Forum Post: Nothing on the front page about the violent crackdown in Oakland?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 7 a.m. EST by duranta
from New Orleans, LA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It's strange that nothing has been posted on the front page of the violent crackdown in Oakland. Obama was just a few miles away in San Fran for a fund raiser, and not a peep from this president. The movement must address this violence strongly, and with great passion with actions and words. We must show even greater numbers in protests in the coming weeks. If we can't occupy outdoors, occupy indoors where planning and strategy assemblies can take place. Actions must continue though.
The movement should consider that winter is approaching and it will be difficult to continue in some cities outdoors. In addition, it is apparent that both parties have decided that they've heard enough about how they're sold out to the corporations, and these crackdowns of outdoor encampments will continue. It is most important that folks "occupy their mind" if not the outdoor public space. The movement should consider that violent repression is but a set back, and regroup. The violent action though must be denounced, and it must be pointed out that officials from both major parties participated in it.