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Forum Post: Now is the time for a new political party that will represent "We the People" and can not be bought by money, lobbyists or corporations and it shall be call OCCUPY!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 5:08 a.m. EST by FedWallFedWellFedUP (183)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now is the time for a new political party that will represent "We the People" and can not be bought by money, lobbyists or corporations and it shall be call OCCUPY!



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[-] 1 points by MarkDuwe (127) 13 years ago

How about,..'The Revolution' Party.

[-] 1 points by noviolence (8) 13 years ago

my painting is painted it aint the best and it aint perfect but guaranteed to be seen as a beauty im not against occupy im not against what they stand for. im against those who dont really know what they and the system have done to make it this way. the first question should be answered who is connected to the banks. 2th how can we shut down there ways without damaging our society's 3th can we resolve this peacefully without any kind of violence 4th what can we do as humans for each other. 5th do we need to bring down a system that can be adjusted. for the better.

To rule a country is hard to control our race is hard enough. we are sadly violent creatures from nature.. if we feel threatened or anything we will feel the urge to fight or run. and that is our power we can choose what to do. \

and even if i state the obvious why dont we act on the obvious... i have been in amsterdam it was disappointing been in new york disappointing. all i seen and heard was The obvious but i havent seen a single thing done at all. just people that are angry. and that on there own never thought of a solution beyond there actions

all i hope for is the people that started this know the many possibilities this could end into and its more BAD endings than good ones

[-] 1 points by WEPartyMentor (20) 13 years ago

WE are not a politcal party!

The WE party has helped with the debt crisis in Greece, the unification of North and South Korea, the conflicts with Palestine and Israel. WE can help right here in our own back yard!

Okay here it is.... The Super Committee is going to come up with a plan shortly. Now, lets say there are 100 items on the Super Committee's list. As each item on the list is agreed to unanimously by 100% of the democrats and republicans, that one item goes into the WE Party Committee (www.weparty.info). The WE Party only looks at what we do have in common and has nothing to do with what WE don't have in common.

This WE Party Committee is about moving forward with 100% collective consciousness on what we do have in commom and collectively works on ways we can move forward together. The WE Party Mentor is an online volunteer (www.wepartymentor.info) that helps and inspires others online in a variety of ways. The WE Party Mentors (www.wepartymentors.info) often have WE PARTIES (www.weparties.info) to help and inspire others.

In regard to Occupy Wall Street, the WE Party can help here too! Using the same Pass It Forward Philosophy (www.pifphilosophy.info), we can work item for item and one by one create WE Party Committee's to help us move forward.

I welcome your comments.

[-] 1 points by noviolence (8) 13 years ago

dear readers. i agreed give the country back to the people. do we have a plan what we need to do if that would happen? im more concerned for the future of our world than occupy getting the banks to bow down. honestly i just dont see it... they can just buy there army and people than will die.. im waiting for our own created war of ignorance against greed while all who stand there cursing at the cops etc. are trying to enforce there greed to stop the banks. ONLY LAWS will make a bank stop. no more stock market for banks. the banks can no longer give or take loans. banks should only store not exchange currency's to gain more money. these are the ways violence is never a way. cause who uses violence will get it back.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Isn't that what everyone wants when they implement a new political system? You've stated the obvious, now do you have a proposition on how to make this possible?

This reminds me of one of my painter friends who once said - "Ya man, I'm going to make the best painting the world has ever seen!". I then asked him how and if he had started. He just shrugged his shoulders - "I don't know how yet?" After all these years, he still hasn't shown me the painting.