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Forum Post: Nurse ‘Banned’ from Caring for Newborn because of Skin Color, Lawsuit Claims‏

Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 16, 2013, 3:31 p.m. EST by LeoYo (5909)
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Nurse ‘banned’ from caring for newborn because of skin color, lawsuit claims

A Michigan nurse claims she was banned from caring for a newborn child because of her skin color.


Friday, February 15, 2013, 9:36 AM

A Michigan nurse claims she was banned from caring for a newborn child because of her skin color.

Tonya Battle is suing her employers at Hurley Medical Center, in Flint, after they ordered her not to look after the baby in the neonatal intensive care unit following a request from its father, WNEM reports. The lawsuit states: "The father told the [nurse in charge] that he did not want and African Americans taking care of his baby."

It adds that, during the conversation with Battle's supervisor, the father rolled up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo of a Swastika.

Battle, an employee at Hurley Medical Center, says she saw a note in the patient's file that read: "No African American nurse to take care of baby."

The court documents say: "She [BATTLE]was shocked, offended and in disbelief that she was so egregiously discriminated against based on her race and re-assigned."

WNEM TV5 reports that a meeting was then held to tell staff about the new policy regarding the baby.

And when Battle, an employee since 1988, returned to work she saw a note in the patient's file that read: "No African American nurse to take care of baby."

The court documents add: "African American nurses [LIKE BATTLE]were not assigned to the baby for approximately the next month because of their race."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/nurse-banned-neborn-care-race-article-1.1265086#ixzz2L617PfGn



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[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23827) 11 years ago

This story was on CNN. We can only hope that some good comes out of this. Good for Tonya Battle. She's a hero. African Americans must never stop fighting for their equality and little babies, like this one, as they grow up, must never think that that kind of behavior is okay.

[-] 2 points by Spring13 (-58) 11 years ago

The father is nothing but a racist piece of trash and a piece of human waste