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Forum Post: Nowhere

Posted 7 years ago on Jan. 20, 2018, 8:58 a.m. EST by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Crumbling infrastructure, children living in deprivation, hundreds of thousands of homeless and the big fool demands $18 billion in the budget for a border wall that's a 21st Century equivalent of a bridge to nowhere!




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[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago
[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 7 years ago

The Orange 1's threatened shutdown has happened. I'm pretty sure it has. I mean like there was no national news media breaking news announcement interrupting regularly scheduled programming and things are pretty quiet this morning. I guess this news story does not rate as much attention as when Bieber walked off the stage. Yeah - things are pretty fucked-up folks.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

''Donald Trump Talks Government Shutdown, Sep 20 2013'' ...

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Yeah, absolutely, "a fish rots from its head down." A shutdown of the U.S. Government was expected. At the last time it happened, we spent a few billions of taxpayer dollars for what amounted to a very expensive lesson that we didn't learn. Refusing to pay the bills while there is still money to pay is very stupid (but befitting Trumpeninsulia {of Cloacia} perhaps). It cost even more to clean up the mess created, not to mention the loss of credibility, and the creation of ill-will.

"There's a king on a throne with his eyes torn out, There's a blind man looking for a shadow of doubt, There's a rich man sleeping on a golden bed, There's a skeleton choking on a crust of bread..."

Israel built a wall around Gaza City (How many Syrian refugees has Israel taken in since 2011 whilst its neighbors were taking in millions? Why? I think I know - First Amendment right of the "secular Jewish" State of Israel regarding non-Jewish refugees). How do the lessons there apply to the U.S.-Mexico-border wall?

We are a "secular Christian" Trumpanzee country with First Amendment rights for all (including "shithole" countries). We love porn (especially the sexploitation of women and girls) - just ask the NSA ich-übe-Cello folks - in the whole world, they have the greatest stash {iTube, uTube, boobTube, bluTube, lubeTube, rubeTube - Tube, Tube, Tube!}, in U-tar-d, moolah country. "Sorry, No abortion today," - the Holy Spirit has just come to the doctor!

How was the Great Wall of China breached? There was also the "impregnable" Maginot Line. How did the Germans overcome that obstacle to invade and conquer France within six weeks?

Oh, also don't forget the lessons of the Berlin Wall!


Heil Gorbachev!

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2555) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

How was the Great Wall of China breached?

Temüjin bribed the border guards, who opened the gate and let the Great Khan's Hoard through.

How many Border Patrol entrepreneurs can get rich by taking over the Coyotes' businesses? Many may see the wall as a waste of resources and money. However, some bright lights will see only opportunity for themselves that goes far beyond what working Americans might gain from using the $18 billion to fix crumbling infrastructure that would improve all of our lives. But the Capitalist way is to enrich just just a few parasite racketeers!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 7 years ago

How many Border Patrol entrepreneurs can get rich by taking over the Coyotes' businesses? Many may see the wall as a waste of resources and money. However, some bright lights will see only opportunity for themselves that goes far beyond what working Americans might gain from using the $18 billion to fix crumbling infrastructure that we would improve all of our lives, not just the few parasite racketeers!

Yep - shutdown t black market & do illegal immigration transactions through a corporate set-up - isn't that something t private sector (wealthy few ) want? USA military by corporate contract - border guards by corporate contract - prisons by corporate contract - police by corporate contract - health care by corporate contract - and of course the always popular Government by corporate contract!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

For Trumpeninsulia of Cloacia (better than "shitholes" in evading censorship), Government by corporate contract is Not macho enough. What we need is Government by corporate expand, using poo-tin-ium power with a nuclear-power-plant cooling tower to deter the safety of the World through the {elephant-foot-melting-to} America Syndrome. Ooz.