 1%ers don't live in Oakland.
Oh sorry, I get your post now... Oops!
There you go.
Sorry you misunderstand. I was only trying to say that many of the people blocking the bridge are probably hard working 99%ers.
Well, if you want to get people's attention, you have to go where there are people. The bridge is a good start. This port operates 24/7 generally. They have managed to shut it down. Good for them.
Don't you realize that these protests are only hurting other 99%ers? its insanity.
Change is painful. Even calling for change can be painful. I think most people understand the need for the change called for, and will be understanding. Some people won't, that's for sure, but that is okay. They will see the need if things keep going the way they are.
The majority of people who have worked all day and want to get home or pick up their kids are not going to become supporters. The movement will alienate them now. Why not surround banks with human chains and don't let them open. At least you are hurting the people you are against. Shutting down mom and pop shops and Joe and Jane America is just a way of saying,. "if you don't support us we will make you miserable, until you do". Not a very good way to get support.
A protest like this is basically a propaganda war. Effectively closing down certain banks is certainly an option, but closing the Port of Oakland is huge. I am a small business person, and I fully support them. If I were in Oakland I would be marching, as well. I think a lot of small business owners are sympathetic to the cause.
Closing the port by blocking up the road and climbing on trucks accomplishes what? Prevents other business owners driving trucks from making money and feeding their families? Nobody who is in the1% is being hurt by this. I have been a small business owner for decades and i support the OWS idea of no corruption and doing away with the power of Wall Street, but their methods are all misdirected. They should be surrounding the White House and Capital in Washington. Truckers have had a really bad time in the last few years, they don't need more problems.
Agreed. Actions like this can and do hurt some 99%ers, and some are willing to make that sacrifice. But it's not nice, to say the least, that others don't get the choice. On the upper hand, it does affect the 1% because shipping companies are a large part of it. I know because I'm a port gantry operator on the westcoast. Personally, I'd close down my port and, if I had to, take myself into bankruptcy if I knew it would change the state of things. And I'm not without consequence if I do, I have a family to support. Overall, I agree with your suggestion about where to concentrate efforts. Good post! We need everyone to be heard. This way we can look for solutions to prevent the further decline in our collective lives
I agree. It will be a hectic day for the truckers. I think, ultimately, many of them will be understanding. The system has not exactly been good to truckers, either. Great change is rarely convenient for everyone.
Its not helping anyone, and these type of actions are only alienating the public against what the real crime is and that is the corruption between Wall Street and Washington. These protests are being lead by radical marxists, who think anyone who doesn't fall in line is the enemy and subject to punishment. That is not acceptable.
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