Forum Post: Now a message from Max Keiser:
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:07 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:07 p.m. EST by nickhowdy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This guy is worth listening to...he knows how the system works.
Max has been on the scene for a while...He's one of the best.
Thanks for the post. Obama is full of shit. He's been in the tank for Wall Street from Day One. Make no mistake. Market manipulation has been illegal since the Securities Exchange Act of 1933. The following is a snippet of a conversation of a high-frequency trader at one of the investment banks near Zuccotti Park:
"We are safe. There is no fucking way the regulators are going to admit they allowed nuanced high-frequency algorithmic trading to go on for years and then suddenly decide it is illegal. The public would be outraged and take to the streets, especially after that Madoff fiasco. If they haven't banned flash trading yet, which is out-and-out cheating, why does anyone think the SEC is going to ban our bread-and-butter pump-and-dump, front-running trading strategies? No fucking way. Besides, high-frequency trading is 70% of market volume. If it dries up, the market crashes. That's exactly what the government does not want. We have them by the short hairs. Besides, we kick over a nice piece of our easy profits to fund politicians of both parties. We are fucking golden. We are untouchable. We are too-fucking-big-to-fail. The dirt bags protesting in the streets can smack it their ass."
For Obama:
That HF not safe. I've got a pitchfork and torch for his ass. Revolution Bitchez.
Obama said what the bankers did wasn't necessarily illegal. That kind of outrageous statement from a bullshit president empowers and emboldens Wall Street banksters and their punk traders. Yet, #OWS refuses to show up in massive numbers on the front lawn of the White House, where the Wall Street Enabler-in-Chief currently resides. Something doesn't compute.
They will..They'll should notice already the difference between what he says and actually does and will see Obama as the "Manchurian Candidate President From Hell" for what he is...
Check out the new Max Keiser...I just posted..E203..The Pope is in on the Financial Terrorism!
Hey Nickhowdy,
Great idea posting Max's videos here:
Obama : “ On the issues of prosecutions on Wall Street. One of the biggest problems about the collapse of Lehmans, the financial crisis, and the whole subprime lending fiasco is a lot of that stuff wasn’t necessarily illegal it was immoral inappropriate or reckless”
He said that just last week. Fradulent lending, fraudulent resecuritzation is legal to Obama. Absolutely un-freakin-beleiveable.
Keiser called him on it big time. Max is great. He should be the economist emeritus for OWS Everyone in this movement should watch his videos. They will get a quick course in the workings of Wall Street and how these criminals work. Few know better than him: he was a Wall Street Trader himself.
Hell I thnk the guy deserves the Nobel for the work he has done as the peoples economist reporting on the global financial catastrophe that we are experiencing today and revealing the inside workings of the criminal operations on Wall Street. He also has some excellent suggestions for solutions.
Yep..max is the man I'll try to keep posting..
guillotine party, bitchez