Forum Post: NOTICE: Idiot banker publicly lists the "dangers" of OWS!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This was just cut and pasted from a members-only financial forum.
If we can't actually do some of these - when the BANKERS THEMSELVES are telling us where the PRESSURE POINTS ARE, i quit OWS, and leave it to yourselves to march around ineffectively.
1)Stop paying all student loans (or credit card debt, etc.), all together, beginning on a common date. Then, use the web to report those who ARE paying their debt, so that the rest of the community can encourage them not to pay their debt, as this would better serve the whole.
Legal commentators have suggested very low thresholds of non-payment to swamp the courts. Before the internet, there was no tool for those in debt to "gather" in this way - and then actively discourage members of their group from "collaborating" with financial lenders.
2)Disruption of the police from within. Protesters have actually been following police, calmly asking them to "switch sides", or worse yet, providing methods to leak police documents.
3)Calls for a new Constitutional Convention (currently planned for Philadelphia on July 4, 2012), or other calls for an alternate seat of government, which, of course, will exist "for just a little while."
4)Anonymous, and other hacker groups, have now joined the fray on the side of OWS. Anonymous claims internal docs for the Koch brothers and News Corp., among others.
4.5)Leaked documents held for release until worst moment possible for a vulnerable company.
5)Taking deposits out of targeted banks. Using method given in "1" above, whereby those who DO continue to use the bank are targeted on the internet.
6)Protestors using option to clog the legal system assisted by the National Lawyers Guild. While the "clog" method is used now for civil disobedience cases, it could migrate to the financial sphere.
7)The protesters own this conversation on the internet. The U.S. government hasn't countered on the internet, where the real plotting is taking place.
6) Protestors using option to clog the legal system.
This will never work;
(a) it is unethical, and the judiciary is the most important instrument of a strong democracy (not to mention one of the most important democratic institutions, the jury system);
(b) they will bring in retired judges; and
(c) courthouses will "spring up" in offices, factories, etc. with retired judges, independent contractor attorneys (so many unemployed), etc.
Your 6(a).
I'm glad our forefathers did not regard their revolution as "unethical". If they did, right now I'd be the "SUBJECT" of an English Queen who I know nothing about, and who never obtained "the consent of the governed".
Who is clogging the legal system? Seems the authorities arresting on crap charges are, to me.
1) Stop Paying All Student Loans
Aren't we already doing this because:
(a) we are un/underemployed, and
(b) the interest and principal payments are so high that we cannot pay?
The guy in the post (I'm assuming it's a guy) states the "danger" is in both not paying AND actually getting a sort of alliance of non-payers who isolate fewer and fewer payers who DO pay, using the internet.
Not many systems can withstand this kind of assault.
A system of (a) fake money and (b) guarantees from the government can withstand it.
Everyone was bailed out in the mortgage crisis BUT the homeowner; they will bailout all the banks but not the debtors.
The title of this banker's thread was "The dangers of Occupy Wall Street (OWS).
He lists 7 points. All are seen as so EFFECTIVE, that he lists them as DANGEROUS!
Go ahead. Keep listing "demands" that they will bury within THEIR system!
They are SNORING about your demands!!
Ayers, George Soros and other Obama puppet masters have spoken.
I think this is almost a leak!
Slight of hand. BS. Bankers care less these loans are FEDERALLY guarnanteed.
I agree. I don't know why he (or she), mentions student loans. But, credit cards are also mentioned.
When are you guys going to wake up and smell your own bs. You can't capsize the big banks, you just don't have the numbers. Anon can create some chaos for them, but even they couldn't crash the whole thing. And when you do attack the banks, guess what: that's domestic terrorism. That's right, the T word. Once this jumps the threshhold from hippies in parks to Terrorism, the playbook for government response changes radically. It's no longer cots and bologna at the local clink. It's bag on head flight to Guantanamo. Let one major company have a payroll disruption from your antics and justice will be quick, and painful.
Be more careful with your propaganda. You screw up paychecks for those of us that do work, and the cops will be the least of your worries.