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Forum Post: Now it's Time for legitmate Action to Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 10:56 p.m. EST by zebra100 (0) from Pacifica, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

OWS has now caught fire all over the world and the bankers have said they want to listen, Fine, it's time for us to inscribe the rules (our rules, not theirs) on to the wall and make our so-called sevants (most to me are more like masters) in Washington into law. We need to launch a petition signing by millions of people put all the collected requests and put into law to punish those junks on Wall Street and banks.

Every a few years time, there will be some swindlers on Wall Street invent some new scheme let the American Dream people to jump their hoop and just rob the money from ordinary people and called it investment. They will drive something into unbelievable balloon and before it pops. they already pocketed all your money and bet against you. In recent years, we see those dot com and sub prime mortgage bubbles. So now let's set our rule when they use our money.

First, banks.

We put our money into bank first because we think it's safe. They only give use 1-2% return and we don't care because we believe they put it in safe investment. Say a frient want to borrow money from me, and said will give back 2% annual return, we certainly will check what kind investment he will involve, if he is put into stock market or gamble in the casino, no fool will give him a penny. Now this exactly happen with our money in the bank, and we even don't ask a question. is this strange? Not like before, we think our bank only lend money to legitmate buisinesses and government will guarantee our money. See how rules change now? They put the money into risky hedgefunds, they bought worthless mortgage which they valued at incredible prices without any criteria and sense. Now, we have to let congress make rule that all savings bank who take ordinary people's daily money with low interests, only can invest in legitmate businesses, no wallstreet swindling, no hegde funds, and valuation of any business and property should use strict conventional rules with third party authentic auditing, any value which increase out proportionally--- say more than 10% annualy ( you see how many business and economy can supass that? but the dot com and mortgage bubble doing exact that! and no one question them) should strictly forbidden and more than 95% of the bank investment should be stick to conventional business without risk and novalty.----- that's why we put our money in the bank, otherwise, why we should let them to risk our money? The cruel fact is that now banks risk our money to speculate, and then use bankrupsy to hostage our govenment to use our money again to bail them out. we LOSE AT BOTH ENDS!

Second, cut the craps at Wall Street: Anybody created some vonice investment making false statement and later bet against it will face maxium criminal prosecution. Wall Street supposedly to be a business investment place, now basically it is a true scam swamp. these guys invented a new way to suck people in, puff something out of proportion, swamp all your money then gone themselves without any punishment. or they use supercomputer to scrape your money in super fast way. And the hedge funds. Wall Street is now yet Another huge ponzi swamp.

Third, insurance companies been restricked from any novelty business insurance. Like AGI insured some scheme that Warren Buffe even can't apprehend, their greed became Wall Street scheme to bet againt, and we are the only ones to suffer.

Finally, we need all the inputs to draw to petition for congress, and we will follow to see which bastard congressmen or women dare to protect the Wall Streets vultures and definitely put them public in their states.

I know Public Radio Terry Gross has interviewed several financial reporters and analysts on this crises and we need to contact them for more inputs and I know they had a lot good advices for financial reform but no one listen to them. It's time for the bankers and Wall street to listen now!



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[-] 1 points by bgaluppi (3) 13 years ago

I often wonder why the stock market even exists, it's like a big gambling game for people to make a shitload of money without doing any actual work, and it influences the real economy created by real companies that give real jobs and produce real wealth. Abolish the stock market!!!

[-] 1 points by raifk61yahoocom (1) 13 years ago

Correlation in hedge funds, and speculative investing and the world economy. 20 October 2011

I’m not a high school graduate and I still see the correlation in hedge funds and the world economy. How the high profits of any one in a hedge fund and any other speculative investing is just WRONG. If you are involved in the profit taking you are hurting all of us, in such a way that I see another world war! The cost of living has jumped 50 % in the last 5 years Example 5 years ago I had a tooth pulled 150.00 dollars this year 300.00 2011 WHY??? The price of apples from 1.25 a pound to 1.85 in less than 3 years WHY??? These are just too small examples from what I see in all. So investors now that you have found a way to make large profits, it is time to regulate your selves, just how much money does it take to piss off the world? Your fix in to find out.