Forum Post: Non Substantive Changes to the 99% Declaration Have been made
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 4:50 a.m. EST by publicus1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
see changes at and send in you ideas and suggestions
it is a list of grievances that has not been addressed by the present government
as so we find the current government unresponsive
so set up to build a government that will respond to the will to the people
A start toward a clearly defined vision and achievable goals. If this movement does not develop such, it will miss one of those rare windows of opportunity when the corporate power structure is vulnerable. Direct Democracy might work in a park with 1,000 people but let's get real folks, utopian dreams may help you sleep at night but they will not effect meaningful change in a complex global society where the People need help NOW! Please support the goals of this working group.
tempus neminem manet!