Forum Post: Now It's OK To Be Immoral In America? When I Lie I'm Rewarded. When I Tell The Truth I'm Condemned That's Twisted!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 3:51 a.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
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It's not the way I was raised I was raised to be honest, believe in God and to honor the American Flag I said the pledge of allegiance from kindergarten up to 5th grade I was schooled in respecting life liberty and the pursuit of happiness In other words I was taught to be Moral
Now after 53 years of breathing air I am respected ONLY if I am Immoral? HUH? So who should I owe this great gift to? cause it's totally the opposite of what I believed was Right from Wrong
Yep. Unmitigated self-interest has replaced morality for a significant portion of the population, and often those people end up in positions of power. Somehow, sociopathy is now an advantageous trait in our society. Morality needs to make a comeback. Nietzsche and Rand be damned.
Thing is to screw them first before you get screwed It's soo easy too as soon as they open up their pie holes I hear the lies spewing That's the great advantage I have I can see em coming!!!
I'll be 53 in two weeks so you and I grew up in the same world if not the same environment so I can relate. What you describe, as well as other things like lying is okay as is disrespecting elders and authority figures, has been a carefully crafted plan by TPTB to divide the population, making it easier to control. What better way to keep us apart than to brainwash us into being self-centered and distrusting of our neighbors and others? Add to that the age-old ploy of race division and the disintegration of the family unit. Divide and conquer. How devious!
well I'm on to their B.S. and ain't buying it anymore ever hear the saying you can't bullshit a bullshitter? these kids today whom are protesting never knew these tactics that's why they are clueless
The powers that be have been at it for so long it's going to take a while to get our young ones out of their stupor, but it will be worth it.
Good stuff, and good post here. Thank you. It's really heartening to see my parents' generation pushing back on this stuff. We don't have the wisdom to do it on our own. Most of us have never even seen the better world that existed just a few decades ago. Keep trying to help us see, any way you can.
your a very smart person thank-you for being fearless That's what it's gonna take to win I was 18 years old in 1976 living in Chicago at home here's how my life was I wish to share with you movies and parties every weekend with friends neighborhood block parties on weekends sharing friends cars and drinking beer inside!! cops would see us and do nothing picking up chicks who were hitch hiking outdoor evening rock concerts and I saw all the bands from Fleetwood Mac, Boston, Journey, Led Zeppelin, Kansas etc being in high school senior year and working and making great money while living at home taking the buses and subways to the chicago Loop past midnight and no crime riding my 10 speed bicycle to the Lakefront in the summer and cars would give me a whole car length on my side to ride freely everyone on the streets would say Hello to you The list goes on and on and on It really was like Happy Days with the Fonz Too bad you kids will never experience these glory days
Right on. Thanks man. The world pretty much sucks now, for all our shiny technology and toys, there's no hope for the future, no wonder, no adventure, no innocence, no time to just be, and very little goodwill... We've gotta try to be great again, in the big ways and the small.
well I come across robots here they have no emotion or feelings just plain stone cold it's like they're from Planet X Remember the movie Back To The Future 2 when Marty goes back to a skewered time line to 1986 and there are black people living in his house and crime everywhere and he goes on Mr Strickland's front porch and picks up his newspaper to read it and Strickland comes out with a shotgun and he goes to Biff's casino where Greed runs the world? I often compare that scene to the way things are now
Haha, yep - nice. :o)
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I'm with you 100%. I grew up in the “leave it to beaver generation” This is an interesting coincidence in this post, I just turned 53 years old last month. I have learned that what your post recognizes to be true. As to who is to blame, It is my view that it turns out, in this one instance, both Republicans and Democrats are responsible in their own way based on each parties agenda. The republicans bear responsibility for implementing this "greed at all costs/greed is good" agenda, and the Democrats for their "normal is only a setting on your washing machine/ every nasty, fetish, out of the closet" view of morality. They both have played a large role in “dumbing down” our society by pushing our society down this moral slippery slope. The next question to ask is: what choices and decisions will the next generation make without the benefit our generations frame of reference?
Actually, the sad fact is that it's always been ok to be immoral in America.
We pretty much started out as a economically divided country, indenture immigrants were often not voluntary residents, the first settlers in America purchased land from people who in reality had no claim to it.
We had slave labor and an entire economy based upon it.
All the above were immoral, and it changed.
Some changes took time, and others took bloody conflict.
People have always lied, sometimes loud, sometimes silent, sometimes a whisper, always as an attempt to gain an advantage.
Even those who believe themselves to be the most moral among us announce lies.
We, each individual, can only use our own brand of morality, civility and hope it makes enough of a difference.
I am almost 50 and I grew up the same way you did but in today's society morals are gone and lying is acceptable. People that tell the truth are outcasted by peers if you don't play the game.
well if I lie it's to get the money off them first
boycott Wal-Mart
Look at the leaders of our country. If this is what we give our children to look up to, our future is bleak indeed.
Speaking of moralty and it's declining effects on a nations health ...the late David Wilkerson of Cross and the switchblade fame was incredibly accurate in his 1974 book on both the reversal of national and media morality AND the current wave of international disasters sweeping the planet (not to mention the climatic ones) (his church is up in times square)