Forum Post: [NOTICE] There are two things that I believe OWS needs to do!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 8:08 p.m. EST by poorexiles
from Bellingham, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Fox News understands that if they are able to paint the OWS as a Liberal only uprising, that the movement will lose followers and momentum. Fox News is doing everything they can to demonize the OWS. The OWS cannot be seen by the world as a liberal only movement, there are too many Conservatives that will jump on board the bandwagon to destroy the movement, if they believe this to be true. There are two things that I believe OWS needs to do to prevent the degradation of the movement. First OWS needs to deal with FOX News, Second, they need to reach out to known Tea party leaders in communities and find a common ground that can be promoted, Make it clear that All voices are being heard, not just the Liberal ones.
The thing that really makes me mad is that people actually think that liberal or conservative actually mean anything at all. Those two words have such loaded meanings and can morph to take on all sorts of views, so I would just rather people stop using them.
That's a great idea to reach out to the Tea Party, together with a clear message and agenda the people might just be able to affect the changes we need.
What in the world is liberal about OWS? It's initiators are strongly influenced by anarchist thought and would undoubtedly tend to characterize themselves as radicals rather than liberals. The only political document to come out of OWS is the Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. It would be hard to characterize that radical document as liberal even with the most superficial reading. Of course Fox News is no different than MSNBC in that regard. Neither of them can even imagine anything outside the continuum of Republican to Democratic Party politics, so anything outside that continuum is literally unintelligible and perhaps even invisible to them. Of course the vast majority of OWS supporters probably are liberals but they are not its driving force.