Forum Post: Not class warfare! It's about a broken systen and corruption
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 8:01 p.m. EST by drfranklin3
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I want to point out that calling this a class war is detrimental. This isn't about class as much as about corruption. Watch the documentary called "inside Job" Matt Damon narates it. It's very clear about Washington being owned by Goldman Saks! Even Obmam. Both parties are in it up to their necks. If they call this a class war it puts down the people who are participating. We're with you. We may be losing our home and we're a middle class white family! Don't let them get by with putting this on racial issues or anything else. The bankers will never see prison or a trial. They have so much money they'll lawyer up and it will cost more billions and years to jput them in jail but regulations need to be put in place or (as most economists are saying) it will happen again. This is an American Problem that impacted the whole world. Don't let Caine and his type diminish what you're trying to do!!! The banks spent6 billion to lobby Congress! Who pocketed the money and turned on us!!!
pps. It's saddening that that you just don't grasp the import of class struggle. We need to fight Goldman-Sachs, which moves the markets around as their plaything-- making money no matter which way it moves. (And B.O. putting them on his staff, no less.) This IS class struggle. You surely haven't read Marx & Engels, but sure have been conditioned by the vile Cold War propaganda machine which eerily still holds sway.
The abuse of this phrase has torqued me off for years. Finally a picture of this written on a protest sign has made it regularly onto the front page of, meaning folks are catching on I suppose. Increasing classconscious absolutely has to be our goal. The U$A is alone as a place where everyone sees themselves as "middle class". If youre going broke, youre working class or downright impoverished! Get past the MSM whitewash mindlessness (switch off NPR, and absolutely stop paying for television!!!)
My addendum to my response to someone asking for leftist critiques of the Fed is germane here:
[direct answer to calling for ending The Fed, a la Ron Paul] Yeah, ending it full-stop, all of a sudden, is obviously unrealistic. But getting mass awareness as to wtf has been going on, needs to be our objective. Analyzing the MSM, they seem (especially the abhorrent National Petroleum Radio along with CNN) want to poo-poo us utterly based on the lack of a "coherent" message. What they want is a bumpersticker, when the issues are many and complex. But if we must pick a sign to mass-produce, I nominate the one which Alternet wisely ran the photo of repeatedly recently, of a slogan I heard years ago and have utterly loved: "THEY ONLY CALL IT CLASS WAR WHEN WE FIGHT BACK!"
And now, a couple Left Minds Who Argue Against The Fed which I posted about before (please see that post if you haven't.) ..
MATT TAIBBI -- Rolling Stone should be as prominent as Us! and People and such ubiquitous nonsense which exclusively populates grocerystore checkout stands (especially in the fly-over states!) .. DEMAND THAT YOUR SUPERMARKET QUIT THIS MIND-NUMBING PRACTICE!
Richard Wolff -- tells it like it is, as featured this morning:
Webster Tarpley -- a mixed bag at times (insanely bashes environmentalists, for example) but has some important angles as an "economic historian" .. download his latest appearances (audio is plenty as always) on
Edward S. Herman -- the Chomsky co-author from back when, writes for .. other zines to not neglect:
Catherine Austin-Fitts -- ex-GHWB Housing bureaucratic exec, now whistleblower, pushes sustainability lifestyle and returning to your local support community for pending catastrophic times.. has been appearing regularly on KPFA's for years.
And I'm surely forgetting others. Check back, as my encumbered and indigent life might soon provide another opportunity to get online.. hopefully....
-- "The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill." -- Benito Mussolini
Obamas' 2012 Re-election Finance Director is the son of BANK OF AMERICAS former CEO Charles K. Gifford.... the guy who got us in this mess!!! Keeping it all in the Family
Matt Damon is obamas poster boy why trust anything he has anything to do with.