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Forum Post: NYPD arrests "#OWS organizer" Debra Sweet? No, not really.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:08 p.m. EST by precipice (220)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Wow. Women.

This woman unjustifiably claimed to be an "OWS Organizer," tries to get on TV for a press interview, and then gets herself arrested right before the interview. The media are now clamoring that they've arrested our organizer, as if they've just taken down Gaddafi.

Story here http://www.occupyr.com/News/thread.php?id=286



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[-] 1 points by anarch (10) 13 years ago

This article should be re-written in lieu of the truth. You might even consider an apology. Both to Women everywhere and D.S.

[-] 1 points by duranta (52) from New Orleans, LA 13 years ago

You don't have to slur "women" if you disagree with the event regarding Debra Sweet. Further, we know how the media twists what people say. I've seen a lot of attacks launched on folks too easily, before we're able to hear both sides of the story. The media and 1% do this too well. Let's not do the same. Give this person a chance to speak.

[-] 1 points by jbell78 (152) 13 years ago

what media is covering it like "they've just taken down Gaddafi"?

I can find no mention of Deborah Sweet in any large online news source.

[-] 1 points by demmittlaw (1) 13 years ago

I known Debra Sweet. She has dedicated her life to the movements relatively to class struggle. This was a planned arrest. Debra was not holding herself out as a leader. She stands side by side in the trenches. She is incredibly intelligent, and effective and that makes her a threat to the ruling class whom is now on a nationwide campaign to used policing powers to arrest in and unconstitutional attempt to stop or thwart the movements. By their very actions off resorting to a police state, we should all now more thank ever be firm in our conviction to resist. I promise you this: You have sadly misjudged Debra Sweet, for.her lifelong dedication to and with "the people", far surpasses any fertve efforts on your part toward change. Were it not so, your hasty judgement of Ms. Sweet would have beend preempted by a little research.

[-] 1 points by precipice (220) 13 years ago

Thank you for the explanation. I take back my harsh words.