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Forum Post: Nows the time!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 7:28 a.m. EST by kemahcw (0) from Aldan, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now that we have finally woken up to true economic conscience it's time to change some things. Let's start our own banks, OCCUPY banks that will serve the 99%, let's start our own insurance companies, OCCUPY health insurance that won't break our bank accounts and will cover all of us regardless of preconditions without limits. We can start our own OCCUPY auto and home insurance. These things we can do as long as there is not a end plan for the owners or controllers to get rich but just enough profit to keep the entities running. The possibilities are endless with the 99%, the money we have, the professional's we have, with the power and desire we have. We don't have to take it anymore, the alternatives and opportunities are at hand, lets grab them while we can.



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