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Forum Post: NYPD Verbal Attacks

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:22 a.m. EST by ColumbiaStudent (-3)
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The NYPD keeps calling us dirt baggers.



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[-] 3 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

This really happened, someone caught it on video:


[-] 2 points by angelofmercy (225) 13 years ago

OMG that dude was a jerk for calling someone that. I can't believe what I just saw.

[-] -3 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

We don't need you wasting our time. Your being followed now.

[-] 1 points by angelofmercy (225) 13 years ago

"Your being followed now."

So you are stalking people on here now ?

[-] 2 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Dehumanizing the victim makes violence more palatable to the violent.

It has been done before.

[-] -1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

We don't need that or your message please.

[-] 0 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

Dude, he was supporting you. Somebody's feeling defensive today.

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago


My sentiments exactly.

[-] -1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

He's not. He trolls around.

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Please refrain from disenfranchising critical supporters concerned for the safety of their fellow Americans.

[-] 1 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

I saw this guy on the troll list earlier today. Please avoid him!

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago



[-] 1 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

You've been outed!

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Truth hurts?

My message?

[-] -1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Please stop. The Dirt Bagger Movement is bigger than you.

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Please refrain from disenfranchising critical supporters. Many are concerned for the safety of their fellow Americans.

[-] -1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

You sir are inciting violence and we won't have it. Back off!

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Point understood, but disagreed with.

There are extreme dangers to times like this and preparedness is tantamount to safety.

[-] 1 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

Take a bath.

Problem solved.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Police are trained to guard power, no surprise.

You should inform them that we support their pensions, unions, the other side wants unions crushed.

[-] 1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

We want unions and corporation crushed too. The unions buy votes!

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

No, no, we like unions.

[-] 1 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Wrong. They buy elections.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Get them to not buy elections. Done. Just as we force Wall Street to change. Done.

[-] 0 points by nocasualobserver (21) 13 years ago

This is simply another manifestation of fear from the outsiders. The most efficacious method of deflating pejoratives like this is to accept, embrace and become them, like the early Christians did when they were called by that moniker as a derisive term by the Greeks. Today the term Christian has a clear and unequivocal meaning to it and no one within the Christian community thinks of it as a derisive term.

Dirt Baggers for financial reform - it actually has a nice ring to it and it's much easier to say than Occupy Wall Street. In fact, when you think about it, we are trying to clean up (bag) some of the 'dirt' that has soiled our political system. I can live with and enjoy that label.

[-] 0 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

That's what the early guys like NYprotester thought.

[-] 0 points by OurTimes2011 (377) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

If this movement is truly successful, it will represent a major change in the economic and political systems of the US.

One major factor in keeping the population under control are the artificial class and race barriers that have been erected by the ruling class. (Howard Zinn's A Peoples History of the US has the best explanation of this.) By the way, I include union leadership in the 1% ruling class.

OWS tries to be a classless, raceless movement. This frightens the ruling class and their servants to no end. One of their major social control mechanisms has failed.

To counter this in the short term, they have encouraged hatemongers. The racist right has been insistent on denying OWS any cooperation. These forces of hate have felt threatened since Obama's election, anyway, and they sense the power of this movement.

Without an artificial racial and economic divide, many of these groups would have no reason to exist. Many poor whites make up the bulk of these hate groups, but others, specifically recent immigrants (East Indians, Russians, etc.), belong, too.

The poor whites have been more negatively impacted by the financial crisis than most, so the risk to the ruling class is two fold:

Hatemongers might just wake up and realize they have been played by the 1%, and actually join the movement. This would be a nightmare for the ruling class.

Many of the exploited poor white folks who are hate group members or sympathizers are also members of unions and the police/armed forces. Without a reason to protect the 1%, the 1% would suddenly become quite vulnerable physically.

If the ruling class can bait the movement as antipolice, they can lower the attractiveness of OWS to the bulk of Americans, who believe in fair play above all else.

It's tough, but occupiers must remain peaceful and positive.

[+] -4 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Troll. Careful people. Here comes his backhanded compliment. Stay away.

[-] 0 points by OurTimes2011 (377) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

Flames cheerfully ignored!

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

And there you have it. Wonder why your on the list for us to monitor?

[-] -2 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

Nobody said this was going to be easy. Stay strong.

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Thanks bro. Taking in the insults as compliments.

[-] -3 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

OH GOD!!!! NO!!!. they got it ALL wrong, it is FLEA BAGGERS. damned coppers.

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Don't distract, it is being copyrighted as the Dirt Bagger Party Movement.

[-] -2 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

I think Douche Baggers would be much more appropriate. Think about it. They clean out the nasty stuff by flushing it away.

[-] -3 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

If it's the NYPD trying to be clever with the 'dirtbagger' shit, then I have a clever one for them:

"The Donut-Munching Jackbooted Pig Party". HAH! Ain't it the truth.

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

We have adopted our name. Dirt Bagger Party

[-] -3 points by booshington (397) 13 years ago

Hey guess what, in this country we have freedom of speech.

[-] -3 points by entarage (36) from New York, NY 13 years ago

i love you

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Me like you to. Come to the park.

[-] -3 points by fbush (11) 13 years ago

Yes, we are dirt baggers. we will fight the system!!

[-] 0 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

Thanks fbush.

[-] -3 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

howabout dirt party.

[-] -1 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

Why are you trying to stop us Berkeley dude?

[-] -2 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

cause I HATE freedom of speech. WTF were they thinking back then.

[-] -2 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

Join with the dirt Baggers tomorrow.

[-] -2 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

Ironically, us berkeley people aren't into protesting wall street quite yet. We're up occupying trees to prevent them from getting cut down (seriously). I would be there if I were in NYC.

[-] -1 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

We are here for you brother! Dirt Bagger Party

[-] -2 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

F off

[-] -3 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

Forgot to mention, meet us in the big tent tomorrow at noon. Dirt Bagger Party!

[-] -3 points by NYprotester (80) 13 years ago

Dude. Fight back by accepting it. We have countered by calling and forming the Dirt Bagger Party. We won!

[-] 0 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

I know, thanks.

[+] -4 points by anotherone773 (734) from Carlyle, IL 13 years ago

If that is true it is unprofessional but not against the law. Might be trying to bait you.

[+] -4 points by sdcheung (76) 13 years ago

bad Cops no donut for them

[+] -4 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Thank them for their creative input. "Handsome AND clever!"

They are defenseless against a smile.

[-] 0 points by ColumbiaStudent (-3) 13 years ago

We do, thanks.