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Forum Post: Not ALL Christian Americans are right-wing hypocrites and bigots; in fact, some are just the opposite.

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 13, 2012, 11:17 p.m. EST by TIOUAISE (2526)
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Exactly 3 months ago today, an 18-year old student penned a remarkable letter to members of this forum and I want to pay homage to this young man by reposting it.

Thank you again, Douglas!

"Dear Everyone,

I am 18 years. I grew up in a middle-class family with middle-class values (hard work, family, love, community, and faith). As I have matured, I have become aware of the grave injustices of the world. I write this letter to all of you as a Christian, but also as an American, as a neighbor, as a fellow human being. I attend a Christian university outside of Philadelphia. While I have been at this school I have found that there are many Christians who agree with me that the Christian Right has turned the message of Christ into a message of hate and judgmentalism. They have used Christ's message to support war, violence, and oppression. I apologize to all of those who have been affected by the evil that Christians have done in the past, what they do now, and what they will do in the future. At the school I attend, I have found another strand of Christianity, one that reminds many of the early Christian church shortly after the death of Jesus. The Christians I have found at this school are deeply concerned about social justice, non-violence, love, forgiveness, kindness, and serving others. We believe, along with Christ, in the dignity and worth of each human being. That God created us to do good, to love, and to serve, NOT to make a profit, to bask in egoism, or to hope for the disadvantage of others, as our capitalist system demands. Christ's message is love. I joined this movement because everyone deserves to feel as if they are valued. Our current social, economic, and political system has alienated many good people who deserve better. I also want a better future for myself as well as my neighbors, and a better future for my children. I encourage all Christians and all people everywhere to stand up to the corporate greed, the violence, the injustice, war, and oppression. I hope that together, all of us, of all faiths, and all of those who love democracy, will stand up in solidarity to create a more peaceful and just world. My English teacher once told me that we all have a choice in what kind of society we live in. Let's all make a choice of real democracy!"



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[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

Thanks Tiouaise, and Douglas. Excellent post. Even Billy Graham saw the problems with the Christian Right- he said "I don't want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it." ( Parade, 1981). Christians have not only been brainwashed in their willingness to buy into simplistic answers; they have been taught not to think for themselves anymore. They have compromised not only their own beliefs but their childrens' futures. My plea for Christians is don't settle for lies anymore, create better choices that are more in line with the whole gospel.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


I never was a fan of Graham, I thought he hung around the White House far too much... but I have to applaud those words: "The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it." SO TRUE...

[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

Yea, that quote knocked me over too. I found it on the website of "The Christian left." I've already posted their website a few times on here and didn't want to keep posting it but I really like them and Sojourners too.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I've heard excellent things about Sojourners as well.

I'd love to hear the Christian Left "MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE" that would contribute to the Great Awakening of our nation!!! Do you think they will rise up to the challenge?

One of the reasons I made this post is that far too many progressives seem to take it for granted that RELIGION = OPPRESSION.

While that is indeed often the case with organized religion, TRUE SPIRITUALITY is a powerful force for liberation. See M L King's Civil Rights Struggle, Lech Walesa's Solidarnosc (Solidarity), Aung San Suu Kyi and the Buddhist monks in Myanmar, etc, etc.

I myself have become so disenchanted with Christianity that I no longer call myself a "Christian". I call myself a "Christic" instead, i.e. one who aspires to walk and dance and sing with Jesus.

[-] 1 points by MaryS (529) 13 years ago

Yes. I have listened to MLK's speeches and they still give me chills no matter how many times I hear them. I will have to check out these others you mentioned.