Forum Post: Not Going Far Enough
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 8:43 p.m. EST by TaxGuru
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tired of giving money away to Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Egypt and the list goes on every year billions. In case, that have not heard we are having problem in this country and it is time to take care of ourselves first and get out nose out of everyone elses business. The number of children going hungry at night is growing yet we can send money abroad to rebuild other countries. If you want to donate write a check no more government spending us into debt.
Tired of the lying, cheating and stealing go on in Washington.
Tired of the constant want for more by corporations who are constantly taking more. Great way to stimulate the economy take more money out of circulation so there is that much less spent at the grocery store, who goes to the trucker, who go to the farmer, who goes to the seed company.
Tired of paying for the health insurance of the Washington crowd and government employees. I can not afford my own yet I am paying for theirs. They have theirs and screw you.
I have worked with lawyers and I am tired of the equal justice bullshit. Just depends on who you are. Clinton, Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr. Obama all have violated the law and none have spent a day in jail like the rest of us would have for the crimes they committed.
I am an accountant and the Republicans claim that if you tax the rich they will not invest and create new jobs. Bull they will continue to invest as long as there is a rate of return to be made. And finally, the rich claim I pay 40% in taxes again bull they pay 40% on 5% of their income. This equates to 2%. and those that are unable to take advantage of the tax loopholes pay minimum 10% on everything they earn.
I am just tired and the movement is not going far enough.
As far as the police go maybe what we need to do is show up with baseball bats and when they start the problem we beat the hell out of the them because they were using night sticks and we have a right to protect ourselves. Then when they shot someone we need to come back with guns let them shot first and kill them all in self defense when we are in fear for our lives. I am not advocating violence just the right to peacefully demonstrate.
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