Forum Post: not that optimistic
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 6:58 a.m. EST by antoine00
from Marseille, PACA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
hi, i'm very lucky, since 4 yrs i've got a job i deeply love, i'm being paid very well, working very few.
Waiting to see that luck turn and lose it all.
But i would do my job with great pleasure without being paid if i didn't need money to live, isn't it absurd that we do it all for money ? knowing that 90% of today's jobs could be done by machines (basically the less blossoming ones). People wouldn't stay at home doing nothing if they didn't have to work for money, they would do things, things they like, things usefull for eachother.
This doesn't really go anywhere, it is just a thought.
I'm worrying about what could be the next step, make it all fall ? to rebuild mostly the same thing ? As long as there will be money and such a system, corruption, selfishness and others will remain, we all know it
The problem is there is an abundance of work that could be done, but it's not "economically viable" with a heavily corrupted monetary system. The problem on the other hand is that to abolish currency, trade would cease. It's a very double edged sword either way.
I wonder what would happen, and I think that at the end of the day, seeing how everyone at OWS has helped clean, cook, and just generally be in solidarity with cohesion gives hope to possibly opening a system where we could work towards progress, as opposed to profit.
Who knows if it's my place to speculate though.
Sort of in the same position as you Antoine. And wonder about many of those same issues. Will we just recreate this all again? Is this what so-called lost societies might have fallen to? We seem to make the same mistakes over and over.. Is another way of being possible? And would enough people agree about how to embark on creating that kind of world to make it come about..